The Small Girl: Four Years Old

My beautiful little girl is four years old. I’m cheating a little; actually, it’s October 15 as I write this, and her birthday is the 16th, but by the time most of you will read this, she’s four.

Look, I’m not gonna lie to you. The last few months have been high stress at Casa RickJay. My Beautiful Wife lost her job, and at the same time my job has been absurdly busy, including a lot of travel in August, and blah blah blah, we were both in super high stress mode. There have been… other stress factors, let us say. (MBW has found a job just today, so that just reduced the stress level a lot.)

Sometimes… sometimes, you know, when you’re sitting in another stupid meeting with stupid people and you can’t concentrate on their stupidity because a thousand other concerns are crowding into your head, sometimes you think “It would be better if I could just start over.” Push a reset button. I sometimes wonder what I’d do if I could somehow transport my consciousness back into myself when I was 18. Oh, the mistakes I’d avoid! The money I’d make! (Just betting on sporting events would make me a rich man.) Or something else, I dunno. Come on, you have these too; if only I could drop all these problems. It’s a variation on the Lotto 6/49 dream without having to calculate the odds.

Ah, but I wouldn’t do it. Because of the Small One. You see, I have hit the lottery, and the jackpot was the Wiggler. And nothing is worth trading her for.

I can have the shittiest day imaginable, but when I get home and Madzilla says “Daddy, can I have a peanut butter sandwich pleeeeeease?” and I get her one and snuggle next to her on the couch and she leans against me and giggles as she watches Monsters Inc., and I can feel her giggle through my whole body, well, friends, that is simply as good as it can possibly get. No money, no wealth, no advantage or fame or power, will ever top the joy I had just two hours ago watching a cartoon with my Wiggle Pie.

Honestly, I do not know how four years went by this fast. She was born just a few months ago, it seems, and learned to walk just after that and to talk just after that, and we just had her first, second, and third parties, didn’t we? She was a baby just yesterday, small enough to hold in my hands. Now I look at her and it shocks me to see she’s not really a baby any more, she’s a kid. I blinked, and she went from being an infant to being a preschooler. I’ll blink and she’ll be twelve, trying on makeup, and then I’ll blink again and she’ll be taking the car out, blink again and graduating from university, blink again and I’ll be walking her down the aisle. It’s going way, way faster than I ever thought possible. I wish I could live the last four years again, but I do so want to see what happens from here on out… what sports she plays, what friends she has, what things she’ll love and laugh over, the sort of person she’ll become.

Since Maddy was born I’ve tried to be an involved father; I take care of her, make her dinner, take her out, play with her. I’m usually the one who puts her to bed, a special little time we enjoy together. Yet it never seems enough. No matter how much time I spend with her I wish it was more. No matter how many times I’m the one to pick her up at day care, to take her for walks, play balloon catch with her, the time flies by so fast.

I wish I could be her Daddy through a thousand lifetimes. Ten thousand. It would be worth it every time.

But I can’t; I get one shot, and have to make it my best. You don’t get a trial run or a restart; we’ve been handed a little girl and get one crack at doing it right. So, we’ll treat her to McDonald’s tomorrow, and then Saturday she has a birthday party. Then we’ll be back into the grind, my wife starting her new job, getting ready for Hallowe’en (inexplicably, the Small One’s favourite holiday, by a long shot) and then Christmas, blah blah blah, next thing you know she’ll be five, six, ten, and on.

That’s how life works, you see. I just want to make sure I appreciate her for what she is all the way through. I think I’ll bookmark this and read it every week, just to make sure I do.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to sneak into her bedroom and give her a kiss on her cheek while she sleeps. I’ll only have so many chances. Gotta sneak in as many secret smooches as I can.

Happy Birthday, Small One.

The Piper Cub is 16 months and a bit. I can’t carry him on one arm any more. He’s babbling and running. When the heck did our little baby turn into a little boy?

Best wishes to your Small One and much happiness to Casa RickJay. :slight_smile:

Ahhh… Enjoy her! It sounds like that is exactly what you are doing.

My little babies are THIRTEEN in two weeks, and nine. I am suddenly suffering from an acute wish for babies and the little boy years to be back again. It is not that I don’t like this time with them, far from it. My 13 year old is actually very easy to talk to and at the moment is a very good companion - a pleasure to live with, even in his surly moments. He even grudgingly allows me to cuddle him (well, bits of him. He’s bigger than me now.)

BUT gone are the days of those silky smooth cheeks and round eyes, and the simplicity of it all. And I feel like the countdown to the big one leaving has begun. Really only five more years. Maybe eight or nine if we are lucky and he commutes to college from home… It’s not enough. I’m missing him in advance!

Congratulations, Small Wiggler!

Our Smaller Girl (not smaller than yours, just smaller than her sister :)) was four this week too. She’s our bizarre extrovert cuckoo in a house full of introverts, and I love her to bits.

I’m at home with the Short Folks most of the week, and bizarrely enough it doesn’t make the years go any slower (the minutes, sometimes…). It’s surely only last week that the Taller Girl was a little crawling wriggling thing, let alone her little sister. And now there’s this little Small Person Tribe right under our noses playing with each other (sometimes happily, even) and talking to each other, and negotiating with each other (badly). And the bigger they grow, the more they become like themselves…

RickJay, that was beautiful. Happy birthday to your little girl! May all her snowboarding be on fresh powder!

awwww…RickJay, you sound JUST like my husband about OUR beautiful little girl. (though she’s 22 now, graduated from college, is home for a bit before going to grad school). Four years old! That’s a wonderful age. I remember just as if it were yesterday our baby girl, age 4 years and 11 months, hopping on the bus to kindergarten…you’re right, time will fly by. That’s life! (though sometimes the days crawl, the years run!)

Yes, that was very moving and wonderful, RickJay. It makes me very happy to see others experiencing that sublime feeling of joy that you get from your kids.

My own boy is 16; the little girl I nanny for is also 4 years old. The other day, the little girl told me she had changed her mind: she doesn’t want to be a ballerina anymore, she wants to be a scientist. Hee, hee. That was cool. Then again, seeing my son and his lovely girlfriend all dressed up for his first formal dance was another very cool feeling-- I can’t quite describe it, I felt so proud and happy and wistful all at the same time.

It sounds as though you are well-equipped to delight in every stage of your daughter’s journey to adulthood. May it be an awesome one!

I know exactly what you’re talking about, RickJay. I have two mean ol’ boys and my 4 yo daughter. She brightens my days, and is so loving, I don’t ever want it to change. But of course, that’s selfish, and I do want to see her grow up and do wonderful things and all…

I got something in my eye…

Wow. That’s beautiful. wow.

That was really wonderful. (Yeah, something in my eye.)

It delights me to meet parents who are so into their kids, whenever I come across them. Parents who are continually tickled by their own kids ever changing wonderment at the expanding world.

CasaRickJay sounds enchanting as you’ve described it. You’ve made us all feel like we’re right there with you. Very cool.

It’s easy to forget sometimes that life is supposed to be messy. I’m not sure why we all want lives of ordered neatness, but we seem to.

Life is a beautiful mess at it’s best, so I say “ride the ride” and embrace the moment. Cheers to you for doing just that!

Me too.

We adopted the Firebug back in March. He was 19 months old then. The past seven months…no, wouldn’t trade them for anything. They’ve been exhausting and often frustrating, but there are so many moments of such deep joy.

I always knew I wanted to be a daddy, but I had no idea just how good it could be.

Keep this and give it to her when she graduates high school.

Time flies when you’re a parent. Take lots of pictures, keep a journal, and enjoy her. You will always be her Daddy, you hold a special place in her heart.

Congratulations to both of you!

That was beautiful, RickJay, congratulations to your Wiggler. You’re a lucky guy.

Something in my eye too, must be the change of weather…

That was just beautiful. We are expecting our first baby – a boy – in two months. We can’t wait for the adventure that will come.

That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

How can that be? It feels like just yesterday I was reading some of the early, trying-to-conceive threads. Darn calendar. Congrats!

RickJay, this is beautiful. We just had another round of birthdays around here and our girl is now 7 and our boy, 5. It’s inconceivable to me how big they are and how smart and gorgeous and…well, you get the idea. I had many irrational fears when my kids were small (what if I don’t love the second baby as much as the first? What if, as they get older, I tire of them, the way some people love kittens but lose interest when they become cats?) but it just gets better and better. Yes, there are days of defiance and angst, but there’s also watching your daughter figure out multiplication and realizing one day that your son stealthily learned to read when no one was actively trying to teach him.

Enjoy it all.

Damn, what IS this eye thing going around??

Lovely post, RickJay. They do grow up so fast. Happy Birthday, Small Girl!

That made me smile.