The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)


Well aware.

The first question a reporter has to ask him is how did he catch a hoax?

From Hoax Hicks, of course…

I’m not going to believe it until it is corroborated by an actual medical professional. “Trump tweeted something” is just not something I can believe.

I can believe he was told to quarantine, and he does not understand what that means.

Guess he should have worn a mask.

And every body in the West Wing has been flying around the country with him this week. Tsk.

NBC News reporter Hallie Jackson is currently on MSNBC. She’s quoting from a press release from Trump’s physician, stating that both the president and Mrs. Trump have COVID-19, but that neither of them are symptomatic at this time. It’s a breaking story, so I imagine it’ll take at least a few minutes for that statement to make it online.

It’s being reported by the New York Times, so of course it must be fake news.

Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus

Talk about dream headlines…

I suppose a better person would wish him no ill. So I shall strive to become that better person, starting tomorrow.

Thread: Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19 - #5 by Velocity

As reported by NPR:

What a loser, amirite?

It’s not a positive “Covid” diagnosis for the deranged WH couple. It’s Chlamydia, just sounds like “Covid” to Two-Scoops and sounds like “chicken Kiev” to Melania.

“People are saying…” it’s a cute for diarrhea mouth, so fingers crossed, ya know? :grin:

I will merely state a religious principle.

My feeling is that it is fake news. Probably Hicks tested positive so Trump realized that if he “tested positive” he could lead the headlines away from the debates and his taxes. He wouldn’t have to do any more debates and he could sit home and watch TV all day.

Hopefully he will receive the best treatment that the Tara Ried Medical Kiosk has to offer.

Does he need a new pillow?

Someone on Fox said that the American people will be sending heartfelt thoughts to Trump. He didn’t say what kind of heartfelt thoughts.

(I’ll just be in my handbasket over there >.)

To quote Jon Stewart after Dick Cheney shot his friend in the face:

“Thank you, Jesus!”