The tale of the gravy packets

I remember seeing them in the bag on the table where I set my groceries before I put them away.

I remember putting them in a specific location in a cabinet.

This was three weeks ago. Today, I decided to mix up the gravy, except the packets were nowhere to be found. Maybe I forgot to take them out of the bag. Nope, no gravy packets. Well, I save all of my receipts, so I’ll just check the one from three weeks ago to make sure I’m not going crazy, and of course it’s going to be on there, why would it not be on there, if it’s not on there then I would have imagined the whole thing and who knows what else I thought was real but really isn’t?

No gravy.

Now this is really starting to give me a headache. I definitely remember looking at the different options in the store, wondering whether one was enough, deciding to take two, and putting them in my cart. Or was it all a dream?

Well, if they were in my cart (surely I didn’t misremember that!) and they did not get rung up, then…:smack:

I left them in the cart when I paid, and I left them in the cart when I took out the groceries I paid for. It’s not stealing if I didn’t actually leave the parking lot with them, right?

Is it possible they slipped out of the cart before you got to the checkout? I’ve had that happen before, where something slips through the bars. I think it’s because they really don’t want to go home with me.

Eh, screw the packets and make real gravy. Problem solved!

I’d be willing to give it a shot, I guess. Do you have a good brown gravy recipe?

1 tablespoon flour.
1 tablespoon fat.
Make a brown roux.
Stir in 1 cup liquid (drippings, milk, whatever)
S & P to taste.

Hey, where the hell did these gravy packets come from? I don’t even have anything that requires gravy.

I once lost a container of feta cheese, which sucked, because we wanted it for that night’s supper. After trying to figure out what happened, I think I must have put it into someone else’s grocery cart (I was shopping with a friend, and she had the cart at the time).

I hope whoever they are enjoyed feta cheese!

You may have absentmindedly put them into someone else’s cart. I’ve done it.