Snopes has an undetermined pronouncement on this giant something from India.
The video never gets very close to the thing. To me, the whole thing just rings of hoax like a silver bell in a wind storm.
It would be fun if it was real, but…? What do you think?
I’m pretty sure its a dragon.
I agree with Snopes, probably publicity for a new game or something. No way that is real. The picture even looks dodgy to my very untrained eye.
We’d likely have heard from giddy scientists if this wasn’t a hoax. This reeks of some kind of promotion.
Absolutely. Real news camera people crawl all over everything trying to get a closeup or a walkaround. Even if it’s just of police barricades (about the only thing that keeps them out).
It looks like a promo for Surface to me. I mean, I don’t think it’s for that specific show, but it has that CGI-attempting-to-pass-itself-off-as-real look to my eyes.
And if it was fossilised, it wouldn’t ‘wash ashore’, would it? Fossils are made of rock.
It was uncovered by a storm. The same one that led to the discovery of an ancient city, just off the beach. I remember the news about the city ruins. The close up of the rock shows what would be mineralized bone in Quartz. The rocks look like fossilized bone in quartz that I’ve seen. The formation could be other things though. I’ll leave it in the realm of maybe, and watch for updates. I saw a mention about seeing this object from satellites.
Hey, if anyone digs that video I’ve got some great beachfront property in Iowa I’d like to sell you.
I’d like to know where the video originally came from. The Snopes article said collected via email, so someone found it and emailed it to them, but surely there’s a website somewhere where this is being hosted, yes?
This site has the video with the english voice over. The site has more information on the objects in question.
The more I think about it, the more I think it’s a promo/viral marketing thingy for Surface, on NBC. The claw-looking thing comin up out of the sand looks just like the claws on the Surface creatures. I couldn’t find any screen grabs from it, but trust me, it does looke like one of the creatures.
Talk about a great promotion campaign… has to admire