The thing I liked MOST about X-men 2. (spoilers)

There’s nothing like composing a SDMB thread in your head whilst walking home from a thorougly enjoyed movie. You’ll have to bear with my post-cinema buzz.

The thing I liked most about X-men 2 was the fact that each and every mutant demonstrated their ‘talent’ in whole new ways, far superior (and/or cooler than) to the first film.

[spoiler]Dr Xavier - Able to kill everyone on the planet with the use of cerebro, and able to ‘pause’ thousands of people (without cerebro)

Magneto - extracting the iron from a person’s bloodstream (now that was cool!)

Rogue, beautiful Rogue - Able to retain the ‘borrowed’ powers long after they are attained. (using the kiss from ‘Ice-boy’ to put out the fires caused by pyro.

‘Ice-boy’ (not sure he has an x-name) - Bulding a protective wall of ice between wolfy and striker.

Jean Grey - Pretty much making her powers in film one look like a game of tiddlywinks.


(and the sfx are cool too)
One slight motive (mingled with the main motive of wanting to see a good movie) for seeing the film was to catch eye on rogue, in leather. I didn’t get much of that, but I did get a surprise - Kelly Hu - As soon as she appeared, and in her early scenes, I was absolutely mesmerized! Glowing blue eyes! oh , just oh.

It’s a shame she had to die. As soon as I saw wolfy eyeing the ‘adamantium’ injecters I was thinking “no, no, you are not going to do that!, please tell me you are not going to kill her off!” And then he did. Bastard. And she wasn’t really a baddie either, just an innnocent mutant under the influence of a mind altering drug. Double Bastard

Just 14 more days until my next fix! (Matrix 2)

X2 was great fun. Mystique rocks! I had an MST3K moment in the theater when she was in Wolverine’s tent.

I could be anyone you want.

Keep talking…

Magneto’s escape. Damn, I want to be Magneto.

My other favorite scene is a tie between every moment that Anna Paquin is on screen. Do you think she’d go out with me if I had magnetic powers?

I hate tacking on things that should have been in the OP but my memory works like that. It holds information until it’s too late (a bit like MS Outlook at work)
I went to that movie with High expectations. I came back expectations thoroughly fulfilled.

One expectation I always have when going to watch a film is to be annoyed by something/one. This is one expectation that was not fullfilled. I arrived half an hour early (So that people could feel embarrased about sitting next to me rather than vice-versa) I was sat for just 10 minutes - when the trailers came on! This was cool because usually the start time at this particular cinema is actually the start of trailers time. Also - everyone arrived and got to their seats BEFORE the film started, which is not usually the case.

There was this one guy who went to the toilet about 15 times, but that didn’t bother me. And a little boy sqeezed past me to get out, about half way through the film, (I assumed he went to the toilet) but didn’t come back. I wonder what happened to him.

And? (you missed the other part of the tie-break)

A-bloody-MEN to that! (And every moment Kelly Hu is on screen too)

Unless you meant - tie between every moment AP is on screen, and every other moment AP is on screen.

Makes sense now.

This has been the concensus pick among my friends and I for the most bad-ass scene in the entire movie. And that was not an easy competition to win. (Wolverine’s killing spree at the school, the opening sequence with Nightcrawler, Nightcrawler’s rescue of Rogue and Wolverine’s fight with Lady Deathstrike (I think that’s her name) all qualify.)

I mean… daaamn. As I said in another X2 thread, he really was looking like a “god among insects.” Could you even imagine an actor who could pull that off better than Ian McKellan?

Also, any scene with close-ups of Famke Janssen was fantastic. :smiley:

Lobsang, minor nitpick:

[spoiler]Rogue didn’t use Iceman’s powers to extinguish the fires. Pyro’s power is he can control fire, not just make it flare up but extinguish it as well. So by touching Pyro she not only stopped him from wreaking havoc, she had access to his powers and used them to put out the fires.

Although in the comic she can indeed hold onto powers for at least a little while after she touches somone. She just didn’t do that here.[/spoiler]

Another bit of info my brain decided to show me after-the-post…
I think the thing that made Kelly-Hu (some one please tell me what the character’s name was) so god-darn bloody heart-poundingly attractive in this film was the fact that she didn’t utter a single word. The mystery created by that, and her general demeanour seemed to pull strings in my brain. I doubt I’d find her as attractive in another film as I did in this film.

Oh. That’s a shame Asylum. Still - she’s, erm, ‘nice’ to look at.

Sorry, I meant that each scene Anna Paquin appears in ties with every other scene that Anna Paquin appears in. There may have been other scenes in the movie, but none really come to mind at the moment.

Although now that you mention it, I do seem to recall some fascinating Kelly Hu moments…mmmm, warm happy feeling…

Nahh, It was my mistake (I realized though. See my post after the ‘and?’ one) Nothing wrong with your post.

Anyone else wondering why Cyclops attacked Jean Grey in the trubine room?

favorite moment? every time Mystique was shown full frontal.

Also, about the scene with Rogue:

I thought she was actually touching Pyro, to drain his power; and touching Ice-boy–at the same time–in order to use his power to cool off the flaming police cars. Did anyone pay close attention to that scene to determine exactly how that all worked?


Cyclops was under Stryker’s mind control at the time. I’m pretty sure that Stryker makes a comment implying this, earlier in the film.

Lobsang:Cyclops was hypnotized by the same goo that hypnotized Nightcrawler, as evidenced by the scar visible on his neck when he attacks Magneto and Mystique. When Jean saves them, she uses her TK to knock him into the turbine room below, and then goes down to help him, 'coz she’s in love with the big stiff for some reason. Cyclops has obviously been programmed to wipe out any mutants he comes across, so he gives her the “evil eye” (get it? “eye”–oh, I slay me). When she slaps him down with Phoenix-force, he’s released from the trance, just like Nightcrawler was after he attacked the President.That’s how I read that situation, anyhow.

One of my favorite scenes:

Magneto + grenades = bad day for soldiers

I’m only one Kevin Bacon away from knowing Anna Paquin, apparantly. An old workmate/friend’s (he helped me get my computer at cost, anyway :)) wife was friends with Ms Paquin growing up in NZ apparantly.

Shame I’m not in touch with them anymore :).

Lobsang, dude, pony up some money and go watch the movie again, you seemed to have missed or misunderstood a LOT of rather significant plot points. :slight_smile: You also missed the fact that Kelly Hu/Lady Deathstrike DID speak a number of lines of dialogue.

[spoiler]1. Rogue did not retain Iceman’s power, nor was she using his power at the time she put the fires out. She took Pyro’s power by touching his leg to control the fires herself. We all saw her roll his pantleg up and grab his ankle and we all saw Pyro go comatose, right?

  1. Cyclops attacked Jean because he was under Stryker’s control. You may recall he was kidnapped.

  2. Kelly Hu’s character’s name is Lady Deathstrike, and as I mentioned, she DOES speak a few lines. You will recall she questioned Mystique when she was disguised as a janitor. [/spoiler]

Well, not really. It’s not explained at all in the movie but Lady Deathstrike is most definitely a “baddie”. Personally, as much as I loved staring at Kelly Hu every time she was on screen, I wish they’d just left her character out of the movie since they didn’t bother to give us any idea as to how and why she came to be under Stryker’s employ.

And by the way, Bobby Drake’s X-Name is Ice Man.