The SDMB Peerage Registry... Get Your Title From Fairy Princess Kitty

Dearest Fairy Princess, if ou have are any titles left, may I please be so honored?

struuter, terribly sorry I’ve waited so long, I dub thee Lady stuuter, Baroness of Flirting and Making Newbies Jump Through Hoops.

Mr. Cynical, I present thee with the title of Duke Cynical of Evil Punishments and Spankings.

Lissa, I dub thee Countess of Cow Print and pretty Rhinestones. You may also be Lady Lissa of Good Advice.


Awww…thanks, Kitty darling! hug I gave it my own twist, using my made-up word, Czaress™. :^)

Thanks Welfy, I kept trying to figure out how to use Czar but gave up after a while. Czaress sounds pretty.


I’ve never had any sort of official title before.
Hmmm…I think I would like to be lord of something, or maybe master of this and that. I don’t know, whatever you want. After all, you are the Princess. But princesses don’t really dub people, queens and kings usually do that. But I seem to be in a state of non-sensical rambling. (by the way, sensical isn’t a word. Isn’t that odd?)

I give up. I’ll be dubbed by someone yet.

sighs at Mercutio’s impatience
Alright, I’ll give you a title, but only because I loved Romeo and Juliet and Mercutio was the best character.

Mercutio I dub thee Baron of Slanderous Insults Involving Flowers, Cats, and the Color Pink, also you may be Lord of Worm’s Meat.
(I hope I got that right, I haven’t read that play in a long time.)


feminine of Tsar is Tsarina.

Mama Hen-don’t feel bad-I have an obsession with Omar Sharif, who’s old enough to be my grandfather! (He was SEXY back in the day!)

You forgot me. Either that, or you’re still thinking of a title befitting someone of my stature and girth.

How about Grand Vizir of Stature and Girth?

(Hmm… I guess that’s why no one asks me to dub them something.)

Fairest Princess, she who walks upon the petals of our hearts, I do humbly beseech upon thee to grant me Armorial title, that I may be fulfilled (as apparently doing gate for 3 years just isn’t enough… hehehe)…

I strive in arms to keep the ignorant away, and am willing to compleiment you on the garb in your photo.

Of course, in Your wisdom, the title is up to you.

Gods save the Princess!!1


Thank you FPK, I like my title. Its very cute!

uhm Kitty, isn’t the title marquis normally for guys only?
I’m a girl and I can prove it. ::waits around to see if anyone is going to make her prove it::

Fine, If I must.
Prove it.

Oh yeah… This is so going in my sig.

Thank you Kitty!

Bless you Mary Poppins…
I mean, Fairy Kitty

::strips down naked for all to see::

Happy now?

ssskugi, do you have a look but don’t touch policy, or can I use this body heating massage oil I just happen to have handy?

sssssskuuuggiiii, Lexicon, you two, out of the pool!! That oil is bad for the filters… use this couch… pay no attention to the cameras…

The feminine of Marquis is Marquisa, which I may be misspelling. And someone already got the Czarina thing, so I’ll just wait for the next one… heheheheh

Mmmmmmmm… slavic Welfy…

Yes. Yes I am.