The pumpkin spice (bleck!) MMP [Old]

although it started before Labor Day it’s pumpkin spice season so the topic is what’s the most disgusting and or weird thing you’ve seen it in ?

Mines in ale and dog/cat food I guess since some of the premium animal food has pumpkin in it they figured out how to “spice” it up …

And some local fools make pumpkin spice pumpkin ale every year …its barf even if you lover pie …

have fun !

First! Sometimes, insomnia helps one t’ be juvenile.

Can’t think of anything super weird off the top of my head, but I will take this moment to state for the record that I’m tired of the “joke” about how XYZ Pumpkin Spice Thing doesn’t taste like pumpkin, hur hurr!

It’s the spices used in pumpkin pie, you unwashed heathen barbarian.

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 16c/61f with a predicted high of 21c/70f, and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “It’s a good day to be someone’s fucking sunshine because that stupid fucking ball of fire in the sky is hiding.” Very true, it’s overcast but we have no rain forecast so I’m happy with that.

I can’t think of anything weird apart from the whole pumpkin spice thing in the first place. So you want to add mixed spices to your coffee? Go ahead, but why make such a song and dance about it? Also, not bothered because I’m a tea-drinker so as long as it’s not in my drink, I really don’t care :slight_smile:

This, however, is an abomination.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 41 (BRR!))) Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 76 and N.O.S. for the day. We will be slothful, useless retired drains on society, as is our wont. -Sup shall be pot roast with N.O.T. and carrots, green beans and rolls. We may or may not do some closet clean out. We’re all willy-nilly like that.

I don’t like pumpkin spice anything. I don’t even like pumpkin. I think pumpkin pie is an abomination. There, I said it.

BooFae that looks like one of those just because you can does not mean you should things.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Long ago, I bought mint chocolate tea. It was pretty good, but I was an idiot tween or early teen at the time, so what did I know?

Concur, however, that what’s on offer via your link is … man, words fail me.

I wonder how many people buy it, once, out of sheer curiosity? (Enough to keep demand going, I guess.)

I should be drifting back off to Second Sleep right about now, but my appntmnt with the DMV … err, Secretary of State … is in a couple of hours, and I feel like a combination of “kid the day before Christmas Eve” and “waiting for results at the STD clinic” so despite Monkey’s rather determined snuggling, I’m agitated AF and may hafta snag some kind of greasy drive-thru breakfast or something to calm myself down.

I wish I coulda made an appntmnt for later in the afternoon; at this rate, I’ll finally wind back down & drift off just as the alarm goes off.

I predict nappage.

I like pumpkin pie just fine, and my brother’s SO makes an amazingly decadent pumpkin custard dessert thing, spiced appropriately, but the whole pumpkin spice thing is just silly, IMHO. Whatever - no skin off my nose.

Food Lion has been featuring a pumpkin cake roll - kinda like a jelly roll but filled with a cream cheese frosting. It looks soooooooooo good but I’m trying so hard to avoid sweets. It doesn’t help that the display is just inside the door, forcing me to pass by when I go there. Cruel, cruel Food Lion!!! :imp:

Woke stoopit early again, especially maddening since I think I was up till 11, so I didn’t get even 6 hours of sleep, dammit. And I woke to a 66° house - not fun when one climbs out of a warm bed wearing only an oversized t-shirt and socks. I actually turned the furnace on!! It was only 42° in the back yard (probably the same out front) so I won’t apologize.

Plan for first thing today is a drive down to the marina to check on the boat. We haven’t been there since right before the storm hit a couple of weeks back. After we’re home, I may well be doing laundry.

MIL called last night asking if FCD could take her to Indianapolis to visit with her sister. So if the plan gels, they’ll leave tomorrow morning, drive all day, he’ll stay there a couple of nights, then come back on Thursday. And, no, putting her on a plane really isn’t an option, what with her near-blindness and her sister having a broken arm, so she couldn’t drive to the airport, not to mention her sister being 80 and caring for a husband with Parkinson’s… But you don’t need to know all the twisted details. We’re just waiting to hear back from MIL to know if it’s a go or not.

I hate the thought of him having to drive all that way alone, but the selfish side of me is looking forward to a couple of days mostly alone (I’ll still have Tobias.) If I want to go to bed at 8, I can, without guilt. I don’t want to live alone again, but once in a while, I do enjoy solitude. Anyway, that’s this week’s big plan. So far, anyway.

Happy Moanday!

Mornin’ all. And happy new MMP to y’all. Great topic there shady.

Shortly predawn here, balconatin’ and caffinatin’ and ‘cept fer our temps bein’ 77/25 on the way to 85/30 Boofae’s epic forecast works for us: "It’s a good day to be someone’s fucking sunshine because that stupid fucking ball of fire in the sky is hiding.” It’s raining in spots over the ocean, and perhaps we’ll get a quick rinse sometime today, perhaps not. We’ll also get some good sunshine, just can’t predict when.

This be my plan too. Although unlike you, I can’t begin to think about what’s for dinner until well after lunch.

I expect you enjoy a good pecan pie or three to make up for the pumpkin you don’t. Leaves more pumpkin for me. Yaay! Shame I can’t have much more than a taste of the stuff now; it used to come in those convenient single-serving 12" pies.

As to pumpkin spice (“PS”) everything … I don’t mind having a coffee that way once or twice per season. But the artificial hyped-up mania grits my teeth. The only thing worse than the breathless advertising is the fools who absorb then amplify the hype themselves. Get a brain, sheeple!

I know over the years I’ve seen & remarked on some really inapt weirdball pumpkin spice [whatever]. Damned if I can remember what though. The whole PS hype was/is definitely more of a thing in the parts of the country that have seasons. Which I used to visit regularly, but haven’t lived in for 10 years now. So the memory is old and so far unretrieved.

My plan of the day beyond emulating swampy’s fine example:
I have one call center admin flail left over from Fri. They might or might not be open, this being a semi-holiday. We shall see. I ought to run my car in for a periodic checkup & fluid change, so will probably do that. I know they’ll be open. Her Ladyship has book club in the late afternoon so I’ll be baching it then for sure. A mini-groc will should happen somewhere in the peregrinations.

Shoe congrats on the DMV. Not for itself, but for what it represents. Try to avoid getting any STDs while there. Nappage is always good.

FCM: Damn that sounds cold. Brrrr! Good luck on being a bachelor for a couple days. Google sez it’s a 10 hour drive to Indy. That might be a bit much for one day for an old lady. Or for a guy who drives like an old lady :wink: . I’m betting planning an overnight at the half-2/3rds point might work better. Be nice for MIL to see sis. There’s gotta be a feeling that each time is closer and closer to being the last.

And now for responses from last week/night:

“Why” is easy. Because unlike encountering the same woman shopping in the grocery aisle, she can’t, and therefore won’t, run away screaming.

OK. Since you asked nice. :slight_smile:

I meant “odd” as in mismatched, not “odd” as in rare or exotic. Think Oscar & Felix. But yeah, if I ever have reason to do this again (verrry unlikely) the two deal breakers will be thermostat setting at home and early-bird vs night-owl.

I keep a sweatshirt, a nice sweater, and a windbreaker in the trunk of the car. Those are my “restaurant survival gear”. FL uses grossly excessive air conditioning as a dehumidifier and I’ve worn all 3 layers in some places.

If I controlled the thermostat at home I’d have it set to about 80 and have a dehumidifier running to keep the thick-and-sticky to a happy medium-thick. Sooo cozy & no need for Uggs & parkas! :slight_smile:

We used to do the rounds of craft fairs and buy lots of sheep- and goats-milk soaps. Never seen pig fat soap before. I’ll be curious to hear about how it works & feels.

Yaay for 5 gallons of newly minted eventually-cheese! But no mint-flavored cheese; it’s not quite Christmas advertising season yet.

I’m sure thereby hangs quite a tale. One we hope to hear later on Monday.

Cheers all!

They’ve done it before - she sleeps for much of the ride. FCD is fine as long as he has Sirius on the radio. Neither of them will want to stop on the road - they’ll just want it over with.

MIL called a bit ago - she wasn’t able to talk to her sister last night but she plans to call later this morning, so it’s still TBD.

Last night was movie night at Daughter’s domicile:
I don’t know what they were watching. I hope they stay close as they get older.

I’m not particularly close to any of my sibs, probably mostly because I left home at 19 while they all stayed in the Baltimore area to this very day. None of them ever had any desire to live elsewhere and I never had any desire to return to Charm City. I think back to all the times my mom told me “You’re the oldest - you need to set an example!” Well, we see how that worked out… :wink:

Don’t get me wrong - I don’t feel any animosity towards any of them - we’re just not particularly close.

OK, it’s after 8 and spousal unit is still abed. Guess I’ll read till he gets up.

The Pumpkin Spice must Flow!

Without their Pumpkin Spice Lattes, The Trucker Guildmen cannot Fold the Interstates and transport their cargoes through space and time. And without that, trade would come to a screeching halt.

(Ellis Weiner in Doon made the sine qua non out to be Beer, but nowadays we know better – It’s Pumpking Spice latte)

Pumpkin spice cat litter.

I am lamentably not joking. I’m pretty sure they aren’t, either.

Not sure if that’s a worse idea than citrus-scented cat litter, given the usual feline aversion to citrus.

Looks can be deceiving. That stuff tastes like crap, and will be so disappointing.

(Repeat to self, over & over, as needed.)

This request + her inability to speak with her sister last night, makes me wonder if she suspects something is not O.K. over there.

Well, more “not O.K.” than a broken arm and a declining spouse … sheesh …

Anyway, I hope my suspicions are wrong.

Not selfish. You spend an enormous amount of time and energy on behalf of your circle of loved ones. Your own batteries hafta be recharged too, yanno.

Wow, I didn’t quite put my finger on it till you mentioned that + put it together with your earlier comment about seeing how other ppl live, but … I have always been in somewhat disbelieving awe at someone who routinely starts their day knowing precisely what will be for dinner.

I just didn’t realize that’s what was in my brain when I read those posts. (This happens to me a lot.)

Damn, that’s a good way of putting it.

I’ve also seen counter-memes about just letting people enjoy their silly phone games, P.S. whatever, and other tiny joys in life, and … well, I can see both sides.

It IS stoopit marketing, and it also IS something that brings folks a brief moment of joy.

… ugh, then again, I just described Christmas music and THAT nonsense is about to start up soon.

Don’t you go jinxing me now. This will be my third attempt, and if I walk out of that same office slumped and defeated, again, I … don’t know.

:four_leaf_clover: Third time’s the charm, right?

I’m just about at the point where I’d consider doing something very pearl-clutching just to get this :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: over with.

Naw, but here, at least - after confirming the $$ and food portions of the transaction are correctly completed - I can simply talk over them, wish an ice-cold-but-technically-polite “Have a great day!” through gritted teeth with an even frostier glare, and slam that window shut.

And then turn my back to them, because gosh golly gee, look at all that random stuff that needs restocking! Over there!
… while eyeing the monitor so I can see when they’ve pulled away & the next car is rolling up.

I’ve also learned that my smoothly cheerful patter is so honed, that if I deviate from my usual scripts or even my tone of voice simply changes, heads will quietly turn my direction from the kitchen, and I’ll usually hear a soft “Everything Ok?” from my manager.

So while I may vent/bitch a bit, what I deal with now is so laughably pathetic - and I finally know the security of management & co-workers having my back - that it’s barely even small potatoes.

Not speaking for JtheC but I understood this exchange to mean: you two are so typical, in your mismatchedness.

As in, most couples have Big Important Talks ™ about shit like what religion they’re gonna raise their future children, but never find out the other one has “WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS” views on thermostat settings, and whether or not it’s OK to leave dirty dishes on the counter. Or if leaving them in the sink is acceptable. Or if they can load a dishwasher properl-- okay, you know what, stop, just let me do that …

And that’s leaving out the “who cleans what bathroom mess” hostage negotiations, upon which many divorce lawyers have paid their children’s college tuition.

… I think I understand where those weird “lizard people” conspiracy theories are originating.

Same. JtheC do you smell like bacon yet?

JFC my brain did similar. I saw “minted” and “cheese” while scanning quickly and had a brief :nauseated_face: moment.

Now I’m remembering the “red butter” debacle from last Valentines Day, and having horrified thoughts of red’n’green cheese. Or butter.

If I said these syllables out loud at work, I’d be sent home on suspicion of being too fucked up to trusted with sprinkling cheese onto a pizza.

OMG I’m done with life.

That’s even worse. Gotta be marketed towards the same people who think “vegan” and “cat food” can be compatible.

Heaving was short in duration, and short handed. But…thank god it was Monday? At least I get paid to play with crayons on Mondays.

So Corporate rolled out a new program restricting Internet access, and apparently sent out multiple emails about making sure TPTB granted access to the people who needed it(like Hazardous Ken). TPTB did not.
Senior clerk this morning: “I told them.”
So I have no clue what’s gonna happen. At least I’m not responsible. Next week should be even more fun. Half of Smalls is on vacation, and we have 71 Blueberries starting. Which means we might have 5 Blueberries left by Friday. :blueberries:

“Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.” -Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park

I hesitate to think of the horrors that Spot would unleash if I tried either of those on him.

Not for me. All I have to do is listen to the high pitched whining shriek of Mariah Carey overloaded belts. :stuck_out_tongue:

one of the PT sups at work wears a heavy hoodie, with the hood up. In the building in August. And I don’t recall ever seeing him sweat. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Preach it, Brother!! Not much of a spice fancier for anything, just a bland meal will suffice.

Unless she’s from Pasadena… (God, I’m old)

Morning all. Like many Fall has shown up with no easing into it (it was nearly 90F last Moanday here; 54F right now). Haven’t turned the heat on, but have got the sweatshirt on and am considered getting the space heater out for the computer room, where I spend way too much of my time. This should be my 5-S day (shopping/sammich/swim/sauna/soccer) so that should take care of the late morning/afternoon for me.

shoe, may the Great Bureaucracy Meeting be quick (Ha!) and successful.

FCM, I think sometimes couples (especially retired couples) should take a few days off from each other now and then, so enjoy your ‘Home Alone’ days, if they occur.

OK, need to finish the morning internetting and then prepare to venture out for the Moanday Shopping (Wal-Mart) and Sammich (Jersey MIke’s) run. Have a good week all.

Good morning.

It’s 54F, dark and cloudy outside. The rain moves in around 1:00 p.m., and the expected high is 64F.

I went to Costco yesterday and spent an absurdly large amount of money (for me), but I haven’t been there in ages, and most of the stuff I purchased was needed. For a good while now, I’ve been having them deliver, but because of my fight with Google maps, eight times out of 10 the Instacart driver gets lost, they have to call me, and then I have to guide them in. I just didn’t feel like dealing with that stupidity yesterday.

Anyway, I saw many more items I wanted to purchase, but I restrained myself, and I’m glad I did because it was still kind of eye-watering when I checked out. Then I waited in line at the pump for gas because, of course, I picked the one island that only had one working pump.

Got home, put away the purchases, had a late lunch and then went out and took care of the yard. It’s all cut and trimmed now, so I will now allow the rain to fall.

Pumpkin-spice everything is just over-rated. I’m generally not a fan, but I do like pumpkin bread. Pie is…okay. I don’t drink lattes, or anything like (I like my coffee strong and black, thank you). I’ve had some pumpkin ale, and I don’t know what the big deal is.

FCM, everyone needs a break once in a while, you have no reason to feel guilty.

doggio, I’m sorry your dog-doption has been delayed. I hope all the pups make it through the illness.

Thermostat; I like things cool and am very much the “put on a sweater” type of person to those who are whining. I also like to sleep with the window open, but I mostly lose that battle in the cold months. I want and need fresh cool air, or else my head becomes stuffed up, and I overheat. My comforter is pretty much summer weight all year long, and I still find myself flipping the comforter off of me and sleeping with just a top sheet, even in winter. I still haven’t turned on the heat, although we turned on the gas fireplace a couple of times for Polar during his last weeks. He liked to lie by the fire when it rained and after we toweled him off.

I need to do laundry today, and that’s all I have left on the chore list. Oh, need to break down the Costco boxes too.

For now, I’m going to finish my coffee and take a shower so I can start the day.

No, nothing nefarious. They’ve been planning this visit for a few months. AuntB couldn’t talk because of something to do with the car - they were stranded somewhere and trying to get home. FWIW, AuntB’s son lives really close and I assume she was talking with him to get help.

Anyway, the trip is on - FCD is picking up his mom at 6:30 tomorrow and heading into DC beltway traffic - he should be in the thick of it between 7:30 and 8, which will suck mightily. I’ll be without adult supervision till Thursday night so I’ve got that going for me. :wink:

Oh, yeah, back from the boat. All is fine there, tho I found a dock line sitting out on deck - it’s now coiled up and stored in the lazarette. The tide was particularly high - we don’t usually have to step up to get aboard! And some weenie used our hose and couldn’t be bothered to coil it back properly. Boat people are usually more considerate…

There’s a load in the washer so FCD can pack his favorite jeans for the trek. I straightened out the plugs under my desk - the guys who cleaned my pellet stove plugged it into the UPS - um, no. So now I’m pretty much free to do whatever. Yarn-related, I suppose.


An old friend from my early days up here posted a picture of the bay on Facebook. He moved to San Diego a long time ago, so I was like ‘Wait. You up here?’ We’re supposed to meet up after I get off irk today.

i switched soap from some sort of mint (cooling for summer) to pumpkin icing (for autumn). i am team pumpkin, i had pumpkin tarts for breakfast.

i am always cold, so i dress for the artic in the summer as the air conditioning is always blasting. things have cooled down now, so i carry a fleece jacket everywhere. the in-between seasons are difficult for businesses to get the temperature correct.

the cats have perked up due to the cold. there was much craziness in the wee hours.

Here’s something I never thought I’d type: Mom’s death certificates were just delivered! Yay! I’ll put one in tomorrow’s mail. Sometimes the USPS randomly takes its damn time, but hopefully my cousin – 250 miles away – will get it by the end of the week.

(For those wondering why I didn’t simply have a death certificate sent directly to my cousin: it wasn’t allowed. At least with this service, certified documents can only be mailed to the home address of the person requesting them – and, only certain people are allowed to make the request in the first place. And yeah, they check/confirm that info.)

I’m not a pumpkin fan, so the whole pumpkin spice thing gets largely ignored by me every year. The only time I’m annoyed by it is when “normal” flavors of things aren’t available/easy to find because the focus is on pumpkin spice. I don’t hate pumpkin pie, but for me there’s just no point in eating any…plus, I’m always disappointed that it isn’t sweet potato pie.

Today is a federal holiday but not a company holiday, so work is nice and quiet because our customer is off. And the program manager (my boss) cancelled this morning’s senior management tagup because a few folks took the day off, so I haven’t had any meetings yet. I have a weekly tagup with one of my direct reports this afternoon, but otherwise I’m hoping the day stays like this… :crossed_fingers:

Yesterday afternoon’s bon voyage party for the friend who’s about to spend 5-6 months singing on cruise ships was nice, but I didn’t stay long (nor did I need to). I ate some chili, chatted with a few folks, had a slice of cake, and left while it was still light outside. Metro took longer than their “trip planner” estimated: it probably would have taken twice as long to get home (the later it gets, the longer the wait times between trains), but luckily a mutual friend who lives near me also attended the party – and was also ready to leave soon-ish – and gave me a ride back to my car.

The rest of the evening was spent slothing on the couch with Bailey. Before heading to the party yesterday I finished re-watching all five seasons of The Wire, which had been dominating my TV time, so I was finally free to catch up on my TiVo recordings: I watched the new episode of Shark Tank (love that show!), decided that I wasn’t willing to give Snake Oil a second chance (and cancelled the season pass), and tried to watch the new episode of LEGO Masters but there had been a sports-related broadcast delay and TiVo wound up recording the end of a cooking show. I still have the PBS American Experience episode on Max Roach to watch, but after trying to watch the LEGO show I decided to switch to streaming and finally started watching S3 of Only Murders in the Building, which started two months ago. I like to wait until entire seasons are available, so I can binge-watch on my own schedule. :slight_smile: A few other seasons recently ended/became available: now I can also watch S3 of Lupin, S2 of Welcome to Wrexham, and S1 of Strange Planet (though I have a feeling I won’t enjoy the animated version nearly as much as the webcomic).

Catching up on a few replies to the old thread before diving into this one…

Oh, I wear socks in bed year-round. :smiley: I can’t sleep if my feet are cold, and without socks they’re always cold. I need a dark/quiet/cool room, socks, warmth from the waist down (but I can’t sleep in any kind of PJ bottoms), and a fan for the waist up (but I can’t sleep without a top). It wasn’t this complicated the last time I regularly shared a bed with someone (~10 years ago)…I imagine that I’d be quite challenging to (literally) sleep with these days!

I need to pretend that I never clicked on that link… :woman_facepalming:

Giant is evil that way, too: they put “need to sell soon” bakery items on the way to the fruits/vegetables.

My ex was always cold while I was always warm, and he teleworked for a company on the west coast so he’d stay up until 3-4am – and not get out of bed until 12-1pm – while I kept more “normal” night-owl hours. For us, the schedule thing was much more challenging than the thermostat thing. Granted his situation was a little extreme, but I don’t think I’d be very compatible with either an early-bird or someone on a west-coast schedule. I actually have that in mind for if I ever wade back into the dating world.

Sooooo cuuuuute!

That’s how I am with my brother. I’m only 19 months older but our personalities are completely different, we experienced our childhoods/parents very differently, and we simply have very little in common. We only see each other at funerals, weddings, our dad’s birthday, Father’s Day, and Christmas. Every now and then a relative or old friend will ask how he’s doing, and they’re always surprised when I shrug and say, “I think he’s fine.” I have several friends who don’t even know that I have a brother, just because I never mention him. Like you said, though, there’s no animosity.

Same! My whole thing about remembering to preheat the oven (for the stuffed chicken boobies) is really just about thinking about dinner early enough. I generally don’t think about any of my meals until pretty much I’m ready to eat, which is why I so often turn to whatever’s fastest. (I still haven’t made either flavor of chicken boob yet…heh.) Get this: there are people who spend a chunk of every Sunday doing meal prep/planning for the entire week! :exploding_head:

Nice! :slight_smile:

37F when I got up this morning!

Good visit yesterday with the youngest and his brood. His stepson impresses me more each time I talk to him. He’s in his frosh year at UW(isc) and seems to be totally focused on the job at hand. Likes to read, and actually admits to it! I gave him two books about the British exploration of the Nile. Gave my son the latest installment of his inheritance.

Hi all again! Noonish here. Success on my call center flail, sheveled, fed, and off to the car place. Where I’m hanging out while they do their thing. Will walk to a nearby eatery in a bit for a scruffy lunch. Car ought to be ready by the time I get back.

Damn, Moom thse are some cute grandkids being cute. And nice to hear you get the next couple days footlloose and fancy free for real. Nice that the boat survived the ravages of Maria too.

Well you did set a very successful example. The others just weren’t cool enough to keep up. Younger sibs are like that. :grin:

As to sibs, I’m about like you. I’m eldest of 3 boys & my bro’s are great guys, but we almost never talk. No animosity, no lingering resentments, just not much reason to dial the phone today. Both our parents are long deceased, so they don’t provide a reason to check in. When we do talk we can yak for a couple hours easily. One’s in SoCal near where we grew up and the other is in Dallas. So time zones don’t help.

I think a lot of that is the nature of how they cook. Folks who crockpot need to start dinner by 10am to be able to eat at a decent hour. Folks like me who cook more short-order style can wait until they’re hungry to start deciding what.

Another difference between Her Ladyship and I is how we stock food and cook. Pre- this marriage I’d have a full pantry and fridge & freezer full of real food of all kinds. Unless it was a big roast sort of thing that needed a day’s defrosting, I could pull the ingredients of any of a couple dozen different meals out & whip 'em up at any time.

Conversely Her Ladyship stocks no food at all, just condiments and spices. Decides on one day that she wants to make a particular recipe, then goes to the store(s) that morning (or the next day), buys everything, cooks it, and that’s it. So each meal entails great advance planning & a trip (or two) out. Whatever ingredients were bought in excess quantity (need 1/2c of [whatever] and it only comes in quart containers?) might get used but more likely will get pitched a few days later.

Some MMPers seem to do the “buy it today to start it for dinner tomorrow morning” thing a lot. Not my style but I see where it comes from.

Sorry you have to put up with that crap, but it’s warm and fuzzy to know you’re part of a defensive team who’ll take care of you. So many men; so many idjits. 'Tain’t fair to you ladyfolk.

I recalled the IT story, but when you jokingly said “All hourly employees stay home” I was thinking in terms of what horrible Labor uprising the Rabble had done yesterday to now be locked out by vengeful management. Not that IT had prevented everybody from irking, but especially the shop floor.

Sounds like great fun. The surprise reunions are always good.

Sounds like you were offset 2 or 3 hours, maybe a bit more.

Given free rein I’d be in bed at about 9:30 pm and her at 1:30am. So 4 hours different. I can handle about an hour later and she can (barely) handle an hour earlier on occasion. She’s often an hour or more later than her norm. And lolls in bed for an hour+ once awake, whereas from the time I’m awake to out of bed is about 15 seconds. Bottom line being I’m often up & moving 6 hours before she emerges. That’s tough, unless the goal is to avoid one another. Which would be a silly goal for a married couple.

Cookie: Hooray for son and step-grandson visit. And for the start of big-W Winter in de far Nort, eh.

Feels like about scruffy lunchtime here.

Cheers all!