The I Could Have Lived Without Knowing That MMP

Teh intartoobz have brought a wealth of knowledge unto all of us. We have learnt up many useful things. Right now I can’t think of any but believe me I done learnt me up some stuff. :smiley: However, there are some things I could have done without knowin’. For instance, I did not know there was a book about toilet trainin’ called Everybody Poops until I read about it on teh intartoobz. Now, I am sure potty trainin’ is no small task to undertake for a parent. However, I am not, never wanted to be, nor ever will be a parent. Thus, this is completely useless info. Seriously, whatever am I ever goin’ to do with this piece of knowledge? One does not talk about poop in polite company. Yeah, I know we talk about poop up in here but since when have we prided ourselves on polite. This not sump’n to bring up at a cocktail party. <snerk> cocktail <snerk> Ok, maybe one could bring it up if one is at a really borin’ cocktail party given by people you don’t want to ever invite you to another cocktail party. For the most part though, mentionin’ the fact that there is a book about potty trainin’ named Everybody Poops would make people smile politely at you while reachin’ for their cellphones to call the SWAT team, 911, and Homeland Security because you are obviously some kind of psycho serial killer terrorist.

I am sure all of us have things we could live without knowing. I would ask y’all to share, but since stayin’ anywhere near the OP is not the way the MMP works, I won’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thus, let the hijacks begin!

Now for my usual post.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 75 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 89 for the day and accordin’ to the weather PTB an eighty percent chance of rain this afternoon. We shall see. We did have thunderboomers and rain last night. I went to sleep to the sound of a thunderboomer. Nice!

Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffiene and rumbly tummy demands sustenance. Then, alas and alack, purtification must commence.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

This is something I didn’t learn in the internet, but.

When I was offered a job which involved going to Coldlandia, I investigated and found that actual weather data didn’t look so bad: both temperatures and rainfall are within values one could find on the northern seaboard of Spain. But, looking at a map and noticing a distinct lack of mountains, I thought “bet the wind bites badly, though. I better bring my Big German Coat.”

I kind’a wish I hadn’t learned that yes, the wind here doesn’t so much bite as rip off big chunks. It can be the sunniest day but, so long as the clouds are moving as fast as the ones I can see right now, you’ll see people moving a lot faster in some areas than in others. They’re Coldanians and their national pride calls for not hugging themselves and not bouncing on the spot going “brrrr! I hate this wind!” but they definitely can hurry through the unprotected areas.

On the plus side, houses here are very, very well insulated.


Happy Moonday!

Ir’s a cool 64 degrees outside, kind of cloudy, with a projected high of 76.

Eleven more days, only eleven more days.
All the repairs and the termite inspection should be done by today.

There are a lot of things in life I was better off not knowing, like how hotdogs are made.

Something I learned about on the web that I wish I never knew? Furries. Don’t look it up.

Started converting two of the rooms in our house to extra bedrooms this weekend. My stepdaughter is getting married in a month, and we’ve got my mom and my wife’s sister and her husband staying with us that weekend. I started cleaning out closets and came across a bunch of books and CDs that are just collecting dust. So I put some on SwapaCd and PaperbackSwap, and now I’ve got about ten things that need mailed before tomorrow.

Raining now. Looks like it will be raining all day. Good morning everyone.

And on that note, I bring you This Is Hormel. Because I am evil.

Today I get my car fixed and my wallet lightened all at the same time. Multitasking!

There is an awful lot of stuff on the intertoobz that I am quite happy to remain ignorant about. Mostly I don’t understand the cult of “celebrity”, mainly because I regard them as quite pointless individuals who are seemingly famous (or rather, notorious) for being temperamental, difficult and plain stupid. If the interwebz could learn to ignore these people, it and I would get along so much better.

In other news, I am back from a lovely week with friends in the land of beer and lard. A fun week, but tinged with sadness as one of our friends had the sad news of his mother’s passing the day before we arrived, and he had to leave a couple of days before we came home to get to her funeral. However, he said he was glad we’d visited as it took his mind off things. Thus I can consider that visit a public service!

One the local homeless guys occasionally cleans himself up in the men’s room at work(which is OK, as long as he doesn;t leave a mess). What I wish we hadn’t found out is that he’s washing himself with water from the toilet:eek:[sup]5[/sup]

Up, caffeinated, off to work. Raining here, too.

sari, have you done your mistletoe shopping yet?

Furries were invented so even the ubernerds could get laid. 'Nuff said…

What I learned that I could have done without: Being an adult sucks.

True dat, VunderBob. Hey, send some of that rain my way, MMPers!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. :slight_smile:

I could have lived without 70% of the useless info and gross insect videos that float my way.

On principle, I wish there were regulations regarding click-bait links.
also BLURF!

Thank you Spaz (I think)
I will watch later when my puter decides to do something besides spin when I try to open a link.

No mistletoe yet Doggio but considering it’s September I expect to see mistletoe out for sale any day now.

I went back to sleep for a bit, now I’m up.

I have done a tremendous amount of shopping on Amazon, just waiting for the keys to be in my hand and I can hit the complete my order button.
I love the magic that is online shopping, but I really need to get up into the attic and see what I have up there. I know I have dishes and I think flatware, but maybe I’ll just order new anyway. It never hurts to have extra dishes and spoons around.

If I heard correctly Iyanla is going to try to fix some lives where a man has 42 kids by 17 women. HA! Doesn’t take an expert to know how to fix that situation. I’ve watched enough episodes of Dr. Pol to know how to fix that one. Maybe she could take him with her?

Reminds me of when a friend asked me years ago if I would ever like to go on the *John Edward *show. Oh yeah, with my family, we could have created a new show, John Edward meet Jerry Springer.

I could do perfectly well without the web coverage of celebrities and people famous for being famous. Some things you just don’t want to know.

Looks like they’re doing more ultrasounds today. Doc said they won’t spring me unt I quit bleeding. :frowning:

I take a proactive approach to ignoring celebrities. It really does take a concerted effort, but I’m proud to say that I can’t tell most of the stars and starlets apart from one another these days, and most are just names that I can’t (and don’t want to) put faces to.

In other news, I could do without the gross photos of parasites, skin peels or whatever else that show up regularly in the ad post that appears just before the latest one in these threads. And while we’re at it…I get it that guys are endlessly fascinated by women with big breasts.

Please pardon my ignorance on this score, but I’ve seen occasional references to becoming a member of this forum in some fashion. Will doing that make the ads go away? I would certainly be willing to consider this.

Hey, just wanted to drop in and say, since I don’t think it’s worthy of a thread of its own, how awesome would it be if, for their third child, William and Kate adopted? An American, for instance?


**Red[/B I hope they figure it out soon. It took quite a while and three doctors to figure out what my problem is but so far so good.

I could do without all the celebrity news as well. I don’t even know who most of those people are and after a while they all look alike.
I could do without all the religious stuff on FB. I have one cousin who posts dozens of religious quotes a day. I’ve blocked over 20 sites from posting on my feed and I had to block 3 more today. I have nothing against religion, except when it fills up my FB.

I’ve done a whole lot of nothing today.
The mortgage company says we are good and they are waiting for more info from the title company. The repairs have been completed and are awaiting re-inspection. Still no word on the termite report.

Sah-son finished mowing the lawn. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. There’s a flock of wrens poking through the grass right outside my bedroom window. Something keeps spooking them and they fly up to the roof or hide in the butterfly bush, then they go back to poking in the grass.
That is one thing I am going to miss, having a butterfly bush right outside my window.

I’m back from the car fixin’ and wallet lightnin’. Guess what? It wasn’t my wheel bearing after all. It was my brakes. LIKE I SAID IN THE FIRST PLACE. :mad:

At least it’s fixed now.

{{{Red}}} hope they figure it all out soonest.

DChord givin’ up some bucks would indeed make the ads go away for a year. I think you have to give away fifteen bucks these days.

Ethilrist I think the current popular of adotption is a Vietnamese/Guatamalan child bein’ raised by okapis in Latvia. :smiley:

The smell at irk ain’t too bad. I have survived so far. [del]Minion[/del] assistant and I have been out of the orifice some this mornin’ due to stuff we set up for the day. I’m back, but she’s not yet. I et N.O.L., leftover tuna sallit and crackers.

I sorta watch celebrities for those who may do extremely stoopid stuff that might shorten their lives or who become gravely ill so’s I can play celebrity deathpool. I do it as a public service, as bein’ placed on my list seems to ensure immortality. :smiley:

That is indeed a noble and worthwhile reason to keep up with the Kardashians and other such famous folk.