The Princess Bride Game

OK, I haven’t yet downloaded it, but I thought I would share this with the board. (If it has already been shared, my apologies.)

I haven’t downloaded it either, but that’s just because it’s not available until next spring.

Hope the site gives a bit more of a clue as to the game’s content by then – the trailer makes it look like it’s just the movie in animated form. Of course, that could just mean it’s a game in the style of 90’s LucasArts games, which wouldn’t be a bad thing.

So…is it an adventure game or an action game?

I’m definitely interested, but want to see more of it before I buy it.

Will it have in it?

Rodents of Unusual Size? I don’t believe they exist…


I’d love to watch it but but I’ve got my country’s 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I’m swamped.


We are men of action. Electronic games do not become us.

You play this game ver’ well, but I must tell you something…I am not left handed.

My name is Inigo Montoya. You pwned my father. Prepare to die.

Trailer? All I got was a brief peelback to a static image of cartoon versions of the main characters. Did you say trailer in the widest possible sense of the word, or did I miss something?
“You know, a trailer, only static, with words on it.”

“An advertisement, then?”


If I click on Trailer on that site, a framed area pops up, and a 20sec or so animated movie plays. Maybe you’re blocking Flash player?

I like the general idea, but I’m still not super-clear on what you’ll end up doing. (As Hal alludes, 90’s-style Lucas Arts games did indeed kick ass, and anyone who played Monkey Island or Grim Fandango or anything else would agree… and anyone who didn’t needs to)

They seem non-vaporious and clueful, given the flash trailer art, and the surprising support of Linux. OTOH, it doesn’t seem like they have any voices yet, (much less original voices), and if you click on Download Games -> Synopsis they mention that you control the characters through “5 Episodes (Game Engines)”, but I do not think those words mean what they think they mean. :dubious:

I think his point was that it shows absolutely nothing about the game and gameplay, just something that looks like snippets from an animated movie.

Here is an interview with the developer :

To wit: that guy is totally excited and he has no idea why he’s here. (the dev, not Fear. :slight_smile: )

Nah, that’s pretty much me as well. :smiley:

But see, you don’t sound like a pig trying to hide in front of a black & white backdrop when you talk about the game. The devs, on the other hand… :smiley:

What really worries me about their schtick is that they seem to be playing “Come up with 12 words I heard in a meeting and throw them together”. That isn’t worrisome in and of itself, but my bet is that PR types are going to be best at remembering the coolest parts of their product, and if “We have cartoons and platformers” is the coolest thing he can remember, we may be in trouble.

Honestly though, that’s just an afterthought. What really sets off alarm bells are the phrases “excellent writing, dialogue and storytelling” and “great characters and story”. It may just be me, but I always assumed that “Our game is good” was one of those things that most people took for granted when it was true. If you have to up and say it, though, something is probably very wrong.

Really, their promoter comes off as the kind of guy who starts conversations with “I don’t have a vicious STD, no matter what you heard”. :smiley:

Yeah, that pegged my bullshit meter as well.

I fully expect this to be in the bargain bin before it’s released.

I will have mine on pre-order though. :wink: