The tenets of Og?

When Og come back, br…

No, I’m sorry, I just can’t do it.

No can have bracelet without 1920’s style Death Ray.

What if Og was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

Is that what you meant?

And maybe we could get a new hit TV show out of this: Joan of Ogcadia.

Og not give answers, but Og give many clues. If you no take, no come whining to Og.

Og create 1920’s Style Death Ray. Og genius. All hail Og.

[li]Og’s smashing hammer[/li][li]A question mark to represent our quest to fight ignorance[/li][li]An opal, with two tiny alphabet beads spelling “hi”[/li][li]A dead hamster[/li][li]A sock[/li][li]A finger pointing–Gotcha ya![/li][li]Some smilies: :wally ;j :smiley: :eek: :smack: [/li][li]A 1920’s style death ray[/li][li]A pie[/li][li]A burning dog[/li][li]A lock of Cecil’s hair, assuming he has any[/li][li]A tiny receipt for $5.95[/li][/ul]
Sorry, Shirley Ujest, If you want charms for religious and/or political wars, you’ll have to be more specific.

A brief snippet from Oh, Og!:

Og: I swear tell whole truth, nothing but truth, so help me…me!

there are some hushed giggles in the courtroom

DA: Tell me, “Og” (does the ‘quotes’ move with fingers), how can you expect this jury to believe that you are who you say you are, hmmm?

Og: Og no like tone of voice! Og smash!!!

From a Reuters article off Yahoo! …



Shouldn’t that be “Gotcha Og?”?

I really like the “Gotcha OG!” t-shirt idea. I don’t wear charm bracelets, but I like the individual charms (tkae them apart and make a changeable necklace.

How about a coffee mug - “Java OG!”

  1. Puny humans make baby Og cry!
    37a) No, Og not cry, Og SMASH!

[bowie/]“Ground control to Major Og, commencing countdown, did you put your hel-met on?” [/bowie]
“Og no need helmet, Og outer-space kind of guy! ZOOOOOM!”

Oh my Og! The Ogssiah!

Oh fer Og’s sake…

Now I gotta go change…

I can see it now : the angel Moroni blowing the trumpet at the end of the world: All Hail Og!

Og has an opposable thumb. Proven in the zoo. :slight_smile:
As for the Religous Politico War charm combo: just a mushroom cloud . A Twofer.


You right! I wrong. In Og all thing possible.

I’m down with the Og thing. Just as long as his (her?) last name isn’t “Lee”. :cool:

Don’t forget the Tug-ahoy charm.

I was definitely going to include the 1920’s style death ray charm, but I was trying to keep it to things that probably already existed and/or could be easily modified. There I go being practical again. I guess I forgot that in Og all things are possible.

I’m not just whistling dixie here. I wanna make this thing. I wonder how hard it would be to get some custom charms made? Maybe not hard at all, depending on the style.

According to this site Og does much more than just Smash.


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