The WTC Twin Towers Were **Pulverized** on 9/11

I thought cross-posting the same OP to several fora other than SDMB was against the rules. Or is that only cross-linking the same OP to other fora?

Cross-posting within the SDMB is a no-no.

Look at the construction vehicles cleaing up the dust.

I bet you can’t point out a single door, typewriter, or telephone on that picture, either! See? Pulverized to dust, you can’t see them.

I’m good at making spelling errors in short posts.

Damn you, Darth Vader!

Well, duh! They’re all in space! Who’re they going to tell, stuck up there like that?

It’s just my job five days a week.

Damn you Shatner!

It really seems odd that people like the OP can believe things that are directly contradicted by their own eyes. I saw on the news gigantic piles of twisted concrete and steel. The OP claims that I didn’t. Now, maybe those piles of concrete and steel were faked, they weren’t the piles of concrete and steel from the WTC, but other piles of concrete and steel. Except I don’t get it. Why go to the trouble of dustificationizing the WTC and then making it LOOK like a plane crashing into the buildings? Why not simply crash a plane into the building?

Or if you must have a different conspiracy than the official version, why not just drive a couple dozen trucks full of ANFO into the WTC basement and set them off remotely? Why not simply repeat that 1993 WTC bombing but on a larger scale? What the fuck would be wrong with that plan? Repeating the truck bombing has so many advantages over the various proposed conspiracies that it is impossible to imagine a cabal not choosing this method of attack over the others. The only problem is that this is not consistent with the evidence that two planes crashed into the building, and the buildings collapsed from the top down. Oh well.

Seriously, you conspiracy theorists have to start thinking like a cabal member. OK, the goal is to destroy the WTC and throw America into a panic that can be used to further the cabal’s purposes. Now, suppose you’re Cabal Dark Lord. What would be the simplest and most effective and most terrifying way of accomplishing your goals? It sure as hell isn’t using a space beam weapon to vaporize the buildings. It sure as hell isn’t wiring the buildings for a controlled demolition, THEN crashing planes into them, THEN setting off the explosives.

No sensible theory can contain both planted explosives and real planes crashing into the buildings. Since we know that planes crashed into the buildings, any theory that there were also explosives planted in the buildings doesn’t make sense, because no sensible cabal would plan it that way. A sensible cabal would carry out the bombings in exactly the way they were planning to blame on Al Qaida. Carrying out the attack in a different way just leaves you vulnerable to discovery. If the cover story is that Al Qaida crashed planes into the WTC, what’s wrong with actually crashing the planes into the WTC and leaving it at that? If the cover story is going to be that Kennedy’s brain was blown out by shots fired from the Book Depository, what’s wrong with actually firing the shots from the Book Depository?

Well, how’d you know if you got a visit from Tommy Lee Jones and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air? You don’t, do ya?

Unless there’s a lot of smoke and dust in the air, of course…

Do such weapons exist anywhere even in a laboratory, let alone at the power level needed to effect such destruction? Isn’t the simpler explanation that the buildings came down after being struck by two airliners loaded with fuel and traveling at 500 miles per hour?

The underlying condition which allows an individual to consider this “information” informative and persuasive is a mild paranoid psychosis (well; no guarantee that it is mild, but assuming the individual is otherwise functional in life…).

As obvious as this evidence is to you, it’s silly to the rest of us, and our consideration of it as silly reinforces your paranoia. What makes the whole thing so ludicrous is that most of us saw the chain of events start-to-finsh on live TV so we can pretty much make our own judgments.
Anyway, I suspect you will be unpersuaded by counter-arguments of any kind. That is part of the condition of paranoia and why it is so self-perpetuating. While it’s tempting to toy with the post, I hope you understand the average response here is going to be using it as a launch pad for a contest of the best mock reply.

Tesla, at Tunguska.

When the walls fell.

Spider Robinson fan ?

Yes, and no. They can build ones strong enough to down a missle, but destroy a huge building ? Not even close.

But don’t you see that’s just what you’re meant to believe? :eek:

Here you are, the whole lot of you, making fun of lasers and DEWs. Happily ignorant of the true Conspiracy. The WTC never existed! That’s why there was no rubble. They were built by the government as a thing to have in case they needed justification to bomb some faraway country. They were just empty shells. Only the lobby and observatory were ever finished. The rest was just an empty cardboard shell (and some custom designed plane stopper devices on the top floors so they wouldn’t just punch through).

500? Sure. But I have it on good authority that the planes were only going 490.

Actually, I enjoy the, shall we say more extreme of the conspiracy theory crowd taking all that time to put the “impressive and persuasive colors” into their postings. Of course, I’m extremely color-blind so it’s a complete wast of their time if they’re doing it to impess or persuade me with those posts.

You should, whether you know it or not, be grateful that the img tag is disabled here. Seriously. :eek: