The Most Disgraceful Thing You've Ever Seen (Especially in Public)

Years ago I was driving in the rain, and I saw a flag flying on top of a three- or four story building. It was bad enough that the flag was flying in the rain, but this flag was old and worn, and some of the torn part was wrapped around the halyard (cord). I was disgusted. I should have gone into that building and told them about it.
Any of you ever see anything disgraceful or insulting like that? :frowning:

I witnessed a grandmother slap a 2 year old hard in the face several times in a Wal-mart. Attempted to intervene and called authorities, but she ran out of the store with the child before anyone got there. I was able to give the tag number and a description of the car.

How exactly is the OP disgraceful? Can you elaborate?

Not to minimize, but if mis-use of a flag is the most disgraceful thing you have seen, I wish I lived in your happy world. I have seen people cheat each-other, lie, be unfaithful, shout at strangers, put people down and make others look bad to further their own image … probably the cheating was the most disgraceful (on a fiancee).

How about all the birthers and the miscellaneous other new breeds of disrespect for the Presidency and the President?

You’re not supposed to fly a US flag in the rain or after dark (unless you can shine a light on it). It’s also supposed to be destroyed when it’s no longer in good repair.

OP, I’d have said something, but be prepared for some eye-rolling or puzzled looks. I think the Scouts are the only non-military groups teaching this stuff any more. And while it’s annoying, I wouldn’t say it’s the most disgraceful thing I’ve seen.

I witnessed the reelection of Richard Nixon.

A guy driving around town with a caged wolf in the back of his truck. Gigantic sign: WOLF FOR STUD. :frowning:

As a former Girlscout, I’m familiar with the tradition, I’m just confused as to how a weathered, unattended piece of cloth is the most disgraceful thing ever seen. I’d like to better understand the OP’s experience and perspective.

“except when an all weather flag is displayed”

While bagging my purchases at a grocery store, I saw a man loudly ridicule a woman in front of her children for using food stamps while several of his pals looked on and laughed. An employee came over and told them to be quiet. I wish he’d thrown them out instead. :frowning:

I’ve witnessed people who get worked up about ratty flags flying in the rain.

Amazing how people can get so worked up about a piece of cloth. Astonishing. Utterly astonishing.

Yeah, and even if it was “years ago,” it seems to still sting like it just happened.

As far as things I’ve seen, I think the “Impeach Obama” signs with the Hitler mustache are pretty bad.

Also, I saw a KKK gathering once, that was bothersome.

I have to be honest, the flag thing pisses me off too. Near here there are two car dealerships with obscenely huge flags. And you just know they fly them for the brownie points they get with a certain crowd. But they never, ever take them down in the rain or the dark, and the flags look like shit now (but are still flying!). And its like, if you’re going to fly the damn thing and show off what a patriotic business you are, learn the fucking rules and fly your flag respectfully.

It’s hardly the most disgraceful thing I’ve ever seen, but it does irritate me.

The last physical altercation in which I was involved was a similar incident. There was a man hitting a child, who looked to be about four or five, for crying.

I told the guy he ought to pick on someone his own size. Naturally, he chose me. It ended badly for him, as I was not a five year old child…

I’m coming up with entries that match badass and crazy and wild but not disgraceful really.

I notice tattered flags, too, especially at businesses. If you’re going to fly one, put some effort into doing it right. I saw a display once where they had appropriatly lowered the US flag (don’t remember the occasion), but left the state and corporate flags flying high. ugh.

As for the most disgraceful thing I’ve witnessed, I got nuthin - it’s not the sort of thought I hang on to.

Yes, that, and both elections of Bush Jr. – especially the first, with all the sh|t that went down in Florid land, and the Supreme Twerps getting involved.

And this: All the supermarkets around here sell hot baked chickens. One evening several years ago, literally the day before Thanksgiving, I went to one such store (one of the more expensive ones) just before closing time. A clerk was taking all the left over hot chickens out of the display case and putting them into a shopping cart. There were about a dozen or so of them.

I asked here what they did with the left over hot chickens. She said they get thrown out into the dumpster. And here, we have our share of homeless people in this town begging on the streets, and they’re throwing a dozen baked chickens out – the night before Thanksgiving.

Unspecified instances of people being cruel to very small children. I don’t think I’ve witnessed a toddler being struck in public, but I’ve heard plenty of things said to them that hurt just as much.

It gets worse, if they don’t have a locked dumpster unit or compactor they often make employees throw bleach or ammonia on the food before disposal to make it unfit for consumption.