The Name of the Place

There’s a million places with my home town’s same name because the founding farmers were sooooo creative. Now there’s no other place in the world with the same name of the place as I work, because it’s a stupid stupid made up name.

Steel cut oatmeal is best eaten with brown sugar and real butter and a little heavy cream. Plus maybe a bit of cinnamon too. Yumm.

Tonight for dinner I had chili, as well, but it was a bit on the blicky side. 98% fat free, half the calories. Half the flavor too, it seems, since it was all sissified with no bite at all.

LifeOnWry, why are you stripping wallpaper? Get thee down to your local high school or JC and see if there aren’t some kids (check clubs that are fundraising or shop teachers who might know dependable students) who’ll do it for a song. This is what I do when I need heavy stuff carted about and the like. 'Course you’re probably mostly finished by now…

Swampy, did you hear about the ginormous pig somebody vaguely near you but probably not, came upon whilst hunting? I just saw it on the news this morning and thought it might have been mentioned in your neck of the woods. It weighed something like 700 pounds!

Which reminds me, guess who weighs six pounds less than she did three weeks ago?

Well, it’s 10:37 p.m and I’m still up because the teenager has a buttload of homework. She is working on her 9th grade project, which is like a senior project, only for 9th graders.

I got Office reinstalled and she went to work on her outline and was having difficulty because the “auto” formatting doesn’t always work correctly and then you have to fart around with it for awhile. Sigh…

Next she has to do her rough draft and her bibiliography. I think she should be able to handle that on her own though.

All this talk about oatmeal and cream and butter and given me an inexplicable craving for it. Unfortunately, I don’t have any heavy cream in the house. I do have raisins though. I have golden raisins, regular raisins, and craisins too. Hmm, I think I’ll buy some cream on the way home tomorrow.

I stopped at Costco after work today. I spent too much money there again, but I haven’t been in awhile, so it’s all good. Besides, I needed to buy the teenager a new hairdryer. She turned hers on this morning and it started smoking and stinking. Ah, can’t complain, I’ve had it 10 years now. It was my little travel dryer. I bought her a “regular” sized one and I’ll buy a new travel hair dryer.

d-gene If you think they have a funny way of pronouncing stuff your way; try my neck of the woods. We have all kinds of funny sounding names around here. Puyallup, Stillaguamish, Nisqually, Humptulips, Skykomish, Snohomish, Dosewalips, and the list goes on.

I need to go to bed; I had a difficult time getting up this morning and was planning on getting to bed earlier tonight.

I’m taking myself a nice three-day weekend this weekend though. I put in for leave and the acting chief approved it. Woohoo! I’m sure I’ll accomplish absolutely nothing productive with this lovely boon, but I plan to enjoy it all the same. Oh, wait…the hubby wants to paint. :rolleyes: He said it will be fun. :dubious: Painting is NOT fun. I hate the cutting in and cleaning up part. That’s most time consuming part of it. Plus taping. I have to tape, my hands start getting too shaky and then I get ‘oopsies’ where I shouldn’t which just adds to the clean-up and means I have to make sure I always have “OOOPS” on hand. Yes, I know you’re supposed to wipe up the “oopsies” instantly, when they occur, but sometimes I don’t realize I’ve oopsied until it’s too late and then I don’t say “oopsie”. Can you all tell I just LURVE painting? I like the end result, I just hate doing it. We NEED to paint. Contractor grade paint does not seem very durable, nor does it clean-up very easily and is BOOOORRRING. Oh, I’ll have to get TSP too. Ugh, clean the walls and THEN paint. I lead such an exciting life.

I’m sleepy, I need to go to sleep now.

Crystal Meth and linguini. What’s not to like, so of course they drove all the way from Kennesaw for it. :smiley:

<snerk> IN BED! <snerk>

I know all about Hogzilla. It’s a big thing <snerk> around Alapaha, GA. Alapaha. I love that name. There’s a town near it called Enigma. There’s also Axom. <snerk> If you’re driving through here and you want to know where you are, just stop somebody and Axom! <snerk>

<snerk> beckwall said “cumin” <snerk>

-swampbear (making up for not gettin’ to <snerk> last week)

dangergene just wanted to let you know that if you Google Cocolo, you get absolutely zero safe for work pages. Just wanted to let you know about that, in case you were interested. Luckily, I don’t have a fascist for an IT supervisor here at work.

Virginia has got a lot of unique-sounding place names. I’m fairly positive that there are no other Virginia Beaches in the world.

And I make one off-hand remark about axe murderers and serial killers last week, and it carries over into this week’s MMP. What’s next, more flossing tales?

Since I’m all for education and fighting ignorance and all that stuff, I think it’s only fair that everyone learn about Hogzilla the ginormous pig Ashes[sup]2[/sup] was asking me about.

Oh, and we now have 119 boats registered for the Bass tournament. I felt sure everyone would want to know that.

I made chili on Saturday. It was chilly, so chili was a good idea. I put corn in my chili but not noodles. Crusty bread was also munched on. Nothin’ is better than homemade chili with crusty bread to dip into it. Mmmmmmmmm.

I’ve been eating oatmeal for breakfast for about three years now. Well, I alternate it with a couple of different organic oat cold cereals cause oatmeal every day gets boring. I only put Splenda and a 1/4 cup of lowfat milk in mine. I wish Splenda would figure out how to make a brown sugar. Then the oatmeal would be healthy AND taste good, too.

Milo and Yoo Hoo sounds like a swimming pool game. You know… Milo! Yoo Hoo! Milo! Yoo Hoo! [insert screwball smilie here]

A hunnert an nineteen bass boats onna lake
A hunnert nineteen boats onna lake
Iffen one o them bass boats happens to sink
Ats a hunnert eighteen bass boats onna lake




Tuppy I think I’ll walk around singing that all day Saturday. They’ll love it.

I think I’ve OD’d on garlic. I woke up this morning, and for some reason, just thinking about garlic makes me feel vaguely ill. Don’t know what the deal is with that. And it’s unfortunate - just about every recipe I make has garlic in it. Hopefully, the aversion will stop by lunch.


Just call me Mr. Legwork.

Someone said “Oh, there’s only one Pittsburgh-with-an-aitch!” Nope. There’s two. The one we all know and love, plus a Pittsburgh-with-an-aitch in North Dakota. Plus a couple of “historical” Pittsburghs, but since I’m not sure just what “historical” means, I’m not going to mention them since they’re probably gone now.

And Chicago? You have a choice there too. Chicago, Chicago Corners and Chicago Junction all in Wisconsin, plus a Chicago Creek in Arkansas.

Only one Virginia Beach and a single Stephentown with a puh-huh in the middle rather than a vuh.

In other news: Cinder blocks are heavy. Moving them is hard.

But at least you don’t have to worry about vampires for a few days.

I think I need to move to Humptulip. Or at least visit. I’d be <snerk>ing the entire time.

There’s a Mechanicville, without the -s, here in NY, not too far from Albany, although as I discovered when I had to go there for work recently, there’s really no way to get there FROM Albany. So it ends up being kinda far since I can’t fly. Boy, so many things would be easier if we had wings and didn’t have to deal with silly things like roads.

I’ve been eating lots of oatmeal too. My cholesterol was borderline last year and my annual physical is in about a month. So I decided I’d better do something since the rest of my diet involves copious amouts of chocolate and cheese. Oatmeal’s best cooked with milk (low fat) in the microwave for only about 90 seconds so it doesn’t get too mushy. I like Splenda and cinnamon and maybe a little nutmeg in it plus a few almonds. Or if I need more of a sugar rush, some (real!) maple syrup and a few pecans. And for those times when you want oatmeal for dessert: stir in a tbsp of baking cocoa and 1 1/2 tbsp Splenda before heating it and then after cooking top with just a little coconut and some almonds. Pro’ly kills the health benefits, but boy, is it good!

Cheese doesn’t have fat! It isn’t allowed to have fat! Three-quarters of my protein comes from cheese!

And low-fat cheese is the Abomination of Desolation and will never enter this house.

We’re going to paint soon, Taters. You can come help. It will be fun! :smiley: When Quasi-Daughter gets back from Way Up North we’re going to paint the bedroom. What colour? Dark red. I have always wanted a dark red room. Burgundy. Or really dark purple but I like burgundy better. It goes with the cream and dark gray theme we’ve got going.

The couch is dark purple. In retrospect I ought to have gotten dark purple cats. I could probably dye Bailey…

I have a bag of almond meal. I’ve been thinking that it would probably be good cooked with oatmeal.

I’ll take the oatmeal out of the bag first. Just wanted to clarify.
Look! Driving Husband killing Attacks Things Husband!. Actually, that’s a terrible picture.

Of course. Because no one really needs that much fiber in a meal.

Sweet-n-sour pork for lunch today:

Good work, good life, good
love, good-bye oppression.
Lucky numbers 11, 14, 30, 31, 45, 46

<snerk> away.

I think I keep getting the same lucky numbers.

So how do you keep them from breaking all your stuff? :smiley: My ex, the Klingon, used to do that stuff with his brother, only they did more of the wrasslin’ rollin’ on the ground type of killing. One time they were doing it on the front lawn and a cop drove up and had to make sure they were just foolin’ around. Klingons “foolin’ around” can look very scary.

Miss Piggy with a honey and vinegar douche?

I had oatmeal with walnuts and splenda and brown sugar for breakfast.
So I guess I’m semi-virtuous today.

Just wanted you all to know.

I didn’t have oatmeal today, or anything to eat. I had the breakfast of champions, a quad shot Americano, grande sized, no room.

Vunderbob, bwahahahahah, that’s funny!

I forgot Easter is this Sunday and I have to go out and buy Easter goodies for the kiddos. I asked my 15 yr old if she felt she was too old for a basket. She answered she’d like the basket. Of course she does! I load them up with good quality chocolate. She’s like her mommy; she appreciates good chocolate. She’s not real fond of jelly beans (unless they’re the spice kind). My son isn’t keen on the jelly beans either. So, guess I need to hit the store again.

Well, work is calling me again…

Taters, you asked your daughter if she wanted a basket, not a basket plus lots of chocolate. Would it be mean to give her just an empty basket?

Bob, no, more like this.