The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making Part Deux (Part 1)

Are you saying she has blue genes?

… And she is fucking hilarious…!

Recent addition for anyone feeling left out:

If you’re not up on movie references, the ending is a parody of The Usual Suspects…just to add to her brilliance.

This is a rather important question, isn’t it?

Articles I’m seeing on Trump’s threat against TikTok say only that he might sign an executive order–with no specifics on how that might work. The ACLU has expressed skepticism:

The same article states that “India banned the app in late June.” Does that mean that no one in India can access it? Or, instead, that if you’re found accessing it, you face some penalty? No idea.

The theory that Trump’s announcement is part of helping out some company (e.g. Microsoft) that will kick back some cash to him, seems quite plausible. We’ll see, I guess.

Even if he could ban it by himself, and I don’t believe he can, there is nothing to prevent peole from downloading it. They just woudn’t be able to through Google Play. So Trump will threaten to throw all those people in jail, just like all the ones who were tearing down Confederate statues. But if Trump signs an executive order, to him, he has banned them.

GOP: Renomination of Trump to be held in private

By KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The vote to renominate President Donald Trump is set to be conducted in private later this month, without members of the press present, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Convention, citing the coronavirus.

While Trump called off the public components of the convention in Florida last month, citing spiking cases of the virus across the country, 336 delegates are scheduled to gather in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Aug. 24 to formally vote to make Trump the GOP standard-bearer once more.

Nominating conventions are traditionally meant to be media bonanzas, as political parties seek to leverage the attention the events draw to spread their message to as many voters as possible. If the GOP decision stands, it will mark the first party nominating convention in modern history to be closed to reporters.

“Given the health restrictions and limitations in place within the state of North Carolina, we are planning for the Charlotte activities to be closed press Friday, August 21 – Monday, August 24,” a convention spokeswoman said. …

The subset of delegates in Charlotte will be casting proxy votes on behalf of the more than 2,500 official delegates to the convention. Alternate delegates and guests have already been prohibited.

Interesting wrinkle. We’ll never know whether they wore hoods masks or not.

Or invoked the Old Gods and made a sacrifice of a virgin in the process.

The party of rape strikes again - Pence pulled strings for a favored abuser of women.

Really, the entire press should simply report … Nothing.

Absolutely no coverage of anything to do with this crap-ola at al. Nada. Void. Blank.

Just report on anything else that happened that day.

It should be treated as the non-event that it is.

Let’s not forget that Joe Biden is a sexual assaulter that rapes and abuses women.

So, since you decided to drop this tasteful little turd into the pool (see what I did there?) that’s all about “Fighting Ignorance”, I assume you have proof?

A good reminder that the problems with the Republican Party go a lot deeper than just Donald Trump.

Yes a woman accused Joe Biden of sexual assault which is tantamount of rape, and we believe all women, which means it happened.


Oh you don’t believe all women?

Then you’re a rapist.

I won’t forget that the Republicans have accused Biden of sex crimes. Just like they do every Democratic nominee.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Yep Clinton only rode on Epstein’s private airplane without the secret service just to check it out dude, without Hillary.

You shouldn’t get involved in discussions of topics you don’t understand.

Which I concede is going to limit your options.