The "Woot!" ahem aQUARium sale. . . yeah, that's it. . .

I just thought this was so blatant and hilarious I had to share it.

As an actual aquarium keeper, I was kinda excited to see Woot! getting into aquarium supplies. I really want a good LED light for my 100gal, and some of the other items were interesting too. I copied the URL and started to add it to my favorite aquarium geek message site for others to grab some good deals.

Except, wait, exhaust venting?? Why would we need that?!? And what’s up with the salad spinner? Wait, leaf? bowl? trimmer? What does that do. . .



I could never imagine that this is even a thing.

Freaking potheads. They will do ANYTHING to get wasted. :cool:

So that is how the pro’s (or at least top amateurs) do it. See it in action!

Pffft. Narc.

There’s a lot of overlap between hydroponic gardening, aquarium lighting and pot growing equipment, especially the lighting. But a leaf bowl trimmer? Pretty sure that’s a unitasker.

It harnesses the power of THIRTY SCISSORS!