The ultimate 'beauty secret': Fotoshop by Adobé

Link to Scientific American (!) video-of-the week page. Funny and scary at the same time.

That is note-perfect for all the beauty ads you see on tv all the time. I especially liked this phrase - “pro-pixel intensifying fauxtanical hydro-jargon microbead extract” (I wrote it down to get it exactly right) - they totally nailed the idiotic pseudo-science babble words used in beauty ads. Nice job, Jesse Rosten!

Oh, that’s brilliant. I did my part to make it viral.

Yep, pretty accurate and funny.

And (sigh) a Quixote tilt against a vast windmill. Not one advertisement will change, not one company will have an attack of conscience, and not one model will refuse her opportunity to work.

That is genius! And scary.