The weirdness of Moe! Save me!

In this thread I introduced you to “Moe.” Moe is a woman in her 30s(?). She is making us crazy. She is a nice person, she seems to have a sunny disposition and is firendly, but she’s bugshit weird!!!

Not “charmingly” weird, but “what-in-Og’s-name-is-the-matter-with-you” weird. Note the following:

She spews bizarre non-sequiters that come out of the blue and confound us.

Moe walks to the other side of the office, stands next to Co-worker, who she barely knows… Stands there… Stands there… Stands there…

Co-worker: “Um,… Moe, is there something I can do for you?”

Moe: “I like raw fish!”

walks away

She sometimes can be seen sleeping soundly at her desk for oh, half an hour to an hour at a time.

Eats incessantly. Okay, now I don’t mean “nibbling” on chips, or carrot sticks, or similar snacking throughout the day. I mean she comes out of the kitchen with two bowls of some gruel-like stuff and will go back for seconds, thirds, or more, unless she is nibbling on other stuff (see “beans” below). This in itself would not be so exasperating except for the following:[list=a]
[li]She has the table manners of a barnyard animal - All co-workers with offices must close their doors so has not to hear slurping, lip smacking, and the “CLANG-CLANG-CLANG” as she scrapes every last bit of goo off the plate with a thundering swipe of her spoon. She can empty out the lunchroom in seconds because she grosses everyone out.[/li][li]She does not clean up after herself – Spill a glass of milk on the counter? She’ll walk away and it will sit and go sour. The inside of the microwave? Coated in gruel-like goo that looks like cat puke. Does not wipe it up, won’t cover her food (see “cancer” below).[/li][li]She occasionally nibbles on somewhat unusual food (not a crime in itself), like wasabi beans, that causes her to gas people out of their offices! I kid you not. All co-workers with offices must close their doors, and a couple who share the open space had to be moved to computer desks at the other end of the hall one day.[/li][/list=a]

She is obsessed with the “Toxin du Jour”. No, not the debunking site by Snopes, but rather she believes each and every myth that Snopes has debunked. When directed to legit sources (like the FDA or Health Canada or even Snopes) she blinks blankly, and says “oh, they don’t know it will kill you/give you cancer/make your gums bleed” and continues to “protect herself” despite ridiculous or annoying consequences.

The more annoying ones:
[li]Her SARS obsession. Whilst most Torontonians just washed their hands a bit more diligently, she wore a mask to work. One that was an inch thick and covered almost all of her face so she couldn’t see over it and bumped into furniture and other co-workers. :mad: Since only those who were sick, or exposed to Sars, or in quarantine were told to wear masks, it frightened visitors to the office who thought she was breaking quarantine.[/li][li]Her SARS obsession included a “death watch” of sorts. Every half hour she called all of her friends, one by one, to see if anyone showed symptoms. Their chances of even coming close to someone who may have been exposed were slim to none, but she made her calls regularly. All co-workers with offices close their doors out of annoyance.[/li][li]She kept interrupting other people to say “Did you hear? Another man has died in Hong Kong. A doctor there says you can get it from your cat/dog/moose/llama.”[/li][li]As mentioned above, she never cleans up her messes, but despite repeated pleas and warnings she will not cover her food with the fancy plastic cover the other office staff bought specifically to control her mess. She insists it will give her cancer.[/list=a] [/li]She hums all day long (she can do it while chewing the food she eats all day). No, not that absent-minded singing along to earphones. Nope. A tuneless, monotone “hmmmmmmmmmmmm…” All co-workers with offices close their doors out of annoyance.

Occasinally wears a wedding dress to work. Yes, that’s right. A wedding dress.

I’m going to yell at her. I don’t want to, I won’t mean to, but I can feel it like a time bomb tick, tick, tick

One of my co-wokers has already snapped: “That freak! She’s a freak! A freak, I tell you!!! A freeeeeeeak!”

I’m afraid I’ll be next. I’m afraid I’ll lose it and she’ll cry. She is friendly, tries to get along, frightens small children and makes them cry, and is always smiling.

I’m afraid I’ll blow a gasket 'cause she’s too weird for me too handle.

Help me.

Fascinating. Could you post some more of this?

I’m serious!

Her name is Moe?


If she’s sleeping on company tme and trashing company property is there some reason she still has a job?

Otto I have no idea. I suspect that her supervisor probably just does not believe it if he even kows. He never comes out of his office, if he does it’s to bluster past into the presidents office. He’s exceptionally difficult to catch, so I doubt he’s noticed anything personally and I don’t think he’d believe the tales. Too far fetched.

There is a pretty vast amount of cluelessness here.

For example, when there was a possibility of a postal strike, her boss told her to make sure that clients dropped off their cheques or had them sent by courier in case of a postal strike. Okay. That she did.

The strike was officially averted July 27…

But see, her boss didn’t tell her to stop asking for cheques to be “delivered by courier because there might be a postal strike.” So it was only at the end of last week a when a few of us were walking past and overheard her badgering a client – insisting that he/she use a courier and not the mail – that we were able to enlighten her about “current events.”

Does upper management know anything about this? Well, no. It’s one think to stick one’s head in her boss’s office and say “um, you may want to wake up your employee…” but it’s awkward to go and fink on someone for being stupid. Besides that the chain of command is such that no one else reports to him, so he doesn’t hear about it because, well, no one else reports to him – he’s not in the loop of the general goings on in the office.

Though he has seen the wedding dress, but I don’t think he’d fire her for total weirdness.

Maybe the next time she’s smacking and slurping and eating and humming, mebbe you could leave your door open, pick up the phone like you’re talking to someone important, and say loudly, “I’m sorry, can you speak up? Someone’s making an ungodly noise over here.” If you feel like being snarky, you could add, “It sounds like they’re chewing with their mouth wide open … I know, can you believe it? It’s like listening to jello go through a snowblower.”

jesus, and I thought some of the people I work with were bad - but… fuppin hell! Social mores are just non-existent with her! Tell us more!!

Yeah, but has she gone missing? You could have a Freak/Mystery Co-Worker that would spawn the mother of all threads.

The food thing is just nasty. I still have hateful feelings for a roomate who clinked her spoon against her cereal bowl every blessed morning and there wasn’t even any slurping going on. My sympathies.

Is it worth getting her on video, so your boss can see what’s going on?

Oh, my! We’d just need a visit by “Pwincess Pwecious” and it would be al over!

Actually the thought of “Moe” going missing would be quite scary. If that blank slate when missing, it would mean she was in trouble and we’d all be seriously worried.

Come to think of it… it’s kind of like working with a five-year-old.

You’d freak if a little child went missing, right? Same deal.

IIRC, that would be against company privacy policy. And technically, aside from snoozing she isn’t doing anything technically wrong. She’s disgustingly messy, lacks the common sense of a doorstop, but she does her job (hopefully correctly :dubious: ). And in all fairness, she may be snoozing during her “lunch break”. Our lunch breaks are vague. We get an hour but people start that hour anytime between 12:00 and 1:00. So a snooze between 1:30 and 2:00 may be legit if she took lunch at 1:00. It’s probbly not with the best decorum for her to zonk out soundly at her desk which is in the center of a main office thoroughfare, but it would be hard to say for sure if it was on company time. (And it’s hard to tell which bowl of gruel is the “lunch” bowl of gruel.)

Her astonishing lack of common sense will catch up to her eventually, though.

Mental illness is truly fascinating! I’m serious! I believe your cow-orker has a serious problem. Does she have family or a husband or boyfriend? I actually can’t see how a boyfriend could come into play with this chick, but maybe someone…somewhere…has been waiting for someone else to say something so they could forge ahead with the commitment papers :wink: .

Christ! I didn’t even wear a wedding dress to MY OWN WEDDING! Does she offer an explanation for her choice in clothing?

I hate to see someone so obviously nutzo going through life with no treatment, but it sure does make for an interesting work day, huh?

Damn, I thought this thread was about me.

moe juck

You wear a wedding dress to work? :eek:

I don’t think it’s mental illness, in fact I’m quite sure it’s not. I think it’s 1 part cultural differences, 4 parts ignorance and stupidity. She has no other behaviour that suggests mental illness (and I’ve seen plenty of genuine ill people over the years, I’m afraid). She is well-groomed, her moods are stable, her personality is awalys at an even keel. She can socialize effectively and she can do her job (sorta), and can function as an adult. She rare does but she can.

I think she suffers only from a low IQ and severe gullibility.

Again, I swear it’s like working with a five-year-old.

In truth, despite the number of shocked people who have said “oh! are you going to a wedding after work?” I don’t think she has ever realized that it’s a wedding dress. I think she just likes the white satin. She likes shiny stuff.

You should use her various neuroses against her.

Tell her that white satin causes cancer.

It’s only a matter of time till George takes her to the woods to tell her about the rabbits.

What culture is Moe from?

Escherichia coli ?

Oh, and Eve, she does her own blatant ripoff of “Pwincess Pwecious!” She calls some friend (no idea who, don’t really care), and it goes as follows:

Moe: “Can you pick me up from work tonight?”

<other end of phone conversation, unheard, presumably negative>

Moe: “AwWwWwWwWwwwwww… Pwwwweeeeeeeease!”

<other end of phone conversation, unheard, presumably negative>

Moe: “AwWwWwWwWwwwwww… Pwwwweeeeeeeease!”

<other end of phone conversation, unheard, presumably negative>

Moe: “AwWwWwWwWwwwwww… Pwwwweeeeeeeease!”


(These phone calls can last up to ten minutes or forty rounds of “Aw. Pwease.” – whichever is longer and more annoying.

I would convince her that someone is out to get her and that she is not long for that office.

Otto sort of beat me to this suggestion, I’m just going into more detail.

Go over to Snopes, state the one or two most annoying behaviors of “Moe,” and ask them to write up a new UL against those traits. Distribute that around your office, make sure people know about it, and eventually let Moe know it.

We’re looking for a brand new, glurgy UL that summarizes as “Acting insanely weird can be hazardous to your health.” (If this were the Pit, I’d suggest proving that the UL is true. But this isn’t the Pit, so I won’t.)