The Republican Party is the Party of Evil

Pretty sure that there was an implied “like me” at the end of his sentence.
Just_Asking_Questions is pretty accurate. At the core, conservatives are all about selfishness, and what they can get for themselves. They have no capacity to think of others, or what would be best for the community as a whole (that’s “socialism”!). They are fundamentally like small children, unable to grasp that other people have feelings or needs.

This just in

This requires some clarification, which is mentioned in the story but seemingly as an afterthought –

Alexander Vindman was the whistleblower.

His identical twin brother, Yevgeny, had nothing to do with it. Yet they were both drummed out of the service.

The report says that Yevgeny was the one who was wrongfully fired. (Although it seems that Alex was wrongly fired too, since there is supposed to be some protection for whistleblowers.)

Does the report specify who exactly did the firing? And are they still in the Dept. of Defense? Because if so, they should be shown the door IMO.

Don’t know. The article I linked, from Daily KOS, is something of a summary, but maybe if you follow some of the links there to read the full DoD Inspector General report, maybe it says. The article does quote an excerpt saying that no action is recommended against the Administration officials who were behind this, as they are no longer in the Administration.

The article itself admits of some confusion between the two Vindmen. The caption below the photo reads:

But no matter that they posted the wrong picture. They both look alike anyway, right?

An Inspector General report will not name names. At most it will say “an Executive” took an action.

“the Executive” should have his ass sued off for wrongful dismissal.

Not only canoodling with Mark Meadows, she took on badgering the Arizona traitors.

I’m sure Justice Thomas will be counseling her about, "…society is “becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like.” - His own words.

Alas, no hell black enough for them to rot in.

It’s a subtle kind of evil, but evil nevertheless.

The maternal death rates are only bad if you count women.

Ginni Thomas is basically a one-woman electoral fraud machine. She can’t be bargained with. She can’t be reasoned with. She doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop, ever, until Donald Trump is re-elected!

Remember that next time Clarance Thomas sputters out some nonsense about how the Supreme Court is being compromised by liberals bringing politics into the courthouse, or justices holding partisan views.


i disagree.
It is not that subtle.

I’d be cool with that. Just not carved in stone.

iswydt :grin:

Wtf is subtle about black people aren’t fully human?

If you feel very generous, you could argue that the guy meant that there are factors not in control of the government that influence different maternity mortality in people of different background.

/devil’s advocate

I’d have to see some serious research into such claims before I’d even consider such remark anything else than evil.

Of course, if that is what Cassidy was arguing, he could have significantly helped his case by specifying exactly what those factors affecting maternal mortality in black women are. Of course, he did not, because he knows nothing about the issue other than what he thinks his base wants to hear.

Cassidy voted for the second impeachment. Just a reminder that even the relatively “decent” Republicans in office are still profoundly indecent, almost to a person.

“But the white folks are doin OK!”

My wife done died while giving birth
But whitey’s on the moon