I just killed 2 more spiders in my apartment.
I was sitting in the dimness, surfing the net and watching The Girls Next Door. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something scurrying on the floor.
A spider.
With leg span, at least 2 inches diameter.
Holy crap!
This bastard took an entire can of Raid and some Windex to kill.
This was a seriously large spider. Dead and all withered, it’s still quarter sized.
I was borderline hyperventilating.
So I steal one of my roommate’s beers, light a cigarette, and try to calm down.
Then I see another %#$@ing spider, this one smaller, hanging out on the ceiling above the windows.
That took a LOT of Windex to kill. I had to drown it multiple times in a puddle of it on the paper towel I laid down on the sill (he went down on his web stuff) until it stopped moving. I suppose the blinds are streak-free now.
How do I keep these evil things out of my apartment? I remember from my last spider freak out thread that there are some sprays I can purchase. But I live in an apartment. Should I just spray all around every window and door instead? Anyone else have luck with these sort of products? I don’t even know how these bastard bugs are getting in, besides the front door gap. That is likely the problem, IMO. I do not like squasing bugs because that requires getting somewhat close to them. Will my bug problem decrease in the winter or get worse because they were hiding out and decide to surface on my living room floor?
Living at home for 18 years, I rarely encountered spiders. I’ve already killed more in the past 6 weeks than I killed in probably 7 years. This sucks. And it would require exposure therapy to get over my fear, and I doubt I could even handle that.
Anyone else resent buggers invading their home? Anyone wanna tell me I am a dork for freaking out so much?