Angela knows about Oscar and her husband. Jim needs a favor from Stanley and Phyllis. Pam starts her Mural. Pete builds a tower of complaint cards.
Overall, it wasn’t bad, although I don’t think Angela would want Oscar killed… that’s a bit extreme. I actually liked the Jim plot. I also like Pete, and hope he ends up with Erin.
I thought this was one of the best episodes they’ve done in awhile. Everything worked for me and Dwight came off really well (except for his nude “exercising” I guess).
Anybody else want to hear what Darryl sounds like eating spaghetti?
The new guy and his house of cards was funny, but what was up with Pam calling a customer to insult them, just so they could add a card (representing a customer complaint and a lost account) to the stack? That seemed completely irrational. Do any of them actually want their company to succeed?
“Oh we’ve got all afternoon to talk about that.”
“Morning, folks.”
“I’ll take the surf and turf with a side of lobster.”
“Well actually the surf and turf comes with lobster…”
“Not enough lobster. Side order.”
“How much wine do you have?”
They’re obviously setting everyone up for a happy ending which is nice. My predictions:
Jim’s new business is a huge success and he gets to quit D-M to do something he loves. He brings Darrell, Stanley and Phyllis with him to the new business.
Since Jim makes enough money, Pam can focus on her art full time and becomes a success of her own.
Erin and Andy live happily ever after, married and working at D-M which they love. The new dude works their too but we see a glimmer that he will eventually end up successful like Jim.
The Senator ends up with Oscar. Angela ends up married to Dwight. Angela and Dwight become tolerant and the four of them co-parent the kid.
Hated it. It really drove home how far this series has fallen. A paid-for attempted murder (involving someone comically terrible at it) all caught on camera in an episode where that very camera crew is acknowledged.
She was afraid to start on the mural because she was afraid of making a mistake, she was the only one in the whole office who had never made a mistake or had a complaint. It was a way to just let go and stop worrying about screwing up. And no, i think none of them give much of a shit about the company.
It’s kind of shame they made that attempt at a Dwight spin off because I believe if that hadn’t existed they would have made the baby Dwight’s which would make the happy ending much easier.
Eh… I thought it had elements of the old office carried out to new office extremes. Overall it was nice to see the old elements but it may not have been similar enough to win everyone over. I at least applaud the effort if not the execution.
Agree. But I think DM will finally go out of business at the end.
Disagree. Erin and Pete are going to get together! The house of cards scene where he’s giving an inspirational speech and she’s smiling at him. The scene where they go out to dinner. The scene where he shaves his moustache for her. I really, really miss Kelly. I wish Mindy could have stuck around for just one more season. I feel like Kelly would have picked up on this immediately and intervened in a hilarious way.
Probably. I hope so. I’ve been hoping for a while that it will turn out the DNA test was a fluke and the baby really is Dwight’s, but that’s not going to happen. I’ve always liked Oscar but I’m kind of disgusted with him at this point.
I agree that between Andy taking his boat trip without Erin, and Pete making eyes at her (and being a genuinely nice guy), that E&P will end up together at the end of the season.
Well, yeah, that was about as subtle as a sledge hammer. But New Guy is being a manipulative dick and it will backfire on him and Andy will get the girl. They are adding that tension for drama.