The Tubadiva Appreciation Thread

I think nearly everybody here has seen a message or two from “Jenny, your Humble TubaDiva” in a post or in e-mail regarding one thing or another.

While she moderates ATMB, with help from the other Mods. and Admins., she doesn’t show up often as a poster.

Last year’s board crash (often referred to not-so-affectionately around here as “The Winter of Our Missed Content”) was a bit of an eye-opener, as she set up and paid for a board at BBBoy to allow us at least some community access while the Tech. Gods tried to resurrect this board.

I’d always been vaguely aware of how much needs to be done “behind the scenes” to keep a board like this running with a minimum of lurches and jerks (and you can read those two nouns however you like!!;)) – but I had not been aware until recently of how much of that was TubaDiva’s doing, and how much all of us who have formed an online community here owe her for all her hard and unnoticed work.

So I want to say how much I appreciate what she’s done and is doing, and invite you all to join in.

And a special request to Mods.: to the extent that you can do it without violating confidences and breaking rules, would you individually let us in on some of the stuff she’s done that sticks in your memories as “special,” “above and beyond” efforts?

Oh no! Two posts in this thread and the second one will be me saying “Me, too!” after Polycarp yet again!

Oh well. Me, too!

I was only newly addicted to SDMB at the beginning of the Winter of Our Missed Content due to an out-pouring of support here that surprised me. I can’t tell you how great it was to have TubaDiva set up the alternate.

It also turns out I know someone in real life who’s played tuba with TubaDiva herself. He assures me that she’s one neat lady in real life, too.


TubaDiva is definitely one of the finest people I have the privilege of sharing a planet with, let alone a messageboard.

I’ve had a few emails from her, in response to my queries in the past – and they were always warm, informative, and absolutely patient with yet another board problem to sort out. What she did by setting up the temporary board for us addicts last year was awesome.

Heartfelt thanks and applause are not enough to convey how I feel.

Tubadiva has been a fine person to correspond with- she’s always quick to respond to any query I’ve had. This redneck says thanx, and tips his ballcap to her. BTW, why not have SD ballcaps.

I am so glad that you started this thread, Polycarp. I have it on the very good authority of Lynn Bodoni that we quite possibly wouldn’t HAVE this message board without all the hard work that Jenny puts into it.

I have recently grown to know her very well, and she is a sweetheart.

So, Jenny, on this New Year’s Eve I raise my glass high and toast to you!!!

TO JENNY…may life always hand you only the BEST things…because the BEST is what you deserve!

Love you DEARLY, honey!


I’ll jump on that bandwagon. Tuba (and all the mods) are a huge part of the reason this place is the best on the net. They are good folks, plain and simple.

Jenny, I’ve said it before, but it always can be repeated. Thanks for all your work. We do appreciate it. And pass it on to the rest of the crew as well.


Bandwagon time:

Jenny/Tuba; You simply rock. It’s an over-used phrase, but it applies to you in the most basic and truthful manner. We love you for your hard, unstinting labor in our behalf.

Make space on the bandwagon, please:

Tuba: I (and Airman) owe so much to this board that I can’t even begin to say thank you. This past year saw a marriage and a baby that wouldn’t have happened without it, and without your awesome leadership and hard work, we wouldn’t have a board.

Thank you for everything, from the bottom of three hearts.

Robin, Dave and Aaron
The Doors family

Welcome to the club. I’ve been fairly consistently happy since roughly the end of September. Those of you who know me understand how huge that is.* And I wouldn’t know where else to go in the world to get the support, love and occasional kick in the ass I’ve gotten here.

And you can never go wrong with a feisty redhead:D
*The fact that I can say that by typing it and having it come out on a message board and have it mean something …

I too wish to express my appreciation for Tuba’s work. I just wish I could phrase it adequately. :smiley:

I’d like to jump in as well and thank her for her work (though I don’t know her) that I just learned of, without which I’d be less of a person. Honestly. I’ve learned so much here.

Happy New Year, Tubadiva.

I have had very little interaction with TubaDiva, however her actions have always been beyond the call of duty.

Thank you Jenny, and Happy New Year.

A Happy New Year, Jenny, and may these next 12 months be as amazing as you are. Never stop being wonderful, and never stop realizing just how much we love having you in charge of this ship of fools.

I can’t express how much love and respect I have for our wonderful, humble, TubaDiva.

She is a sweetheart and it is an honour to know her.

I can only say that I loves me some TubaDiva ! Well no, not just some, I loves me all of TubaDiva. Except the naughty bits. Ummmm I think that one rum and coke was too much for me after a year of not drinking at all.

I’ll just toddle off to bed now.

You know what I think of you, Jenny.

You’re thoughtful, generous, and just all around wonderful. You remind me of this scripture:

You’re rather a lot like love, I think. :slight_smile:

I’ve been missing her voice of late.

Tuba– you know we love you, right?

Of course you do.

If I had the means, I’d like to show up on your doorstep with brandy and chocolate for the New Year.

I don’t, so I’ll hope you’ll accept a lame virtual tip o’ the hat instead. I’m so ashamed.

Much love from the frozen north. (Hee hee, actually, it’s probably warmer up here, come to think of it… except that you’re not here.)

Where should I send the chocolates to?

OMG. I am so blushing right now.

You are all very sweet and I thank you.

A correction: I am not the only person that contributed to the emergency board; Lynn and Gaudere (and I’m sure I’m forgetting someone else, please forgive me!) also threw in financially. And I’m not forgetting all the contributions made by our fabulous staff and by all of you, you MAKE this board what it is wherever it happens to be. Ain’t me, not hardly at all, I’m just fortunate to be here and a part of it.

For those that don’t know, the past couple of years have been very difficult for me personally. (Yes, we’ve all had troubles and some of us more than a few. Some of us have had a LOT.) I’ve hit quite a few potholes on the road of life and been broken down on the shoulder for more time – and more times – than I like to think about.

The people in this place have mostly been what’s kept me going. Between just being who you are and doing what you do and the more personal relationships I’ve been privileged to make with some of you, I have been able to count my blessings in most dire times. That has meant a lot when I had very little to look on that did not devastate me.

For those that have been there through my despair, I cherish you; you’ve held me up when I couldn’t hold myself. Your support has brightened some dark days and made these tough times bearable. Even in the worst of it (and please god let this be the worst), you have carried me through and I can never thank you enough. There’s some that I know about and some that I don’t but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

When all about me was pretty well in the shi–not going well, not going well at all–I’ve been able to look on this little corner of the world as a better place to be. Sometimes just having to be here and do things got my mind off my troubles. Sometimes friends here listened to me rant or held my hand. Some of you have helped keep a roof over my head, helped me better my working situation. Nearly all that have known have been compassionate and loving. I probably didn’t deserve any of it but I got it just the same.

I’m still struggling with my problems, just like each and every one of you. I’ve been passing through a very dark time that seems to be slowly dawning towards a better day. VERY slowly improving but patience is not easy come by when times are hard. It’s buzzard luck sometimes; can’t kill nothing, can’t find nothing dead. :slight_smile:

You’ve helped me find patience. Restored my faith while you were at it, too. Made me laugh, made me cry, made me want to throw things some days. But I can’t imagine not being here and being a part of this whole crazy deal.

May 2003 bring all of us better times and happier days. I look forward to seeing you here on the boards – and maybe, if things REALLY improve – in some real life situations as well.

Thanks. And stop this, now; if my head gets any bigger I won’t be able to get throught the doorway and we can’t be having this. After all, I need to be – and hope I always am –

your humble TubaDiva