The movie "Dogma"/Foretelling future Continued

Obviously, Divemaster, if you had a better understanding of the goals advanced by Political Correctness, you wouldn’t feel so hostile towards the environmentally-aware and other forward-thinkers. Why don’t you give that some thought?

Okay, just kidding. Put down the baseball bat. :slight_smile:

No, I wouldn’t be outraged. I’d think he was suffering from insomnia, and needed something to put him to sleep. JFTR, Mein Kampf is one of the most pestiferously boring tomes I have ever read. Hitler’s writing style was muddled, to put it mildly—it’s one of those books where you have to translate it onto a legal pad as you go, to find out what’s being presented. Dull, dull, dull. He did lay out in full detail what he planned to do with Europe’s Jews, however—and of course, nobody took him seriously. Until after he’d already done it.
Now, if you want to read Nazi propaganda that’s slightly more entertaining, try The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred Rosenberg. It’s a bit better than Mein Kampf, but not by much.

The Communist Manifesto and The Words and Thoughts of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung are both pretty dry, too. You’d be better off to read old Erskine Caldwell novels.

Fine, Spoons. All Christians are lunatics and they should all die.

Fuck you, asshole.

I used “Mein Kampf” merely as an example of something most people would be quite prepared to condemn, even though virtually no one has read it. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the book itself is dreck, and a crashing bore at that. BEing monumentally evil doesn’t necessarily make one talented or interesting.

Along the same lines, every so often, some record company (usually an obscure label out to score some free publicity) will release some of CHarles Manson’s old recordings (you may recall, he was an aspiring rock musician before he became a guru). And I knew a guy in high school who obtained a bootleg copy, and put it on the cafeteria stereo, thinking he’d shock us all! Presumably, he was expecting heavy metal odes to Lucifer or something. You should have seen the crestfallen look on his face when he heard a bunch of LAME, wimpy, wussy, folkie love songs.

I’m sorry, this is way off thread, but I just had to share the concept of an alternate universe where Charlie Manson is a standard on easy listening stations!

:::trying to stop chuckling before my co-workers wonder what’s wrong with me::::

So Has any group ever succeeded in getting something stopped because they protested it?

I would wager that the majority of your (and everyone elses’) opinions are based on second hand knowledge. Do you have an opinion on the Holocaust? Most people do. Were you personally persecuted by Nazis during WWII in Europe? Most people who condemn it were not. The crux of the issue is the source of information for your second hand knowledge. The Holocaust is well documented by many reliable sources, including first hand accounts from both sides. There is also “documentation” that says the Holocaust never took place. Some people believe that.

The point is that one’s first hand knowledge is miniscule compared to the amount of knowledge available. To base an opinion on only what one knows first hand makes for a very narrow minded person.

I agree that only using first hand knowledge can be narrow minded. But condeming something that you CAN have first hand, un-biased knowledge of (e.g. seeing Dogma in a theater), without doing so is not good in my opinion. Very sheep-like in fact.

As long as my bottle opener is Y2K compliant, I’ll be okay.

Thanks for the clarifications, Polecat. I’d guess that we’re in pretty close agreement. I don’t think I get as outraged as others when I hear about protests such as this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think the people are probably doing more harm to their cause than good.


POLECAT – You say sheep-like as if it’s a bad thing. And, yes, I think most of us who post to this Board would agree that it is. But if your mind-set was that you didn’t want to expose yourself (or anyone) to something “evil,” and that the word of someone you absolutely trusted and admired (like your fundie minister) was that a certain film/CD/book/whatever was evil, then you wouldn’t think it necessary to review it yourself. To them, I imagine it’s like someone saying “that stove is hot; don’t touch it!” They see no need to then go touch it and check if it really is hot; they see nothing wrong with taking a leader’s word that it is.

Again, it goes back to the value you place on making up your own mind. I don’t think these people place a terribly high value on that.

jodih, additionally, they want to make up OUR minds about things. These “protesters” wanted this movied completely destroyed. Burned. Never ever released. Locked in a box and shot into outer space. They didn’t even want us to have the ability to decide for ourselves whether or not we agree or disagree, like or dislike, see or don’t see this movie.

That is why these kind of people scare me, and yes, threaten me.

Satan said:

Cool it or take it to the Pit. Now.

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

Orangecakes asked:

Yup. Just recently, an Arab group protested against a Disney exhibit that was going to apparently show Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Disney now says the exhibit will not mention the capital at all.

Oh, and there have also been protests by creationists in the Bible Belt against zoos that have evolution-related material posted. I can’t recall specifics, but I know at least one or two zoos backed down and reworded exhibits so as not to offend these folks.

Oh, heck, I wish I could remember more than one thing at a time. Speaking of Arabs and Disney, I believe Arabs protested about a line in the original Aladdin cartoon movie, something in a song about if you offend an Arab, he’ll cut off your ear. So Disney changed the line when they released it to video.

David,so what did the zoos use as a representative of the last form of evolution,a guy sitting in a chair watching a football game? :wink:

I suppose they also didn’t show the exhibit Beastiality in ancient times".

No, orangecakes, the trend reversed. The figure to the right of the upright Cro-Magnon was a stooped-over individual carrying a heavy Bible. The next one was Jesse Helms. I’ve put out of my mind what followed; it was too horrible! :wink:

Actually, IIRC, the second part of your statement is propaganda/misinformation from the creation science crowd; the zoo didn’t change a thing. I’ll see if I can find a relevant link.

“I love God! He’s so deliciously evil!” - Stewie Griffin, Family Guy

Getting back to the OP…

Some Christians seem to forget that one of the tenets of Christianity is that people are supposed to strengthen themselves spiritually to RESIST temptation, not AVOID it. If they see this “evil” film, they’re thinking, they will be tempted to abandon their beliefs. If a secular humanist sees it, they think, said humanist will continue to hold to his/her beliefs and be lost. IMO, if you change your beliefs because you saw a movie–ANY movie-- then your faith wasn’t very strong in the first place.

You want to know why it’s so hard to change a Christian’s mind? Because they think they’re helping you when they’re trying to change yours. It’s like trying to tell a doctor not to save a patient’s life.

Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to relive it. Georges Santayana