Poor Andy. No wonder he is the way he is.
I liked it a lot. Until Andy through a Michael Scott-like tantrum by taking his guitar and leaving the party. To me that was the writers resorting back to old habits and lazy writing. It’s like they didn’t trust the viewers enough to just show subtle signs of Andy’s discomfort and disappointment. They had to smack us over the head. To me it didn’t fit with Andy’s character, especially if he’s trying to really step up and gain the trust and respect of his co-workers, boss and parents.
Line that caused the most amount of laughter out of me: Dwight announcing the Halpert’s daughter as “Pee Pee.”
This show is mixing in too much maudlin with the funny. And not enough funny.
I can’t get over how big Jenna Fischer is getting with what I assume is a real pregnancy. And I’m sorry, some of Jim’s pranks in the past have pushed the limits of credibility, but this one was just absurd. He supposedly wrote and published an entire book on garden parties, submitted it to Amazon, and Dwight purchased it, had it delivered and read it between receiving the invitation from Andy and the day of the party? :dubious:
I did laugh when Mose drove Toby’s car through the beetfield, though.
The pixelated billboard at the beginning sort of turned me off, but I loved how Jim orchestrated the party via his fake book.
Seriously, and as someone whose wife was pregnant in the past year, while at the same time had a child the same age as “Pee Pee” running around, I can assure you that unless you want to have your wife’s swollen foot up your ass, you do NOT have time to write fake etiquette books to punk your co-workers.
Why would he have only from the time of the invitation? Andy would have been planning this for some time and the venue would have to be booked before the invitations went out.
I thought the billboards and the fake garden party book and Dwight’s goat-themed birthday packages were pretty ridiculous. The Andy stuff was just painful.
It was nice to see a return of Kevin’s toupee, though.
The senator was ‘grossed out’ by Angela’s increase in cup size.
I also thought Jim’s writing an entire book just to prank Dwight was over the top.
Jenna Fisher gave birth on September 24.
You have got to be kidding me.
The occasion ended in tears when the bride’s mother was voted off the head table by the rest of the wedding party. While sitting in a booth in the back of the room facing the camera, Mrs. Fischer let forth a bitter tirade against her daughter’s new in-laws and her own husband, but saved special vitriol for the newly married Mrs. Jenna Fischer Kirk, whom she described as an “ingrate,” and a “snake in the grass,” and vowed revenge in surprisingly specific detail. Mr. Bobby Joe King, the brother of the groom, had earned immunity from exile earlier during the reception when he succeeded in eating more cake than the others seated at the table.
We called this episode, “The One Where They Jumped The Shark”
I didn’t like cringe-embarrassment humour when Carell was on the show and changed the channel when Helms picked up the mantle.
That mirrors exactly my behavior while watching it. As soon as he forced himself into the singing I changed the channel.
Small nitpick, it was eBay not Amazon. He could have certainly posted the book on eBay and steered Dwight to the eBay listing in a short time frame. Printing the book wouldn’t be that hard either, get it done at a local print shop. The writing of the book would have taken up the most time - but doesn’t he have a lot of free time at work once he hits his commission ceiling?
Was there anything to indicate that Pam didn’t help write the book?
“It’s all going to be goat!”
Well, she did ask Jim about the final dance Dwight did at the end of the episode. She said it was a “nice touch.”
I have to say this wasn’t my favorite episode, but I’m still going to be watching. I miss** Dio**.
I get the feeling Jim wrote the book along time ago and was just waiting for the right moment to sell it to Dwight.
And Dwight did say he’s been trying to get Shrute Farms into the event venue business for some time.
Anyone know what the Homer Simpson doll in the background of one of the shots was doing there? It looked like it was by Creed’s desk.
I believe it’s always been around (along with the Froggy FM bumper sticker.)