I found the cyclist everyone thinks of when they think of bad cyclists

I contemplated putting this in the pit, but ultimately decided that A) it’s not worth taking that seriously, and 2) I can’t be arsed to come up with the requisite number of creative uses of the word “fuck.”

So here’s a guy I encountered on my morning commute the day before yesterday:

Summary, if you can't/would rather not watch the video: I was biking to work, and shortly after cresting a hill, I saw a Seattle PD cruiser parked with its lights on, the officer standing in the street directing traffic. This didn't surprise me; traffic's been pretty bad for a few days owing to some major road closures for construction. The officer waved me through and then signaled a car waiting on a side street. Then in my rearview I caught a glimpse of another cyclist speeding up, weaving erratically around the cop, completely ignoring his hand signals and Whistle of Authority(TM). This was followed shortly by a hoarse, rage-filled scream of "FUCKING COPS."

A few moments later this guy passes me, pedaling furiously on his fixed-speed. He’s not wearing a helmet, of course. He flirts with traffic on the extreme left edge of the bike lane for a bit, and for all his pedaling he’s going fairly slowly, so I’m obligated to hang behind him for a while. Then he jumps onto the sidewalk and I lose sight of him until further on, when he cuts through a construction area so he can pass me on the right (I had slowed down for the construction, oddly enough).

Then this guy takes his hands off his handlebars so he can look at his phone. At this point I’m kind of irritated at him, so as I pass him I yell: “GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE.”

This apparently got his dander up, because he proceeded to yell something about how I’m a bitch, which I won’t attempt to deny. I couldn’t really hear him too well since I was far ahead at that point. But he decided to compound his sins by hopping the sidewalk again and running the next red light. Cue awkward thumb twiddling when I catch up to him at the very next light.

Basically, I had no idea people like this actually existed. He’s the full package: angry at authority, heedless of his fellow road-users, disdainful of safety precautions, totally above obeying the law. I’ve seen plenty of careless cyclists in Seattle, but until now, never one who was so brashly, angrily careless. Basically, he’s the embodiment of the things drivers and pedestrians complain about when they complain about cyclists.

I kinda hope I keep seeing him, since one of these days he’s going to wipe out hilariously and I want to be there to catch it on my GoPro. I just hope he doesn’t get anyone else hurt with his stupidity.

Yeah he’s an idiot all right.

Yeah, these clowns give the rest of us a bad name.

Plus, if you’re going to flaunt the law, at least be a bad-ass about it - like the guy Colbert saw a few years ago.

Do you always have your gopro on?

What is it about assholes and fixies?

The way he was riding, I’ll bet he’s a bike messenger.
When I drove for a courier service, the only thing that scared the crap out of me was the bike messengers in SF. They rode like there was a prize for the fewest total near-miss inches.

Pregnant woman vs. bike messenger in Seattle
Bare bones:
Car cuts off messenger, messenger kicks car.
Pregnant passenger gets out, confronts cyclist.
PP pulls out stun gun, cyclist attempts to flee, she chases and catches him, hits him in the face. Twice.. (Seems to not understand how a stun gun works.)
Driver comes on the scene, pulls his own stun gun and beats cyclist with it(also seems to not understand how a stun gun works). Pair gets back in their car and drives off.

All the time. I was struck by a hit-and-run driver a year and a half ago, and after that I decided that it would be a good idea to have a record of everything.

I’ve heard this stereotype before – is there something about being a bike messenger that selects for insane people? :smack:

I thought about doing that with my bike and/or car. Do you have a system to help you 1) keep it charged and 2) remember to bring it with you when you lock up the bike?

Most if not almost all are paid by the delivery. More deliveries=more money. One of the reasons for a fixie is less to go wrong (mechanical) and less likely to be stolen.

whachu sed, bitch?? :d

Does seem to me like this guy would have benefited greatly from a broomstick through the spokes. Or something.

The camera generally stays mounted on my helmet, so remembering to bring it isn’t an issue. I just have to remember to plug in my helmet when I hang it up, and I keep a few spare batteries in a charger by the door in case I need spares. (The GoPro’s battery life is not great, but most of my rides are within the city and not much longer than an hour, so this isn’t an issue. For longer rides (like the 6+ hour, 100-mile rides I like to do in the mountains now and then) I have a USB battery pack that I just slip into the back pocket on my jersey.)

It’s just one more small item in my routine checklist, along with checking the chain condition and tire pressure.

I opened this post up hoping that it wasn’t about me!

Hopefully if he kills himself riding like that, it will before he reproduces.

Neat, thanks. Does the camera noticeably affect your helmet’s weight or balance? More significantly, does it feel like it increases drag on your head?

No, it’s barely noticeable. I’ve got it mounted front and center, so it sticks up a bit and looks fairly dorky, but it’s pretty small and light.

I find it funny how the top comments on the video on Youtube are all the exact opposite of this board, being all crazy hostile towards you and excusing that guy’s behavior. One even calls him a bad ass? Fucking people…

He didn’t seem to be hurting anyone, and why do people take not wearing a helmet as such an affront? He seemed pretty skilled.

He nearly hit the police officer who was directing traffic, and I saw him blow past some pedestrians in my rearview as well. Running the red light, looking at his phone while riding, passing on the right with no audible signal from an unexpected direction (the construction zone) – all these things are stupid behaviors that put other road users at risk. Not wearing a helmet makes him a dumbass, but I agree, that’s none of my business and I’m not complaining about that.

I’m with Jerry, thinking that Darwin will take care of him.

It was easy to find altercations between bicyclists and cars in the Pac NW area. I was a little surprised at that. I even looked up the law for citizen’s arrest because apparently bicyclists are slapping cars to “communicate” with drivers.

I live in the Bay Area and think (hope?) bike-car aggression isn’t a problem here. I used to ride my bicycle through San Francisco every day when I was finishing college. Never had any close calls or asshats in cars or on bicycles. Thankfully.

There’s a saying with motorcycling, “You dress for the fall, not for the ride.” I imagine it’s a similar thing with bicyclists.

ETA: Stealth, that’s great that you always ride with your camera. Unfortunately your hit-and-run experience led you to that.