After a quick search for the answer, in previous posts, I believe it is safe to post this question. I am a Recovering Catholic, just so you know the basis for my (lack of) knowledge. The questions are at the end, but please feel free to correct me along the way.
My understanding of Judaism is that they recognize the existance of Jesus, perhaps by a different name, but not as the Savior/Son Of God that Christianity claims that he is.
What is the closest term that Judaism refers to Jesus as? Prophet? Heretic?
Does Jesus appear under a different name in the mainstream Jewish texts?
If Judaism doesn’t recognize Jesus as the Son Of God, what is the basis for that decision?
And, most importantly, what is the basis that Christianity claims that Jesus is the Son Of God?
I know that the answers to these questions are probably blantantly obvious to the educated. But, this seems like such a simple concept, that it is just assumed that everone knows the answer, therefore, it is not covered in Bible Class.
I don’t remember this last point ever being documented in the Bible. Actually, to the contrary, one of the texts describing Jesus at the time of his crucifixion quotes Jesus as saying, “Why have you forsaken me, my Lord?” Forsaken? Whoops! Talk about being a day late and a dollar short.
I assume that one of the answers to the last set of questions is that this is just taken for granted as a given, that Jesus is the Son Of God. The second most likely answer to these questions is that this is a result of ingrained tradition.