The Secret Song on Windows 95

This is the puzzle only the Internet, and only the SDMB, could solve.

Years ago, a friend showed me a little Easter Egg on Windows95. If you created a new folder, and named it a certain code phrase, you would find a little piece of MIDI music called “Clouds” that was very lovely. Kind of like a music box.

I saved this piece of music, but on my new computer [edited to salvage everyone’s interest] it doesn’t work.


Does anyone know about this piece in the first place? Or was it the tinkling of fairies waiting to take me to the Dreamland?

Where on the Net could I find it to download it all over again? I assume it’s an original composition, and not some fragment of classical music.

Finding this little song is absolutely meaningless, and very important.

Perfect for the SMDB.


From (found it on google):

There is actually a longer phrase that you put in without the {}, but I don’t remember and don’t feel like searching longer. :slight_smile:

Ahhh…the old Chicago Easter Egg - the one that started the whole egg competition, which PPT always lost b/c we were too busy fixing bugs while XL was too busy adding “fly around on the surface of Mars” APIs. (Inside rant).

The only thing I can think of is for you to re-enable the easter egg in Win95 and then recover the MIDI file. I recall there was a REG key that you could create to unlock it, but that memory is long gone.

The trick to the egg was to name and then rename the folder with exact syntax. As I recall, you first had to name it “and now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for” and then accept the name. Once accepted, right click the folder and rename it “we proudly present for your viewing pleasure” repeat, and rename it “The Windows95 Product Team!”. Once you accept that name, the folder should populate with the egg.

NOTE: I’m going from stale memory here, so I may no longer remember the exact syntax, and it won’t work without it.

Tell ya what: if no one else can get it for you, let me know, and I’m sure I can find someone internally that has it and I’ll Email it to you.

Thank you, JerseyDiamond. If I may humbly seem a bit ungrateful…

I no longer have Windows 95. So the problem is not so much creating the Easter Egg as much as finding the song… which is going to be difficult, because who in their right mind still has Windows 95?

[Sound of 8,281 Dopers growling.]

I guess the question becomes – hey, c. 8,000 Dopers on Win95, would you mind creating the Easter Egg and then making it available to poor shlubs like me?

I remember Excel also had something similar where you went to cell XY, formatted it so, did this, then that and somepresentation appeared.

I heard similar things as well about Excel. Someone once showed me a flight simulator within one of the programs. It could very possibly be Excel, and no the program was not Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Whoops! That link I just gave supplies all the kidden stuff in every version of Excel.


Hey, that is a rather pretty little song.

yes it is.

do you think that one of the higher-ups on the programming team for 95 wrote it?

:slight_smile: That’s it! Thank you, Dopers!
Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves couldn’t provide an answer, and the SMDB did it in less than 6 hours. Yay!

