The secret MMP

There’s a fly in my office. It needs to die. I don’t have a swatter.

Life is so unfair…

Howdy Y’all! A strange thing happened here at da cave. The chikin I was goin’ to fry up today has turned (well, is in the process of turnin’ into) into Chikin Divan AKA Couch Chikin. See, a package of frozen broccoli florets fell out of da freezer whilst I was reachin’ for sump’n else. Said package landed on my foot as if it wanted to get my attention. I took that as a sign. :smiley: Anywho now we sup upon Couch Chikin, sallit, and rolls tonight. Tomorrow we shall sup upon country fried steak 'n grave, squishes and peas, butterbeans 'n okra.

Sickies, glad you’re feelin’ better or hope you’re feelin’ better, as the case may be.

Sari I know you’re on the road but have a safe and good trip to the armpit. Maybe if you’re house is all neat and tidy the burglars will think the place is too high class for them and leave.

MetalMouse I like my bed and am glad to sleep in it again whenever I come home from bein’ away, but, when it comes down to it a bed is a bed, I reckon.

No, a bed is not a bed. The guest bed at my mom’s house is like a board - it hurts my back to sleep on it. Inflatable “beds” don’t breathe and they make you sweaty every place your body touches. Waterbeds are too weird to mention here. Memory foam beds are gifts from the gods!!

We were sitting on the sofa Sat evening wondering why the cat was sitting on the kitchen counter intently staring at the (dimmed) kitchen ceiling light (over the table); eventually realized that there was a flying something up there, though think it was more a small moth rather than a fly.

IOW, bring one of the kits to irk. Either that or swallow it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of beds, we had a new mattress delivered today. We have a day bed in our family room for guests, but when Romeo Jr. got his “big boy” bed, we took that mattress up to his room. I ordered a new memory foam mattress for the day bed and it arrived today… we’ll see how badly the rain damaged the packaging; hopefully it’s well wrapped in plastic and I don’t have to deal with a wet foam mattress.

A endorsethis baby.

AND it’s from Amazon! What’s his name has to lug it around.

Juliet, I’m sending a sympathetic cough in Romeo Jrs’. direction; I also tend to cough when I feel just fine, which used to drive one of my cow-orkers crazy.

FCM, my the fly die from your deadly eye-glares… And I agree with you and not swampy, there are many beds and finding the ‘right’ one is important. IMHO of course.

Midget, hang in there, hoe you get to feeling better.

Almost nothing accomplished today outside nappage, but still need to move my clothes over to the remodeled closet, since I’ve relocated my underwear back to the bedroom…

Soccer practice at 5Pm, but there is rain to the Northeast that looks to be heading this way, so it might be a race…

Supper was burgers with all the fixiin’s. Daughter and SIL are doing the dishes. I have a cat across my left arm. Life is good. :smiley:

Couch chikin has been consumed. Chillage ensues.

MetalMouse I recommend you move your undies closer to you. Ya know, just in case you need to put on a pair right quick. I think we had a discussion about burglars and bein’ nekkid in the house, or sump’n like that earlier.

:eek: Is that a Sign of the Apocalypse?

Stealth brag detected.

In the home stretch of home buying and I may pick up the puppy this week too. Theoretically we had rain this morning, but I am not impressed. Water did fall from the sky, but it wasn’t for long.

We’re on the home stretch (get it?) for house purchase. We do the walkthrough and sign documents on Thursday :).

Juliet, I’ve always been a cougher. I can be over the cold for a week but still coughing. Allergies? Coughing. And to top it off, I used to be on a medication whose side effect was a dry cough. Hugs to Romeo Jr.

After the OT and rush last week, today was a slow day and I got some stuff that wasn’t time sensitive done. My boss is on vacation this week, but we’ve rescheduled the monthly one on one for when she returns.

I am currently eating some sweet potato black bean enchiladas that I pulled from the freezer and having slaw with it. After KP, it’s kick back in the studio.

I am tahred. Tonight is my favorite chicken dish from the real good newish place. So no cooking or cleaning shall happen here tonight even though laundry may happen as tomorrow is maid day and I don’t want to leave her with a ton of laundry.

I think I shall take off on Thursday. I did stay late yesterday so that was an over ten hour day and a full day today. Too old for all this irk.

Tell us about your new house Sunny.

Got off at noon, made a [del]Kessel[/del]Penzy’s spice run. Made Italian Chicken with lemon thyme orzo and spicy roasted squash.

Banana Pudding wrestling. :smiley:

At least it wasn’t Thursday. I miss hockey and a tailgate with free pizza and free beer, you gonna rue the day*.


*Not our Rue De Day

Alex Catt will eat your Sky Raisins for you.:wink:

Flytrap has salty carpets. :eek:

For being able to run a sub-11 min mile? Hardly. About 95% of my running club can do that.

Well, got an hour of soccer practice in despite a drizzing rain and had Macaroni n Cheese for dinner, so things are well in case Rat.

Need to do some shopping tomorrow at Target, right now I have Q-tips and Toilet Brushes on the list, probably will add more. I also got my spiffy new 4K HD TV connected, only to find that I don’t have the right cables for HD and I’m not sure Direct TV has me set up for HD, so it’s on the phone/store tomorrow.

Second Butters request, Sunny; what’s the new place like? And bring extra pens along Thursday, lots of signing to do.

swampy, undies and shirts are relocated and this evening I’ll move my pants back over. So I can make myself presentable.

Good luck on Thursday Sunny - home buying has always been the greatest day I’ve ever hated, in my experience. Sitting around a table with a group of people who are all there to take your money, and lots of it.

Though the moment you first walk back into a place that is now yours is always a very special time.

Or time to check the basement for pods left by those evil alien plan… HEY! WAIT A GOSH-DARNED MINUTE! Now it all starts to make sense!

Short version; did much adulting today, went to work and injured my hip a little, will not be able to have as much fun at Knoebels as I had hoped. Not totally happy about that despite our national-news-worthy raise.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 71 Amurrkin out and clear (dark) with a predicted high of 91 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Summer/Fall continues. This mornin’ I shall lay in provisions. Rah. Don’t need a whole lot of stuff so hopin’ for a real quick trip to the Pubic Sto’. Other than that, who knows what the day may bring.

Sunny yay on the new digs!

StickyBuns I really do spiff the place up on a weekly basis. Not to say that I’m doin’ a deep cleanin’, but enough that no one would catch any deadly diseases from bein’ in da cave. :smiley:

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I shall purtify and, bother of bothers, don appropriate goin’ about the public clothin’.

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Yay, Sunny!

Midget, being sick sucks although I’m not sure that your BYOB idea will really catch on…

Swampy, can I hire you? Never mind the commute. :smiley:

MetalMouse, I’m an *Intervention Specialist *. :wink: Oh, and yay for sleeping in your own bed!

My appointment with the sleep medicine doc was a bust so I’m going back to my regular doctor on Friday. Feeling this tired is highly overrated. :rolleyes:

And here’s a few more :(:o:dubious::mad::smack: since I seem to be on a roll!