The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

You should be a rape enabler, you fucking rapist piece of shit!

Is that your lighthearted way of asking me to join the Republican Party?

Nah, the party of Bill “rapist” Clinton

Remind me, is Mike Pence a Republican or a Democrat?

So which party is supporting rape?

Clinton is a celibate compared to Trump.

He was accused of rape and sexual crimes of more than one woman, so who is lying?

Hell I’d believe both Clinton and Trump are most likely guilty of sexual crimes, not sure what can be proven though.

The only rape accusation was denied by the alleged victim. Trump admitted on tape to numerous sexual assaults, entering a changing room with underage girls.


Trump said he has committed sex crimes. What more proof do you want?

Depends on what your definition of is… is…

What’s you definition of “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”?

Bill Clinton had been accused by multiple women, let me ask you gentlemen, are they all fucking lying whores?

I bet there is truth to some Trump accusers, will you not extend Clinton accusers the same courtesy?

I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in November.

Will you be voting for Donald Trump?

Lewinsky not only confirmed it was consensual but that she was also the initiator.

Will you be voting for Biden, do you think he has sexually harassed women?

Weren’t all those investigated? Broderick signed a statement that she was not raped.
4 incidents in 18 years. That’s likely Trump’s weekly score.

A 22 year old vs the president of the United States of America I guess technically, he still comes off like a real piece of shit who seeks victims with lesser power. What about the other accusers?

She said she started it. What, you don’t believe her? You said all women should be believed. Except those who accuse Trump, right?

18/4 = 4.5 that’s not really a good record. Also those investigations were mostly in the 90’s I look forward to seeing what Epstein’s women say, his underage women I’ll add.