The only good thing about Resident Evil: Extinction..

…Is the Iron Man trailer played before the movie.
And just so you know it’s “To be continued” at the end of the movie… :rolleyes:

Actually, it’s not. The plot of the movie is wrapped up by it’s end, and there are no plans for a fourth installment. Although if there were, I’d totally go and see it. The world is taken over by an army of Milla Jovovich clones? Where do I sign up for that apocalypse?

Anyway, I was very pleased with this movie. It had hot chicks. It had hordes of zombies. It had hot chicks killing hordes of zombies. How can you go wrong with that?

I must disagree with the title of this thread.

It had Milla Jovovich.
It had zombies.

What, did it need an actual plot that made sense or something too?

What the hell are you talking about? Hot chicks, zombies, and shit blowing up all over the place. Dude, it’s the perfect movie.

What I can’t figure is, if the world has pretty much come to an end, and everybody is either a zombie or holed up hiding from the zombies… why do the evil corporate moguls still act like they’re in the catbird’s seat???

Does this movie use shaky cam and insta-cut action scenes? The second movie had cuts so fast in the action sequences that I actually started to get motion sick, something that has *never *happened to me before in a movie.

I just finished watching D.O.A. Dead or Alive, where they managed to a) show the action so you could actually tell what was going on, and b) use the actors for the vast majority of the action scenes. I loathe those millisecond long action sequences, which is why I won’t see The Bourne Ultimatum.

The lust for power is eternal. At least that’s what I got from the movie. Eh, maybe it wasn’t completely horrible after all.

I just didn’t like the end I guess.

According to IMDB the chick that plays “K-Mart” is only 16. You know, I should feel guilty, but I don’t.

I didn’t really like the movie. I guess my problem was that I am really into the Zombie Survival Guide and such and my mind kept going, “There is no way a zombie could do that.”

Yes, I’m an idiot, I know this.

She looks like a girl I had a crush on when I was in high school.

I’m not really a big fan of the whole fast, semi-intelligent zombie thing. Zombies are supposed to be slow and dumber than a box of dumbbells. If they want smarter undead, they should use ghouls or wights or something.

(Sorry, that’s my D&D roots showing.)

Did anyone else notice how in some closeups of Milla they airbrushed her face?

Also, don’t forget the sweet ass zombie crows. :smiley:

Me and the Mrs. are going to see this tomorrow, for those same reasons.

I didn’t really care for it that much. It was ok, but not as good as even the second one…which is saying something. The first two at least made some sort of internal sense. Guy tries to steal deadly virus to sell it on black market. The rest of the movie is about girl stoping him. Then girl wakes up to find the virus got out of the lab and is devistating the city. Rest of the movie is about trying to get out of the city before it gets nuked. Third movie is about…pretty much nothing? I mean…they don’t say if there was a place that was virus free or not. Let’s not even talk about how they’re going to get there. You thought you had trouble finding gas for the convoy?

And she didn’t even get nakes…hmpf…inferior movie in every sense.

I would have to say that the Milla leg-lock neck break would be THE best way to die.

“OH! What do we have here?”



I went to the movie expecting nothing but zombies, Alice killing zombies, and Las Vegas in ruins. My only disappointment was a shortage of Las Vegas in ruins shots.

I liked this movie.

Huh? She did get naked…or at least her clones did. I saw boob in the final scene. Didn’t I?

In any event, Though I’m really not the type to be satisfied by Stuff Blowing Up and Hot Chicks, I liked this one fine. I was annoyed by the fakeness of the crows, by Ashanti (stupid catchphrase guy had the sense to get killed off before driving me nuts and I thank him for that), and some of the cheesy dialogue. But it was the greatest movie ever in comparison to the unwatchable second one. I was kind of wondering where the Big Tobacco-type inner circle was getting their food, shelter, safety and pristine suits from, though.

She certainly did, and I have to question the sanity of anyone who thinks a movie that ends with a horde of naked Milla Jovovich clones conquering the world is a bad ending. I saw the movie with a friend, and when the credits started rolling, he turned to me and said, “I’m just going to wait here for the fourth one.”

They did sort of address that at one point in the movie. During (IIRC) the first board meeting, they mention that the foodstocks at their bases are running out, and they list how many casualties each installation has suffered since the last meeting. The shelters, I presume, were built and stocked long before the zombie apocalpyse, probably on the reasoning, “We’re a soulless and not terribly competent multinational corporation that routinely manufactures things that have the potential to wipe out the human race. Maybe we should set up some safeguards so we don’t get wiped out along with the rest of the sheep.” Of course, not being terribly competent, they end up getting wiped out anyway, but that’s mad science for you.

Personally, I was more curious about how Jovovich’s character could wear those short shorts while riding a motorcycle through the middle of the desert all day. I’m as much of a fan of Milla Jovovich’s inner thighs as the next man, but realistically, they ought to have been covered by blisters the size of golfballs.

She toughens up her thighs by breaking dude’s necks with them. Also, she has psionically enhanced thighs.

AAwwwww YEeaaahhh!

I propose a fight between Milla’s psionic thighs and Michelle Ryan’s bionic thighs.