I saw the link for the “wicker man” question on the Message Board page, but couldn’t find the specific item (as a thread) anywhere, even with the search engine. Where is it?
Far more interesting is the annual Burning Man Festival, a bizarre combination of participatory art event and beer blast held the
week before Labor Day in the Nevada desert. If that’s what you mean.
I’ve seen the movie The Wicker Man and attended Zozobra many times…what do you want to know? I’m not aware of any threads about them.
This is the classic column on the Straight Dope Home Page today: Did the Celts Really Burn a Wicker Man?
In a book called Dear Dead Days (1965), macabre cartoonist Charles Addams included a picture–probably an old painting–of such a “wicker man,” a giant man-shaped cage filled with people. The caption read, “Wholesale execution of hostages. From an old edition of Caesar’s works.” This, of course, suggests the practice existed during, and probably was condoned by, the Roman Empire.