The NYC biker gang beat down

What the hell? This is truly nuts. I was expecting Harleys and Hell’s Angels.

I also can’t believe the cops: “we can’t really do much.”


Biker gang rides into town, causing mayhem. They cause an accident with an SUV driver and surround him. He’s got his new wife and baby in the car so he panics and runs over a few more bikers to get away, they chase him all over town, stop him…

Hey, read the story.

There have been two arrests so far.

Here’s a better article and video:

I’d have run them over, too. Reportedly they’re part of some group called “Hollywood Stunts” or something similar and they do this a lot. This guy obviously panicked when he found himself surrounded by a very large group of young men who seemed to be surrounding him and preventing his escape, and he did what was necessary to protect himself and his family.

And the “can’t do much” quote was because most of those bikers have no plates and helmeted faces. Good luck ID’ing people in that kind of crowd.

I’ve seen similar groups here in Nevada. They take up the entire highway, do wheelies and other stunts, and get to within just a couple of feet of other vehicles on the road (next to, in front of and behind), all at high speeds (55+ mph). They’re dicks.

I have no sympathy or sorrow for any of these motorcyclists who may now face consequences, legal or otherwise.

Wait, the police can’t arrest them because they refuse to pull over? Isn’t that kind of exactly the reason we have police instead of just friendly neighbors? If you’re worried about the dangers of a high-speed chase, then radio ahead to get a blockade on the road. And if you manage to identify any of them (which they apparently did), then you get warrants on them, and then maybe you can arrest them when you catch them off of their bikes, too.

On a car forum I frequent, this is a big story - I read in one article (numbers from memory) that 55 citations were issued and 15 bikes confiscated unrelated to the incident.

There also seems to be an allegation out there that the Range Rover driver knocked one of the bikes in a car park and didn’t stop.

From what the police have said so far, the driver is not going to face charges

Shades of Mad Max. Any father would have been near murderous and scared to death.

But I’m groaning at the Harley comment. That stereotype is as ancient as the Harley riders themselves. Check out their demographics. Nearly half of them are over forty which usually implies a modicum of common sense.

Seriously? Only fat old farts ride Harleys anymore. They don’t do stuff like that, it might make them late to the brew pub.

One video shows him riding over a bike to get away. I wouldn’t be surprised if he hit someone else during his escape. The only thing I think he did wrong (unless it hasn’t come out yet) is call 911 himself while fleeing.

I thought the quote was about biker incidences like this, rather than just this one incident. Just because these assholes are willing to take off at high speed doesn’t mean the cops should just let them. I don’t mean chasing them, that often gets innocents killed, but there must be something they can do besides, “oh well.”

As a motorcyclist myself, I want these guys off the streets.

You guys gotta knock this off. I might be old but I’m not fat. :stuck_out_tongue:

And the only people over forty who ride from bar to bar either walk with a cane, have to quit riding, or are very, very lucky.

Harley is gaining on the foreign bikes market in women riders, African American riders and young riders also.

It’s been all over the bike forums. The video shows these guys are awful riders - in a group, it’s standard to use one lane, riding in staggered 2-by-2 formation. These guys were all over the place, and the rider the Range Rover knocked to the ground made a risky lane change to get in front the guy then braked (apparently posing for a camera). While the driver stopped initially, the guys were hitting his SUV and trying his doors, so he grew worried it would escalate and made a run for it; unfortunately, he apparently seriously injured one of the group.

Awful situation, but pretty much all the blame lies with the riders. Videos from this ride and past rides show all sorts of risky, often illegal behaviors.

I watched the video, and then I thought about what I would do in that situation. I came to the conclusion that I’m not a vigilante. I would try to pull over and let the assholes continue on their way. But the very second I felt that my safety was threatened, then all bets would be off, and I would consider any action I might take to be a reasonable response to a threat of physical harm to me or my spouse. I think the driver did just that: he was afraid of the threat to himself, his wife and child, and reacted accordingly. Fuck 'em.

I don’t have a cite for it - but I understand he WAS on the phone to 911 during the episode.

When I look at the video, it seems apparent that something happened before the video started, something that the bikers were trying to get revenge for - the “hit a parked bike” allegation has come out in that sense.

How true it is though, I don’t know…

no there were other videos taken by the same guy showing them going around doing the same thing, stopping cars and knocking on their windows. the videos are gone now. what’s amazing is that these videos, including the incriminating one from the OP, are from one of the riders themselves.

Here is 6:27 worth of the original video from some dude’s helmet-cam.

I admire the SUV driver’s restraint. If my child were in the car and motorcycles were Mad Maxing me like that, there would be a lot of red stains all over the highway.

First person that deliberately broke one of my windows would be getting a 9mm in the best center of mass I could target.

Sorry, that is violent, and I don’t care, my momvan is my castle when I am on the road. If I am surrounded by asshats on bikes acting violent towards me and I can’t get away they will die by gun or by vehicular manslaughter, and I don’t care if I do run one of those jackasses over.