Does this annoy anyone else? She says it with the first ‘a’ short instead of long, sort of ‘vuh-ca-shun’. Is this a regional pronunciation? Webster online doesn’t list it. Do I have too much free time…
No, I don’t find it annoying. I do find it unusual, but I’m kinda staggered that of all the things in the world, you picked that one to be annoyed by. Since we don’t know what region Springfield is in, it might be hard to pinpoint a regional pronunciation.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say it annoys me, but it does jump out at me, and I can’t think of anyone else who pronounces it that way (with a schwa in the first syllable). I’ve just assumed it was a personal quirk, though I’ve wondered whether it was Marge’s quirk or Julie Kavner’s (the actress who does Marge’s voice).
It depends on how you look at it…but Behind The Laughter said that Springfield was in Kentucky…however, there have been contradicting bits of information throughout the series.
IIRC there were two different versions of that episode - one where they were in Kentucky and one in Tennessee. Which one you saw depends on where you lived at the time it originally aired (I saw the Kentucky episode too).
Julie Kavner also does the voice of Bart; why not keep an ear out to see how he pronounces the word?
Nancy Cartwright voices Bart. Julie Kavner only does the women in the Bouvier family.
One version of Behind the Laughter said Northern Kentucky, the other said Missouri, I think. Doesn’t matter: the show is plainly not set in any real location. I wouldn’t be surprised if Patty and Selma say it the same way.
Julie Kavner does not do the voice of Bart. Nancy Cartwright does, and always has.
I’ve said “vuh-cay-shun” all my life. Never thought it unusual, although I’m aware many people say “vay-cay-shun”.
Try This:
VUH-cation all I ever wanted
VUH-cation have to get away
VUH-cation meant to be spent alone
Yeah! That rocks schwa style!
I believe that’s pronounced resumé.
Actually, Bryan Ekers, both are acceptable.
What does the word résumé (yes, two accents) have to do with the word vacation?
you’re right of course, but wrong accent on the first e (it’s supposed to be a grave) i.e. rèsumé
Not according to Larousse and Merriam-Webster: the accents are both acute in résumé. Check it yourself.
But what does it have to do with the word vacation?
Touché. Damn it (I blame my french teacher!) :o
As for the line, I believe it’s a line from the Simpsons, but I’m not sure. Sounds like something they’d say (after it was pronounced ree zoom)
Obviously I haven’t lurked long enough, I’ll shut up now.
It’s from Take My Wife, Sleaze, the one where Marge is kidnapped by a biker gang. She’s persuaded them to live normal, violence-free lives and starts talking about getting a job. Then one of the scummy bikers corrects her pronunciation of resume. Haha.
Although it’s not a big part of the show, Marge’s odd pronounciations of some words are an occasional running gag. In several episodes, she says “al-kee-hol” for “alcohol” and, at least once, refers to “foliage” as “foilage.”
I believe the accent name is ague and not acute. Hopefully I know this; the accent is in my RL name.
“Vuh-kay-shun” is very much an acceptable pronunciation according to the American Heritage Collegiate dictionary. It’s also the way I pronounce the word myself.
(Hang on a minute … “” goes to the same website. I thought you said it didn’t show the schwa pronuniation? Look again.)
Close … it’s an accent aigu.
Acute accent is also correct.