The Update thread

You. You told us a story, but never updated us on how things turned out.

Or you don’t want to bump a several year old thread to talk about a new development.

Use this thread.

Way way back in July of 2002 there was a SpongeBob thread I’m not going to bump so zombie killers don’t beat me to death. In said thread, I said:

Guess what? Kids’ Cognition May be Harmed by Fired Up Cartoons. And the example cartoon that’s supposed to “at least temporarily impair young children’s executive function”? SpongeBob SquarePants. Ha!
So, update us on something. Poke other posters to update us on the story you were following but never saw a resolution. Whichever.

Here’s an update for ya! :stuck_out_tongue:

Extremely mundane, but this is MPSIMS:

Well, this thread was a pretty fruitless search because I had the song wrong. It wasn’t Madonna at all but in fact Mariah Carey, as covered by Owen Pallett.

Never figured out this one though.

Well, let’s see…
I’m still doing physical therapy. My knee doesn’t bother me in day to day activities, but I have to tape it up to help align the knee cap when I exercise. My ortho says it may be a few more months before I can exercise without any taping or bracing. I’ve stopped taking prescription anti-inflammatories. In unrelated news, I’m going to my podiatrist tomorrow to have my bunion checked. I think my orthotic inserts need to be adjusted.

The Post Hunt was fun, even though we didn’t win. We solved most of the puzzles. I’m looking forward to the Herald Hunt down here in November. We did go to the Air and Space Museum in Dulles afterwards. Very impressive stuff.

I’m proud to say the charity Tea I ran raised over $5,000 for the community garden. Based on pre-sales, we expected about 75 people. We ended up with over 120, and ran out of food.

I haven’t made any rum cakes recently, so I still have extra rum.
I think that about covers my life since I joined the SDMB…so…yeah. Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Hey, **olivesmarch4th **- you must be finished with those treatments by now. How’s the outcome?

I thought this was a resurrected thread for a minute.

I’m not sure if I have any posts that need explanation. All I can think of are my doctor’s visits:

It turns out that, when they told me I had a healthy test scores, they were talking about the tests they did in house. It turns out that the nurse on duty at the time left, and though she left a note in my file, no one bothered looking at it until today, when Doc called me and told me that my Vitamin D levels are low and my vitamin B12 levels are horrible, a 3 when it’s supposed to be 400 or something. I don’t yet know why I’m not absorbing it from the foods I eat. I’m not a vegetarian by any means, and I don’t have any obvious food intolerances. I do know why my Vitamin D levels are low–I don’t like to be outside much, especially in the summer.

Well, I did end up moving. In case you didn’t read the thread, it was my asking about moving, weighing the pros and cons, and it came to a screeching halt around post #22. But oh well.

I did move at the end of the school year. My kids did end up in the small private school for two years and there were things I loved and things I hated. Small town goodness, golf tournaments, Wednesday nights at the club and way more casual racism than I would have thought. I bartended at first and then went full time to nursing school. I got my license in July of this year. I moved back to Birmingham this summer. The kids are now in a wonderful public school and they have adjusted well. They enjoyed the time living with their grandparents (we all lived together in a large house) I think they are happy to finally have their very own back yard. We now live in a 3/2 in the suburbs of a city with a fenced back yard. Guess some things work out for the best.

The husband? Who knows where he is. He is supposed to be traveling to “find himself” - the more I learned during and since the divorce the scarier it got. Lies upon lies regarding his supposed military service, some very specific and important events in his life, fake brain tumors and a fake heart attack, etc… It is one hell of a story, so at least I always have entertainment!

I am turning him in this week for failure to pay child support (Since the divorce. Like, at all.). He came around a few times this summer for a couple hours each, but my son refused to stay with him and calls him by his first name. I feel bad for my son, but he is so much better than his father and I think he knows it (a very sad lesson for a 6 y/o to learn).

We are much, much better off now.

Thanks for the updates, everyone! Seriously great news, ShelliBean.

Now, I want to hear from:

olivesmarch4th, about how her treatment went and how she’s doing now.

Phlosphr, about how the birth went and how everyone’s doing.

Zsofia, about her niece and nephews going back with their dad.

And one from waaay back that stuck with me for some reason:

John Carter of Mars, about his granddaughter who ran away with her boyfriend.

I’d also like to hear from MitzeKatze about her daughter, but it looks like she hasn’t been back since that thread ended.

As for me:

My baby did, eventually, sleep again. And he’ll be 1 on Friday! We did some sleep training, and he did some maturing, and now, bedtime is awesome. We bathe him, give him a bottle, read a couple of stories, and then put him in the crib, wide awake (he reaches for it!), and he goes happily to sleep. He sleeps straight through from about 7:00 pm until 5:00 or 6:00 am. Sometimes, he’ll wake up and cry once or twice, but goes right back to sleep. Naps are still a little hit-or-miss, but most of the time, he gets two good naps, about an hour each. He’s well-rested and cheerful and doing great. And yet, he still has dark circles all the time. :rolleyes: I guess he gets them from me.

We also did get him a helmet, and we’re really glad we did. It was expensive, but totally worth it. We were mostly afraid it would be uncomfortable for him, but except for the itching when we took it off, it didn’t bother him at all, and the 12 weeks went very quickly. And most importantly, it worked; the difference is clear now when we look at old videos.

The current issue is daycare - he just started going three days a week last week, and he’s still really upset about it. I know he’ll adjust, but it just breaks our hearts to know he’s so lonely and scared. My husband dropped him off this morning, and then called me, and he was crying, too. :frowning: But we’ll get through it.

In non-baby-related news (yes, there is such a thing, thank god), I ended up working things out, after a fashion, with my new friend who was stressing me out. I talked to her and we agreed that we both had a lot going on, and so we would hang out and/or get in touch only as often as we were so inclined, with no hard feelings. We’ve gotten together a few times since then, and email quite a bit, and it’s been good. I don’t know if she ever got therapy or anything, but she seems to have a lot less stress in her life, now, too. I don’t know that we’ll ever be best buds, but so far, being “acquaintances” seems to work for us.

And my poor, poor knees: I tried knee braces and ibuprofen, to no avail. So I went to an orthopedist, who did X-rays and said that he didn’t see any arthritis (whew!), and thought my hand and elbow pain would just resolve itself, which it has, more or less. As for my knees, it seems my kneecaps are really loose and improperly aligned, and the pregnancy made them even more so - and my legs are really weak. So he recommended physical therapy, and they’ve been taping my knees as well (sound familiar, D/a?). I just had my last session today, though if I feel I’m not getting enough benefit from continuing the exercises at home, I’ll have to go back. I think it’s helping somewhat; at least it isn’t making them any worse.

TL;DR: stuff happened with all that stuff, and here we are.

My mystery song was finally solved, but I’m still having a devil of a time figuring out who recorded the version of “Take the ‘A’ Train” I have.

We haven’t seen any further signs of the rat the damn cats brought into the house. However, Mr. Q reports that the more murderous of the two kitties spent an inordinate amount of time lurking in an unusual corner of the basement. I’m choosing to believe that either Mr. Rat escaped successfully, or was caught and eaten. Don’t tell me otherwise.

I too still think about this one from time to time and wonder how everything worked out with John Carter of Mars and his granddaughter.