The shortest of rants for the shortest of months (mini rants)

I’ve found that my own anxiety and depression are worse lately. I blame the combo of a toxic irkplace and 2020 being 2020.

Sr. Weasel says he’s seen an uptick in PTSD with his clients. His best explanation is that things are as close to normal as they have been in a year, so it’s finally safe to start processing some of this stuff.

A lot of what I’ve been sorting through is what I went through in the few days after Wee Weasel was born. It wasn’t quite postpartum psychosis but in no way was I tethered to reality. I was suicidal but also completely out of my mind. I had so many horrible thoughts. I’m still shaken by it. I finally talked about it in detail for the first time this week - Sr. Weasel knew it was bad, but not how bad. He did his usual thing of being unconditionally accepting and he helped me understand it through an OCD lense - I was having constant intrusive thoughts on top of the suicidal ideation. It resolved once I got some sleep. I’ve read about the “baby blues” and I think it was something like that - the hormone dump and sleep deprivation latched onto my pre-existing mental health stuff and I just fell apart.

I think because my son is about to be a year old, this stuff is coming up.

I never thought of it that way, but that makes sense. My own anxiety/depression has been ramping up lately, especially since I got my second vaccine. Now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, but at the same time I know that another big adjustment is coming up–getting used to “regular normal.” Just when I got used to “pandemic normal.”

At least the weather’s behaving itself for the moment so I can pry myself out of my room and go outside.

Same. And it’s a weird thing having a baby within days of a state lockdown - our old normal is gone forever anyway. I’m not sure what the new normal will look like without COVID.

Not feeling very happy with myself right now. Toward the beginning of February, I was pondering how long it had been since I posted a song parody to open a mini-rant thread, and I thought to myself: “How about a march to open up March?”

On or about the 5th, I managed to pound out a few bars of Snarks and Gripes Forever while I was on a break at work. I figured that I had more than three weeks to finish it, so I set it aside. I haven’t worked on it a single time since. And I only have two days left.

Oh, well. There’s going to be a March next year, too, I guess.

Day after tomorrow, actually. :slight_smile:

Right, but I like my music parody posts to OPEN the mini-rants thread. So I have either two days,or one year and two days.

Why is Snarks and Gripes Forever not on the docket for July?

Yeah, JULY!.. then you’ve got four months to coast… until you have two days to get 'r’done.

I’m glad you are feeling better.

I had my last child and then 9/11 happened. I was breastfeeding him/her while reading an IGN thread and it had that new fangled “real time” box to the right.

I think that’s the day I went from reading anything and everything (about then then there was more than just cat videos, porn, science stuff, porn, cat pix but… not much more :smiley: ) and saw actual news sites, Cecil!, and had time to get engaged. To think about what I read and then check it via other sites. Even back then I did know about sites and cites … just not many cites back then.

I still read anything and everything… but between AFCA, other USENET groups and then forum groups where they actually said “Think before you type.”

But that was 20 years-ish ago. It scares me that with all this knowledge now freely available … so many don’t read and decide for themselves.

I love and I mean love The Day After Tomorrow. I checked the sites… and read the cites. It was considered ridiculous. Then… as stuff happens (like the North Atlantic current) …

I had read that Icky guy’s book dealing with ancient days, a rogue planet, aliens… oh, Zecharia Sitchin - Wikipedia

It was cool.

But then I read over various forums and sites the things he said/got wrong.

I think there are too many people who just stop and never check things they read.

They … like to believe.

It’s easier.

Doing taxes. Live in Missouri, wife works in Kansas. On the “other additions to income” page, you need to report:

Abortion Expenses
Enter the total amount of credit(s) allowed on your federal return that includes coverage of, reimbursement for, or credit/partial credit for, abortion or abortion expenses.

A modest and perhaps lame mini-rant:

I am pissed off at Adobe for discontinuing Flash Player, more specifically for disabling it on all applications that relied on it.

Yes, it didn’t cost anything to use in the first place and the company obviously has a right to discontinue it, but now I have a perfectly good security camera I need to replace because without Flash Player it can’t be accessed via its IP address.

I am highly dubious about Adobe’s claim that it disabled Flash Player for security reasons. It seems more like a case of taking their ball and going home, no matter the inconvenience to users.

There are multiple, documented, security issues with Flash. While it is possible to get Flash to still run in browsers, Flash has been replaced by newer and more secure technology such as HTML 5.

In computer terms, Flash is an ancient technology that was increasingly difficult and expensive to keep patching to try to keep up with new technology and security issues, and I suspect that Adobe decided that it wasn’t worth it to them to keep trying to.

ETA: Adobe said three years ago that they were ending support for Flash Player as of the end of 2020.

“But we never thought they’d DO it!”

I pit anyone who didn’t have a Plan B for post-Flash (have a friend in that situation… that’s a quote from him above).

BUT I also pit Adobe. They had decades to actually make Flash work. It would’ve taken a complete recoding from the ground up, but if they’d done that back in the 90s, they’d have a great product!

This is that sarcasm thing I keep hearing about, right?

I am not one defend Adobe. I have had my gripes with them for years, and I really got pissed at them for buying and throwing away Macromedia. (RIP Dreamweaver, I really miss you.)

But the security problems with Flash are legit, and it’s totally unnecessary now with HTML 5. It’s like Winzip, you don’t need it anymore.

And RIP Macromedia Director and Fireworks and Freehand and Extreme3D and xRes and… Authorware!

Why are we still talking on the February page?

No, they don’t, I have a right to use it. Just like I have a right to read Doctor Seuss books, whether the copyright owners want to publish it or not.

We aren’t. The Lets All March forth and rant thread was started last week.

There should be an apostrophe in “Let’s”.