The New York Times reports that judge Kuntz has ruled against ms. Cheeks.

The who and the what now?

Can’t you read? :smiley:

That was damn funny and I’m glad I work from home so only the dogs gave me funny looks.

Read the truth, you heathens!


I don’t speak Jive.


They vaccinate against chickenpox now? I thought they all just had pox parties.

As for Kuntz, the English will remember getting knocked out of Euro 96 by Stefan Kuntz.

The first base coach for the Kansas City Royals is named Rusty Kuntz. This has nothing to do with the OP, but I felt it improved the thread a little.

You’re aware that I love you, right? :smiley:

heheh, I freely admit to possessing the sense of humor of an 11 year old boy.

I know the OP is chuckling away in his home under the bridge, but just this once I need to ask, what do people get out of posting idiocy like that in the OP? I know such folk are too cowardly to come back, so what’s the point?

The OP really is that idiotic. It would be hard to put a lower limit on kstarnes IQ, but I’m guessing somewhere around room temperature. In Iceland. In February.

Tired of doing “research” on the white supremacist message board, OP? How’s that going anyway?

He’s also a drive-by poster.
He’ll never be back to this thread.

You know how attractive that is, right?

Only a master of stupidity, Darth.

Kuntz v. Cheeks . . . It’s a hard choice . . .

I’ll be in my bunk.

Waitaminnit. Serious question here.

They’re keeping the unvaccinated kid out of school because some other kid has the pox? Okay, I get that.

But why is that other kid in school? The one with the pox? Who must also have not been vaccinated? Whom the school authorities are already aware of him having the pox (as evidenced by the fact that they kept the plaintiffs’ kid out)?

Vaccines do not work by making people 100% immune to disease. If it did, it would make the problem a lot easier to deal with. Vaccines work by making you more resistant to the point where a supercritical population of disease carriers becomes subcritical. If each carrier infects an average of more than one person, the disease spreads - those people infect more people, who infect more people, and so on. If each carrier infects an average of less than one person, the disease dies out, because each generation is smaller than the last until you have just one guy who doesn’t infect anyone.

I can’t access the article, but do we know that the other kid has not also been told to stay home? This might simply be a precaution based on the fact that a known case was at the school before the symptoms became apparent.

My fiance and I have a shared sense of humor. I’m not worried about attracting anybody else.