What exactly are the reasons behind this “war”. Many thanks.
Who will put the shipping label on this one? I’m betting Manny.
To be very simplistic, GWB thinks that the UN and the rest of the world has given Saddam enough chances to straighten up and fly right. Saddam has not taken the opportunities and GWB decides to draw a line in the proverbial sand.
Personally, I feel it’s a reason to piss off the French.
Miserable frogs.
No, no, I meant the white house’s official stance, not people’s opinion.
Check out www.whitehouse.gov - lots of info there about the Administration’s official stance.
www.whitehouse.org isn’t bad either
Then thread is a General Question.
Do I have to remind everyone that in the General Questions forum, we stick to facts, not opinions?
:sigh: Probably.
DrMatrix - General Questions Moderator