the SPAM thread

okay, well MuffinMan started a grits thread, so i thought i would start a thread about an even more controversial soul-food item, the infamous Spiced Ham. arguments about SPAM having saved the world in WW2 aside, does anyone actually eat it? if so, how do you like it? thoughts, ideas?

personally i’m simple – i slice the SPAM, coat it lightly with corn flower, and fry it up. i can’t imagine eating it raw, which some people supposedly do. but i love its rich salty flavor. now that i think of it, the SPAM does go fabulously well with the grits.

what do you guys think?

Spam and eggs, Spam pancakes…

[sub]Hey, it was gonna happen sooner or later. Why not sooner?[/sub]

Actually, it tastes just like boiled ham when it’s right-out-of-the-can cold. But, it’s still ‘fully-cooked’ if you can believe the package.

You will find a Spam recipe at this thread.

Left unopened in the can, it makes a nifty doorstop, but I’ve used it in split pea or lentil soup with decent results, when the need arose. One just has to get past that “spammy” smell that hits you when you open the can.

I can only deal with Spam when it’s chopped into tiny bits and surruptitiously added to a dish. And I can’t tell my husband it’s there, or he won’t touch the food.:rolleyes: :wink:

ah, Zenster. you can always be counted on to link to your recipe thread! i hadn’t realized there was a SPAM recipe in there somewhere though. thanks for the link.

Gunslinger, thanks. i felt it would be inappropriate for me to do it myself, but as you said i’m glad you got it out of the way.

now let me hijack my own thread. Zenster, are you actually from Berkeley, or do you just travel to Mario’s to steal recipes? i’m from El Cerrito. are there many SDMBers from the East Bay? i’m a newbie, as you can see, but i’d be thrilled to meet others.

sorry for the second post, but i didn’t see your post, Tabithina. just wanted to say hi – you welcomed me in my first thread. how’s it going?

i reeeeeeally hope that link worked. my first link attempt.

I’m doing great. I haven’t a single can of Spam in my home at the moment, so I consider myself fortunate, indeed ;)!

The link worked fine, I was just too brain-dead to mention that in the above post.:o

I was born in Berkeley and can remember eating at Mario’s for one dollar.

[li]Taco 50 cents[/li][li]Soda 35 cents[/li][li]Tortillas 15 cents[/li]
Of course, this was back before the riots when they had plate glass windows. Their flautas and soup are masterpieces of Mexican cooking.

We can meet there sometime.

Now submit a recipe at my thread!

I also live in the East Bay (have for 12 years now). Welcome!

Now to the topic at hand–here’s my favorite SPAM site:

Can’t say I care for the stuff much, though I tried to put some in our trusty Earthquake/Emergency kit at home (but got vetoed by the wife).

I loves me some spam. First ya gotta slice it, then fry it til its crispy and brown and serve with rice, kimchee and sheets of seaweed. That’s good eating!

And I really don’t get the snobby attitude some people take towards spam. It’s really no different from any sort of sausage, the only thing bad about it is it’s very salty. But that’s why you gotta eat it with rice. :slight_smile:

[drool] Spam musubi! [/drool]

My, I think it tastes quite like human flesh.

I has never eaten spam. The smell did make me feel like vomiting so it’s probably a good thing. SO, what does it taste like? Sausage, human flesh or boiled ham?

Spam tastes of fatty goodness and salt. Kind of like corned beef, but porky instead of beefy.

The smell is strong, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad. Of course, I grew up with a Korean mom and ate lots of things that westerners think smell bad so what do I know?

If you can get somebody else to cook it, try it. Spam is really not bad at all, unless you count the 18 gazillion grams of fat and sodium. :slight_smile:

Oh, and when I say corned beef I mean the canned kind, not the deli kind. Two different things, but each good in their own special way.

I also like vienna sausages and potted meat food product.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…spam and tatertots.

Spam, haven’t eaten it in years, but it is surprisingly good if cooked in brown sugar. On the other hand the smell of it “uncooked” is quite repulsive.

potted meat food product?!!! Gag! Gah! I don’t eat anything with “food product” in its name.

Spam is vile. Unless you fry up litle cubes of it and put it in yer mac & cheese. Then it is only dreadfull.

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