The shortest of rants for the shortest of months (mini rants)

Gah, rant at myself. One of my cousin’s kid’s birthday party is this weekend, and it looks like I won’t be able to attend because I didn’t isolate myself enough (grocery and/or takeout, and she’s a teacher so she has to be really careful with COVID). Since I’d visited and taken tests before, I didn’t think hard enough about it, and this kid seems to really like me too. I’m angry at myself now for not being more considerate. :stuck_out_tongue: My aunt is gonna shake her head at me for not taking enough precautions, and I’ll miss spending time with the baby too.

Stupid me.

I hope so too. Because I now have a funny story.

I was driving to work, irritated because my doctor didn’t actually send the prescription for zofran in so I would have to call her as soon as I got to work to sort it out. It was one of those days where the sun is just at the perfect angle to be blinding. I was driving down the interstate, squinting into the glare and I looked away for a second, I think maybe to get my clip ons, but I don’t remember. I don’t remember because when I looked back, I saw tail lights. I slammed on the brakes and attempted to avoid the car in front of me but it was too late. I rammed right into them. Blew my airbags. Came to a stop along side the road, between an onramp and the far right lane of traffic.

It was entirely my fault. I should have given better following distance given the conditions. I should have paid better attention. I am lucky that all that really got damaged were the cars. Me, the baby, the other car and their passengers, all walked away shaken up but not hurt. I did get a much deserved ticket.

Today, I’m without transportation so I am working from home. I’m pretty sore but I’ll survive.

While I was at the doctor, getting checked out and checking on baby, my husband received just horrible news. His mother is going into hospice. So the day ended up being really shitty.

One good thing did happen yesterday though, I did finally get the zofran.

I’m so glad you and the baby are okay.

I’m so sorry to hear about your MIL.

That was not a funny story. :no_mouth: I am glad you and others are all okay, though. Is the long-awaited Zofran finally helping?

Unsolicited advice! (You’re pregnant, you better be getting used to this. :slight_smile: ) It’s an older Rx but my Other Shoe and I both got much better results from Phenergan (promethazine) than from Zofran.
Dunno why it’s falling out of favor (maybe just because Zofran is newer and shinier) but if you aren’t getting relief, you could try that as an alternative.

I love that video SO MUCH!!! :smiley:

I do have sympathy for basically the entire USA at this point. I take all of our preparations for extreme cold and snow for granted because I’ve never lived without them. In our recent two-week bitter cold snap, it was around -40 with windchills at some points, and we just carried on because we’re used to it (albeit with extra bitching and moaning).

I think they have - that’s probably why I’m having this stupid problem with my iTunes. “Why don’t you just put all your music in the Cloud like we want you to, so we can hold all the music you paid money for hostage to our whims?”

FIV kitty stopped eating yesterday. Today he doesn’t want lappies or skritches. We called the vet, tomorrow he’s going on that final car ride. I am crying.

I’m sorry, Jane. It’s the hardest thing.

I am also glad all are ok and it was only cars. That’s a good outcome in my book.

Also sorry to hear about your MIL.

And I agree, Zofran is a wonderful help when you need it.

{{{@JaneDoe42 }}}

I’ve done that final trip too many times myself (or found that they’d moved on before we could make arrangements), and will probably be doing it at least a few more times in my life. Just can’t imagine not having a pet.

Son called me up crying, screaming, and cursing last night to tell me how I ruined his life. (I disagree). He didn’t seem to be himself, if you catch my drift. Feeling a black cloud over my head today.

Oh, Dung_Beetle, that’s got to hurt. My (oddly-specific) prayer is that your son calls you up today and, in a hung over but humbled voice says something like “Did I call you last night? Me and some friends did a little more alcohol/pot/'shrooms than we meant to…”

I’ll echo digs’s sentiments, Dung_Beetle.

ETA: son’s rant seems alcohol inspired. Too much pot and he prolly couldn’t remember where he’d left his phone.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. My MIL has been sick for a long time. I’m glad we are focusing on keeping her comfortable but it’s still hard. We aren’t talking yet about days or weeks but probably months. It’s not like she has an expiration date.

I don’t know why either. I think it might have to do with how well studied it is in pregnancy. They are really careful about medicines in pregnancy… For obvious reasons. Regardless, I feel like a new person.

Oh dear. You are doing the right thing. You’ve given him the best life for the time he was with you. And now you are giving him a merciful and peaceful end. It’s the hardest part of having pets. It’s ok to cry.

Thanks, digs, kayaker. I’m not sure what son uses to alter himself, but it doesn’t seem like he has much fun.

This morning FIV kitty came to bed and cuddled and purred, then demanded breakfast. He ate a good breakfast, cuddled with hubs for an hour and then demanded a snack. Its as if the last week never happened.

Hubs thinks our Asshole Cat just wanted to see if we would miss him. Cats are jerks.

(Vet visit cancelled, he’s already on hospice so there’s no need to take him back for more blood work and stress.)

Here’s hoping FIV kitty yanks you guys around for a long, long time. :slight_smile:

Thanks, that’s our hope too!

On occasion someone will post an icky OP that I want to cornfield but in order to mute it I have to open and scroll through to the end of the icky thread while shielding my eyes from any content thereof. Is there a shortcut to muting a thread without opening it?

Sadly, I haven’t found any way to mute it without opeing it, but you don’t have to scroll to the end to mute it. Look to the right to the number of the post (" 5 / 119") and see the little bell symbol at the lower end. (If the bell symbol doesn’t appear, click on either the top post date or the bottom post date.) Click on the bell and mute.