The Worst Star Trek Uniforms

I’m not sure if this belongs in the Game Room or Cafe’ Society, but here it goes…

I was reading threads in the star trek Online forums, and theres one that came to mild argument about Star Fleet uniforms. Some players want the standard NPC uniform to look like the future uniforms seen in TNG’s finale, “All Good Things” and some just say leave the NPCs as they are.

Most of the people who say leave them as they are say its because the AGT uniforms are hideous. I actually think they’re pretty bad looking myself. But if theres one thing that can start a heated debate, its Star Trek. Which uniforms do you think are the worst in all of the various Trek shows and movies? Which do you think are the best?

My own personal choices–Worst: All Good Things. They’re just awful. If they made a new Trek show with that uniform, I’d never watch it…and I’ve been watching Trek since the early 70s.

Best: The uniforms seen on DS9’s premier and VOYAGER. I liked the “jumpsuit” thing to them. The ones worn in the final season were good too.

My favorites are the purple-shouldered jumpsuits from late-era DS9 and the TNG movies. They look less like costumes and more like uniforms than the earlier 90s uniforms, and to my eye look somewhat more dignified as well. They somehow manage to look more like actual “working” uniforms (in that they appear more durable and comfortable) while also looking less like dated imaginings of what “future clothing styles” might be.

I really hate the season 1 TNG “collarless” variety of the jumpsuits. And the whole TNG color scheme always looked a bit silly to me - why the random curvy designs? I was glad when they switched to the colored shoulders over black design for DS9 (and, as mentioned, even happier once they switched to the purple-shouldered look).

I also have a soft spot for the TOS uniforms, but I have to admit that’s mostly out of nostalgia. As actual uniform designs, they’re inoffensive but rather dull. I did like the updated versions in the recent reboot, which added some texture and detail while maintaining the basic style.

I always liked the “Wrath of Khan” type uniforms, with jacket.

I didn’t like any of the form fitting spandex stuff.

Ack, missed the editing window…

OK, I just realized I totally forgot my favorite uniforms of all - the TOS film uniforms (post-WOK), with the red jackets. They may be my favorite sci-fi uniforms of all time, in that I can actually imagine military officers of the future wearing them. They also suit a variety of body types, unlike the form-fitting jumpsuits of the TNG era. Film-era Scotty would’ve looked damned silly in a colorful jumpsuit.


Just. No.

On the other hand, when discussing Star Trek Online, I guess the NPC’s should be dressed in something that can be extrapolated for the era, (A decade or two after Star Trek: Nemesis, right? I forget.) so my WoK uniform preferences are out for that purpose.

But my characters in STO are wearing WoK. :slight_smile:

Well, STO has a few different uniforms you can use, including the WoK ones…they may even add the AGT ones as C-Store purchase. The debate in the STO forums is that some people want all NPCs to be wearing it. I don’t know how much work it would take the programmers to do that, but it seems like a waste of time to me. NPCs already have decent looking uniforms and the AGT one is terrible looking.

ST:TMP if for no other reason that enginnering with that whateveritis on the stomach

I voted for the ST:TNG first-season uniforms. Not everyone looks good in a jumpsuit. :: shudder ::

Although the ST:TMP movie uniforms get a lot of hate, I didn’t mind them. Still, I’d agree that the TWOK uniforms were much better-looking and more nautical.

So you’re no fan of the skant, huh?: Starfleet uniform (2350s-2370s) | Memory Alpha | Fandom (scroll up).

That guy reminds me of Ted from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

“Duuude, why am I wearing a dress? Not cool.”