Mr. Rilch and Friend and I were talking about that last night, along with other WTC hoaxes. It occurred to that there are so many things wrong with that photo (eleven if you count the fact that it doesn’t even look like it was taken this year), that maybe the person who Photoshopped it did so strictly for laughs*, and never intended anyone to think it was authentic.
*Yes, I know what happened on 9/11 was no laughing matter. But maybe it was someone’s private joke, like “Remember when I was in New York? Boy, I really dodged a bullet!” They may have sent it in an e-mail, and someone in their address book jumped to the conclusion that it was supposed to be real, and passed it on.
Just an idea, because anyone who would perpetuate a hoax with so many flaws would have to be just as dumb as anyone who would fall for it.
This is as good a place as any to post this link. Apparently, that guy gets around. A lot.
IOW, some people have waaay too much time on their hands.
In the interests of internet etiquette (sp?), I would like to point out that almost all of those other photoshopped pictures of disasterboy were stolen from a thread on SomethingAwful. Of course, no one who’s not registered there can access it now, so go look at the above link and laugh at tragedies throughout history.
It sorta reminded me of a cartoon I saw in a magazine one time. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try:
Imagine a placid lake, where an artist has set up his easel to paint this idyllic setting.
On the easel, you see the same placid lake, and at ground beneath the easel, you see a hastily abandoned palette and brush.
One other thing, the painting shows the same lake, true, but with one difference: a horrible monster emerging from the lake!
Yeah, or the Far Side panel where the artist is unconscious on the floor, with the canvas bashed over his head. The moon, seen through the window, is full, and the canvas shows a man halfway through the transformation from human to werewolf.
But I’m still not sure that the photo Snopes shows was ever meant to be taken seriously.