The Prestige

I can’t wait for this film, i am such a fan of Nolan’s films…hello, Momento and Batman returns??? Plus the cast is unreal, including BOWIE!!! This is far and away the one movie I am REALLY anticipating this year. Have you all seen the newest TV trailer, pretty dope. What do you think??

I’m just as excited! I first saw the preview a few months back. Michael Caine’s supporting role looks first rate.

I read the novel over the summer in anticipation of the movie, and it was a fantastic read. I recommend it to any interested Dopers, but having not seen the movie, I can’t tell you which will be better, or which would be better experienced first. Still, a period piece about rival stage magicians with Nolan directing that top-notch cast – I don’t see how we can go wrong. Plus, more Scarlett Johanssen is always a good thing!

I have already seen The Illusionist, that other magician-related period piece which had a thread a couple weeks back. It was a pretty movie with some good parts, but I have every reason to believe The Prestige will blow it away. While The Illusionist felt in many ways like a fairy tale, I think The Prestige will be the darker, sexier, HEAVIER movie.

Then again, it is tottaly weird, if you saw the preview for it durring The Illusionist. I turned to my Mom and we both were like, “I thought that was the movie we are going to see today!”.

But yes, I liked the preview (Hey, I paid for The Illusionist right?) but then I saw that Nolan directed it. That sealed the deal for me.

Anyone else get a sorta “The Skeleton Key”-ish vibe from this film already?

Saw the ad the other day. Rarely does an ad result in me telling the family that looks like a movie I want to see, but this time I did.

Yeah when I first saw it I was wondering the same thing with the Illusionist, but wasn’t The Illusionist much more centered around love? I get the impression from everything I have read that this is much more focused of the rilvalry that goes too far between these two “friends” and magicians. A little more of a thriller

Either way, its like you said it’s Nolan, who is so talented its sick and the whole Wolverine v. Batman angle is kind of fun too…

Yes, and hopefully without spoiling anything, the book’s got a retro SF sort of thing going on as well, althought it’s the characters that are important. Think The Illusionist with a bit of R.L. Stevenson/Mary Shelley/H.G. Wells.

I’m also really intersted in seeing how Nolan handles the complex and intertwining storylines that play out in the book. If anyone can do it well, it’s him…after Momneto he won my vote for mastering complicated storylines…

I’m seeing more and more advertising for this and hearing some really great reviews. This is shaping up to be worth all the hype and more…

I’m looking forward to this one, though I wonder if anyone who has read the novel can rate the suspense level of the movie? I’m not big on suspense thrillers, and the impression I’ve got from the trailers is that they’re playing up the suspense a bit.

So 1 to 10, how suspenseful is it? I don’t want to leave finger marks on the arms of the chairs.

And I made the same mistake re: The Illusionist and The Prestige…

– IG

I have not read the novel but I just saw the movie. It’s less of a suspense and more of a mystery. Two mysteries really since there are two magicians doing the same act but with two different methods that aren’t revealed until the end. I had a heard some things about the novel so I was partially spoiled but not entirely. And from what I heard about the novel it seems like they changed one of the elements around a bit, but I think the choice worked for the film. Anyway definitely a great movie. I would highly recomend it. But pay close attention as it jumps back and forth in time a bit.