The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

So that is starting to creep me out. I started a thread a while ago on what is the weirdest situation you can imagine. I just imagined it:

The ShitGibbon becomes very ill in the last week of October and is bedridden with constant medical attention. Pence has to invoke the 25th, on its temporary provision. We are at the point, on Election Day, where we are uncertain whether he will actually make it. Which might perplex some potential R voters, because it is not established whether they are voting for the Idiot or the Idiot’s Lackey for president.

Shithead announces he’s going into quarantine:

‘Can’t debate while in quarantine, sorry!’

Sure he can. There’s all sorts of remote conferencing software.

Which includes mute switches. So, no.

Does this turd ever acknowledge he has a minor son actually living with him?

Lie to him. Tell him they won’t be used.

I just heard some of his remarks to Hannity from earlier. He was saying that it’s so hard for him to distance himself from all the police and law enforcement officers who want to talk to him and hug (?) him but what are you going to do? How about not putting them in that situation you dumbass. As usual, he causes all his own problems and if he tests positive it will be someone else’s fault.

How long before he blames Joe Biden for not wearing his big ol’ mask on Tuesday night?

Seeing how it’s October 1st, I was wondering when my little October Surprise Advent calendar door was going to pop open. It was getting late and I wondered if it would disappoint.
But no…I got a double header just after 11PM

Hope Hicks tested positive for COVID and Trump and Melania have to quarantine.

Someone finally got around to indicting Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman for their bullshit. Which someone should’ve done after they tried to smear Mueller. Not federal, of course…Michigan. Barr will probably have the DOJ defend them.

Missed edit window but it’s not midnight yet.

New leaked recordings of Melania being totally callous about immigrant children. Stephanie Wolkoff, her former aide, is on the book circuit - I think it’s being released Tuesday - and she apparently has secret recordings.

Trump has tested positive for Covid.

Wasted no time with an October surprise, did he?

Cite? I’m looking all over, nothing on the news sites (yet).

Yeah I don’t see it either.

It’s all over MSNBC.

Am I allowed to wish him the worst possible outcome?

I believe what you are hearing is that Trump’s aide, Hope Hicks has tested positive, and Trump has gone into quarantine.

Going into quarantine does not equal “tested positive”

No, the headline on MSNBC this very minute is “Trump Announces He’s Tested Positive For COVID-19.”

CNN says Trump has Tweeted he tested positive.

I won’t join you with that, but I will say no one deserves it more.

This was entirely foreseeable, really.

I’m more worried for Biden.