I went to the fox news site. I looked at it. I was trying to find a story on George Bush liking Fritos. Instead I saw an ad for their top stories of 2000. So many stories, so much news… what did they choose to represent 2000? Three pictures… yep… three pictures. Can you guess? GW Bush, H Clinton, and Richard from Survivor. This? This sums up our collective experience for 2000? my god.
I reiterate my previous suggestion to bomb Fox.
“Fox News” is a contradiction in terms.
Personally, I’m just glad that one of the pictures to “highlight” the year 2000 wasn’t Elian Gonzalez.
Oldscratch, calm down. You said yourself it was just an ad for a larger feature. I don’t know why they chose those three pictures, but the feature was segmented by month, and they highlighted many events besides Survivor. Not saying they went particularly deep, but news in general doesn’t go deep anymore. The ad wasn’t trying to sum up the entire year, just draw peoples’ eyes to the link. What would you have put up, anyway?
During the Elian thing of Easter, when he said taken from his house, the Fox News name for that story (you know–the thing they have on the screen when they’re talking about that story) was “The Taking of Elian.” The Taking! Not the Seizing, or The Capture, but The Taking. Of all the awkward stupid words to use–I bet when the story broke, the only guy in the news room was some 20 year old intern. “This needs a title–how about, um, The Taking!”
Oh! And also, during this same time period, the newscaster says “And now for some breaking news–it’s Easter.”
Actually, when I was first started doing stand up comedy, the second joke I ever told was about Fox News… And people actually LAUGHED! I’m so proud.
do you work for fox news?
You know what’s scarier? A few nets do things like this, and that’s because THEY’RE TARGETED AT THEIR AUDIENCE! That audience votes, holds jobs, raises kids. THAT’S scary.