The Wedding's Off! {Updated: I'm wed!]

I’m sorry it’s called off. I got married during the Rodney King riots in LA, so I completely sympathize.

Happy Anniversary and I hope next year’s fete is a great one!

Congrats [this past Feb on the day I was getting a partial proctocolectomy, and yes it is as unpleasant as it sounds on our 30th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to us.]

I would have considered setting out a decorative table with individually packaged slices of wedding cake, favors and seeing if one could swap all the regular booze for the individual glasses of wine, and letting all the invitees come and get wedding take out.

So sorry to hear that, Miller. So many happy plans have been ruined by this fucking plague. But thankfully your situation isn’t nearly as bad as the title had me thinking! :astonished: I’d say drown your sorrows in the surplus booze and think about how sweet the celebration will be when it FINALLY happens!

I love you guys! Please don’t think I don’t.

OP, in the coming years, may you spend a dozen hours apologizing to your bride… leading to millions and millions of hours of make-up-sex.

( Microwave hell… I should have sent as a gift a barrel of lube…! )

Damn, that sucks. Congratulations on getting married, though.

We had to postpone our own (very small) wedding celebration due to reasonable suspicion, but at least no one was coming from far away.

Shit, that’s awful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, and hoping your uncle (?) is okay. I’ll fantasize about blowdarting antivaxxers with Pfizer on your behalf.

So sorry, Miller. That really does suck, but you did the right (and smart) thing.

Sorry to hear this, @Miller. Look at it this way, you’ll have a good story to tell for the rest of your life.

And, could someone please explain this post to me? I seriously do not understand it:

Right after the last period, spoilered, is /s, indicating sarcasm.

Isn’t there some old superstition about rain or other mishaps on the wedding day being a good omen for the marriage, or something? I’d say you guys are in the running for Greatest Marriage of All Time!

Sorry about your ruined celebration, again. Best I could do.

Ah, I did not see that hidden /s.

That helps, but only a little. My brain still will not correlate the post to what was posted in the OP.

It’s ok, though, I’ve decided to carry on with my life the best I can. :slight_smile:


I tend to think of it as more of a solvent.

Look on the bright side – You’ve got another celebration to plan!

In the vast scheme of things, weddings don’t matter. Marriages do. If you’re happy in the marriage, then the wedding can take place anytime in the future. If you have to wait for your fifth anniversary to have a great shindig, you’ll enjoy it just as much as if it happened when it should have. Enjoy your lives together, regardless of when you get to have your reception.

Hear, hear!

Spoken like someone who either never has had to plan a wedding, or is clinically deranged.

To be fair, I saw it payed out as a cute scene between the Bride and Groom.

Bride - “The Groom’s going to be mad at you for opening that bottle.”
Groom - “The Bride is going to be mad at you for helping…” < stage note- point at her drink

Bride - “What say we don’t tell them…?”

< Bride moves towards Groom >
< Scene >
< Cut to Hallmark Movie Logo >

Congrats on the marriage!

Wow, that sucks. I hope your uncle and your mom are okay. If they get symptoms, consider getting monoclonal antibodies. Yikes.

Wishing you many happy returns, and a nice celebration in your future.


Thanks for the condolences and congratulations, everyone. So far, none of us are sick. We’ve got appointments at a local testing location Monday. My uncle’s doing fine. He’s vaccinated, and hasn’t had any symptoms worse than a bit of a sniffle. He’s pretty sure he knows who gave it to him, though, and that anti-vax asshole is in the hospital right now.