In my quest for a screensaver, about which I posted here , I stumbled upon what should become the Official Straight Dope Message Board Screensaver.
Completely unsuitable.
The hamster is ferverently running. Isn’t there a version where the hamster is at least limping?
Yeah, I’d want it either zooming along or straining with 1000 pound weights on depending on my computers clock.
And for an hour each night it could go to ‘rest’ mode.
I’d go with a hamster waking up, looking around, then putting its head back down.
well, it seems to run forward for a while and then backward, if that’s any consolation.
There’s something odd about its looks; seems more like a shrew or mole than a hamster (BTW they spelled it “hampster”).
It plays “she’ll be comin’ 'round the mountain”, too. feh.