The Signature Thread

This is the thread to show off your signature and maybe provide a little backstory on it.
Mine came to mind after I read a story about sex education being taught in high school using Oscar Meyer’s weiner.

This should be interesting. At some point in the past signatures, including my own, began to annoy me so I turned them off. So I will see all these posts sans sig and on the basis of the OP it will be more interesting because I now wonder what the hell yours actually is. :slight_smile:

No wonder teenage pregnancy is on the rise again.

After a well done steak discussion the conversation drifted into the taste difference between black and white people, and so our friendly moderator’s response has now been captured for posterity.

Do I still have one?

I don’t remember what mine is.

It’s best.

It isn’t what you think.


This is a line from a book we read in our book club. It’s a novel somewhat based on a period in the life of Margaret Mead, the anthropologist. I highly recommend the book.

And mine is… something that was floating around on FB not too long ago.


Does mine show up?

[quote=“Wesley_Clark, post:12, topic:768177”]

Does mine show up?

[/QUOTE] Yep.

I’ve been Pitted for my signature before, but the current one is fairly harmless, I think.

Never mind. I forgot that I changed it a while back.

Haven’t used min in forever. It’s pretty self explanatory.

I haven’t changed mine in a long time. In honor of this thread, I’ve re-instated one of my first sig lines.

It comes, of course, from that science fiction time-travel trope, The Grandfather Paradox. I couldn’t resist a one-line sendup of it.

I was delighted to find, when I first posted it, that someone thought I’d lifted it from some well-known science fiction writer. Nope. It’s all mine.

Just a little haiku about the place where I live.

Jeez, it’s been so long since I’ve used my sig, I wonder if it’s still here.

Inspired by a plush Darth Vader with bunny ears the guestling got in an Easter basket a few years back.