The Mysterious Box by the Side of The Road®

…this is like watching “Citizen Kane” or “Soylent Green” for the first time, and having someone turn off the film before the last five minutes.

Oh, by the way gang, those “infomercial” things you did are hilarious. :smiley:

So the box was there for over a year, and now that you’re going to look insiude for us, it’s gone? Weird.

I’ve a small confession to make. I left it there. I couldn’t help myself. It was a part of becoming. The more I drove by it and didn’t go back to pick it up, the more I became.

It’s a growth process. Once I realized that MagicalSilverKeyhad spied it, I had to do some fast thinking. Was I willing to risk being discovered, when I was so TERRIBLY close to completing my mission? Could I risk the safety and welfare of the other Boxers?

I’d really no choice but to go and remove the box, and place it in a more obscure location. I’m sorry to have piqued your curiosity. As for what it held, I’ll be glad to share that now, now that the Change has been completed, and I am Become.

If you want to know what was in the Box, just rent the movie Pulp Fiction. It fits quite nicely into a briefcase too.



Which one of you guys took it.

Come on now own up.

My bad. I left it there last year and just plum forgot where I set it! Open this thread and figure out it was in Indiana all this time! Thanks you guys!

I just wanna know how you make that R-in-a-circle symbol.

i.e. hold the Alt key and type 0174

Look for “Character Map” It’s usually in Start/Programs/Accessories in windows. All sorts of symbols there.


Damn it, it was probably somthing really cool. But that chance is gone thanks to your dilly-dallying! Someone else has the treasure now, and unless it was a road crew cleaning up junk, it had to be cool, or else why would someone have taken it?

But it is gone now.

Hang your head in shame!

Well, **The Mysterious Box by the Side of The Road Jr.® ** might still be around. There is different road I frequent, which had a Nike shoe box on the shoulder for a long time. I saw it about two weeks ago. Jr. has been around almost as long as “daddy” was. Junior is quite a drive, though, about 8 miles. “Dad” was only about a half mile from my home.

So go and see what’s in the other box now, before it’s gone! You’re killing us here, you know… :smiley:

For an update on TMBBTSOTR, look here

Tell me! Tell me! For the love of God, TELL ME WHAT’S IN THE BOX!!!