I took the GRE today for no reason*. And lo and behold, the many arguments I’ve gotten into on this board actually helped me out. There’s a part early in the test where you’re supposed to evaluate an argument, and my experience in dealing with post hoc and similar reasoning problems helped me pick apart the piece. Who knows if I did well, but I suppose I wrote a pretty long response to the thing, and that can’t be bad.
Okay, there was a reason; there was no purpose since I’m not even considering grad school. That’s why the ‘sorta.’
Alright, getting help from one of the sex threads would be more fun, but it was cool. Thanks to the many worthwhile sparring partners out there.
Nothing against education, Zoe. I feel like 16 years of classes is enough, frankly. I’m tired of being graded. My marks in college have been nothing to write home about (my maternal unit’s insistence that I consider grad school is very funny given her complaints about that), but after all this time I think I really should get down to doing what I’ve been preparing for all these years. I’m going to write for a living, that’s not news to me. The best professor I’ve had in my study of journalism didn’t even have a BS, much less a graduate degree. He went out there and earned his reputation by writing, and that’s the way it should work. A grad degree - and my professors are generally agreed about this - won’t make you more likely to get hired. Either your writing is good or it isn’t.
Thanks, Mom. Actually, I’ve found the girl I’m sticking with, so this wouldn’t be an issue anyway.
The GRE is a standardized multiple choice test used as a criterion for entry into graduate school, rather like the SAT is used for college entry in the US. There is a general portion, and then there are special sub-tests for different fields of study that you can opt to take.