The whole nation has a filthy manner of life

Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church are heading to Ottawa to burn our flag in protest against gay marriages.

Exceprts from the Ottawa Citizen, Friday, 4 July 2003:


That’s what you get for helping someone burn your flag. They come back to do it again.

Phelps and his family do more to help the gay cause than any amount of reasoned discourse.

I guess they found out Queer As Folk is filmed in Toronto.

So gobear, while we’re on the subject, that film’s name is a take off in which direction? Should it be;

Queer as Fuck


Queer ass Folk

or are we supposed to slather it on thick and go whole hog for;

Queer Ass Fuck
Enquiring (and perverted) minds want to know!

It comes from the expression, fairly common in some parts, “There’s naught queer as folk.” Meaning, basically, “People are weird.”

It’s from the British phrase “There’s nowt so queer as folk”.

[Faux Schoolhouse Rock]I’m an amendment to be, yes an amendment to be
and I hoping that they ratify me.
There’s a lot of flag burners who has got too much freedom
and I wanta make it legal for policemen to beat 'em.[/FSR]
Sorry Canada. There are a lot of twits in America. We try to keep them on reservations in the Midwest and the South, but occassionally a few will break out. If you see one just put on Jerry Springer (or Jenny Jones in a pinch) and they’ll calm down.

I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you Canadians mind holding on to Mr. Phelps for a while. We’d really appreciate it.

Hold him? Hell, put him on an ice floe. Please?
Yes, yes, Canada. We know you’re better than that. But just this once?

I try to be as filthy as I can . . . I kidnap hitchhikers, have them impregnanted by my rather fertile servant, and sell the babies to lesbian couples.

I thought that article was hilarious. All day, I’ve been imagining polite mounties helping these people burn the flag…

Good effort, but you finish second.

Last time around they delayed by a day because there was a big counterprotest. Apparently they’re so timid that they don’t want to try and burn the flag near 200 fags and dykes.

Also, apparently nobody told them that nobody cares if you burn our flag, as long as you don’t set anything else on fire.

These people need to do more homework. If they had, they would have seen that Alberta’s Prince Ralph has decided unilaterally that all Albertans think gayness is bad and will invoke the not-withstanding clause to block gay marriage in Alberta. No, no rednecks here - why do you ask?

Kansas – wasn’t that the state that tried to substitute Creationism for evolution? Or were they the ones who wanted to legislate that henceforth pi would be rounded off to exactly 3.0?

Eve watches Pink Flamingoes? What is the world coming to?

Oh, to have been one of the police officers who had to help them burn a flag … if the Kids in the Hall were still doing their show, it would have been a great “POLICE DEPARTMENT” sketch.

If they’d started burning hockey sticks or donuts it would have been a different story!

Connie? Connie Marble is that you?

You haven’t aged a bit!

In 1897, the Indiana State Legislature voted on a bill that would have allowed Indiana to put into its textbooks royalty free (presumably, every other state in the Republic would have had to pay royalties to the crackpot for use of a mathematical concept) the proof that pi was exactly equal to 16/sqrt(3), or 9.2376…, one of the grossest overestimates of pi in the history of mathematics. Even the Biblical value of pi, not known for its mathematical rigor, was closer in I Kings vii.23 and 2 Chronicles iv.2, which put the value at 3.

The bill was written by Edwin J. Goodman, M.D., of Solitude, Posey County, Indiana. It was introduced into the Indiana House of Representatives on 18 January 1897 by one Mr. Taylor I. Record, Representative from Posey County, and became House Bill No. 246, “A bill introducing a new Mathematical truth”. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Swamp Lands, and was returned with a recommendation that it pass. On 5 February 1897, the Indiana House of Representatives unanimously passed Dr. Goodman’s bill.

Five days later, in the Indiana Senate, it was referred to the Committee on Temperance, which recommended it for passage. It passed its first reading in that august body without comment.

Professor C.A. Waldo, member of Purdue University’s mathematics department, in the state capitol to see after the Academy Appropriation, was surprised to find the House in the midst of a mathematical dispute. When he learned that the House had passed the bill, he was horrified. He coached the Senators and, on the bill’s second reading (12 February 1897), the Senate voted to postpone indefinately further consideration of the bill. It has not been on the agenda since.

[Beckmann, Petr. “A History of Pi”. Copyright 1971 The Golem Press. New York: St. Martin’s Press.]

So, that’s as close as any state has come to legislating a value for pi. It was a near thing, however, and passage of the bill could easily have lead to a dangerous precedent. Little stickers in math books come easily to mind.

As a citizen of Topeka, Kansas I would be interested in hearing from anyone about whether or not the Phelps clan actually show up in Canada. They were out in droves across the street from my church yestereday morning(the 4th of July). Unless it was a smaller seperate group making the trip north they would really have had to drive hard to get to Ottawa by today even.

I second the motion about Canada keeping them for a while! We’d pay good money!