Hawkins catches his daughter snooping and teaches her to shoot. Hmmm. Okay.
We learn a bit more about Jake’s colored past, and Dale misbehaves for a change.
Horse thievin’ and corn-pickin’ abound.
I wonder if people IRL would really get together and harvest like that. I just think it would be more of an every-man-and–woman-for-himself sort of thing.
And wasn’t there a wormy ear of corn? Don’t those things spread?
We got a better look at Jake’s flagged passport on Hawkin’s computer and it had Jake’s real name on it. We also saw a picture of Hawkins dressed in paramilitary gear in a group of commando-looking dudes.
Line of the night: “The husks protected the corn from the fallout.” HAHAhahahahahahahahaha! I had to pause the show to laugh for a minute. Why didn’t they build a fallout shelter from them?
Anyway. could they decide whether the rain was radioactive or not already?
Sadly, they touched on some issues that might have been interesting in a good show. What to do when the mechanisms of justice are inaccessible, so no search warrants, bail hearings, or trials. What happens when town supplies of drugs (nm that April was giving antibiotics for the flu :rolleyes:) run out? More importantly, what about food? Is it prudent to invoke martial law and take control of all resources to ration them? Is it better to leave every man for himself and have people hoarding things and perhaps bartering?
Of course, they either barely brushed these issues or resolved them with twee, pat (I almost said “corny”) solutions, and focused on stuff like people getting trampled by horses, or whether the married guy will leave his wife.
As a resolution to the married guy problem, I’m hoping for a murder-suicide by the barmaid. With the auditor lady killed as an innocent bystander. That would get rid of 3 of the characters I find most annoying.
I predict that Dale and Skylar with fall in lurve. And of course, they’ll decide to marry, with the mayor giving away Skylar and Gracie as Dale’s best (wo)man. Then she’ll get pregnant and it will be a whole storyline of “did the radioactive (or maybe it wasn’t) rain get on Skylar or Dale and will their baby have flippers?”
Yet I keep watching. Why? Because it has it’s moments. Bad, cheezy moments, but moments.
Meh, i’ve had enough, the whole plotline for this episode (the EMP) was barely even touched on, and what about the fact that we saw ICBMS soaring skyward in the last ep, not even a mention ( i came into the show 10 minutes late, didn’t miss much, i see)
it was more interpersonal soap-opera-y crap again…
Actually you missed all the mention of the ICBMs, which they talked about for a while in the first 10 minutes.
In fact, from reading these threads, most of the bitches people have are more from those people not paying attention than anything else.
It’s a goner around here. It’s another soap opera and I already watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and that’s plenty for me.
The final nail was the folky-pop song (which turned out to be Dylan’s son) as the town arrives on-masse to save the cornfield. Or Jesus Lordy God in heaven was that awful! I have hated the whole soft-pop-usually-indie-song at the 52-53 minute mark since it became mandatory in ALL dramas a few years ago but this was the last straw for me with ‘Jericho’.
If the flesh eating zombies show up later in the season, somebody PM me.
They were saying the missiles likely came from Wyoming, that they probably meant that the government had figured out who had attacked us and was striking back. Some were wondering if that meant we’d have more bombs set off here as well. Hawkins went to his computer and asked whoever was on the other end whether the missiles were headed to another country or were striking somewhere in the US (lending credence to the idea that this is a home-grown coup) and his contact only responded “I am compromised,” and then the transmission ended.
I got the impression that the two missiles came from a lot closer than Wyoming- they rattled the bar pretty seriously, and were easily visible when they went outside, which would indicate a much closer launch than Wyoming.
Plus, IIRC, there was a discussion about the missiles, and Mayor Dad said that the closest missiles he knew about were 100 miles away in Wyoming, with the implication that they didn’t know about the missiles that were launched.
I kind of wonder if those missiles had something to do with the EMP- the time-frame was about right for one of them to have been the EMP missile.
I was enjoying this episode until the town showed up to harvest the corn with no strings attached. At that point I started swearing at the screen about the episode being ruined. The US must be at war with some nation capable of putting a nuke in orbit for the EMP burst. It will be interesting to see how they explore the topic.
The problem with the show is that the producers are trying to keep it upbeat. Two weeks after the EMP burst and there is still no mention of rationing, families starting their own gardens for food, lacking basic supplies such as toilet paper/makeup/deodorant or any of the other things that would start to be issues. I noticed that since the second show, no one has been shown owning a pet. It’s a nice way to avoid the topic of feeding your pet vs your family as food runs out. Enough with the sappy town gatherings. Lets have some damn shootings, looting, people trying to figure out where their next meal will come from or any of the other 5000 things people would be worried about.
I didn’t watch the whole episode. It’s two weeks later. Did they explain the empty podium from last week’s episode? Anything else come over the TV or the phones?
I rolled my eyes at Gracie stocking huge quantities of pesticides. There should have been at least one feed store or co-op or elevator where they’d get that stuff. And it shouldn’t be stored near food, even in sealed containers. Was it in the store or a back room or what?
Rolled my eyes at using pesticides on corn that’s ready to eat. If it’s not contaminated, just infested, they could have just fed it to the livestock.
Why hasn’t someone used the horses for travel? Hitch 'em up to a wagon and head out, find out what’s going on.
The writers have ruined a good premise. I doubt we’ll see another post-apocalypse/disaster series, and it’s too bad. It could have been thought-provoking as well as informative.
I didn’t know that about corn husks. I wonder what else repels radioactivity? Apparantly, everything!
Did you notice major continuity problems with Hawkins? He was in the police station, bam, he was in the bar, bam, he was in his basement. He took that punk out for a talking to and never came back! Maybe there’s an ARMY of Hawkins!
Yeah, it’s so awful.